在信賴關係理論限縮主體之後,法院意識到範圍過於狹隘,所以後來又逐漸擴張。上一篇內線交易-(3)消息傳遞理論|Dirks v. SEC(1983)所提到的消息傳遞理論雖然解決了外部人以不正當方式取得內線消息的問題,可是還有一個問題未解決,那就是外部人雖然正當取得內線消息但卻不正當的使用該消息的情況,而此問題將在United States v. O’Hagan, 521 U.S. 642 (1997)中所發展出來的「私取理論」有所緩解。
James Herman O’Hagan was a partner at the law firm of Dorsey & Whitney, which represented Grand Met in its tender offer to acquire Pillsbury Company’s stock. Although not directly involved in this representation, James O’Hagan learned about the confidential corporate takeover plan and started purchasing Pillsbury stock call options and shares. Following the public announcement of the tender offer, the price of Pillsbury’s stock surged, leading to substantial profits for O’Hagan.
James O’Hagan 是 Dorsey & Whitney 律師事務所的合夥人,該律師事務受 Grand Met委任處理收購 Pillsbury股票的事宜。此次案件中 James O’Hagan並未參與其中,但他知道公司收購計劃的機密,並開始購買Pillsbury公司的看漲期權(又稱選擇權)與股票。 收購消息公開後,Pillsbury 的股價飆升, James O’Hagan因此大賺一筆。
The misappropriation theory is designed to protect the integrity of the securities markets against abuses by ‘outsiders’ to a corporation who have access to confidential information that will affect the corporation’s security price when revealed, but who owe no fiduciary or other duty to that corporation’s shareholders.
The “misappropriation theory” holds that a person commits fraud in connection with the purchase or sale of securities, and thereby violates § 10(b) and Rule 10b-5, when he misappropriates confidential information for securities trading purposes, in breach of a duty owed to the source of the information.
Under this theory, a fiduciary who pretends loyalty to the principal while secretly converting the principal’s information for personal gain dupes or defrauds the principal. A company’s confidential information qualifies as property subject to exclusive use; the undisclosed misappropriation of such information constitutes fraud akin to embezzlement –the fraudulent appropriation to one’s own use of the money or goods entrusted to one’s care by another.
在私取理論下,行為人假裝對消息來源忠誠,卻同時在背地裡利用消息來源的消息謀取個人利益,這是對消息來源的愚弄與欺騙。而公司的機密消息是專屬於公司的財產, 未公開地盜用此類消息將構成類似於侵佔的欺詐行為,也就是欺詐性地將他人委託保管的財物佔為己有。
The two theories are complementary, each addressing efforts to capitalize on nonpublic information through the purchase or sale of securities. The classical theory targets a corporate insider’s breach of duty to shareholders with whom the insider transacts; the misappropriation theory outlaws trading on the basis of nonpublic information by a corporate “outsider” in breach of a duty owed not to a trading party, but to the source of the information.
The Court held that O’Hagan could be found liable under Rule 10(b) for misappropriating confidential information, and subsequently remanded the case to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit for further legal proceedings.
法院認為O’Hagan將為其盜取機密消息的行為負證券交易法(The Security Exchange Act)第10條b項的責任,因此法院將該案發回美國第八巡迴上訴法院再為審理。
但無論是消息傳遞理論或是私取理論其實都已經偏離了信賴關係理論的初衷,而感覺好像又回到最初的起點~資訊平等理論。禁止內線交易的目的是在保護市場本身的健全還是人與人之間的信賴呢?What is your opinion?