
2023/10/30閱讀時間約 0 分鐘

一、哥倫比亞特區訴黑勒案(District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008))


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.(Second Amendment to the United States Constitution)

「紀律良好的民兵隊伍,對於一個自由國家的安全實屬必要;人民持有和攜帶武器的權利,不得予以侵犯。」憲法第二修正案雖然賦予人民擁槍之權利,然而持有及攜帶槍枝仍受到各州政府所限制。2008年前,哥倫比亞特區法律要求居民保持合法擁有的槍支未上膛、拆卸或用扳機鎖或類似裝置束縛(unloaded and dissembled or bound by a trigger lock or similar device)。身爲華盛頓特警的海勒本欲申請登記一把他想放在家中的手槍,但遭到拒絕,他因而提起訴訟控訴哥倫比亞特區政府侵害其擁槍權利。聯邦法院多數意見認為,手槍亦為第二修正案含義內的武器,並認為哥倫比亞特區於1975年頒布的《槍支管制條例》(Firearms Control Regulations Act)妨礙個人行使自衛權利。

多數意見大法官Antonin Scalia寫道:


然而,Stephen G. Breyer大法官並不認同多數意見的看法,氏表示:

國家預防犯罪的利益應比個人自衛權重要([T]he individual interest in the right of self-defense was outweighed by the state interest in preventing crime)

二、麥克唐納訴芝加哥案(McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 3025 (2010))

《權利法案》中的條款同樣適用於聯邦政府和各州。([A] provision of the Bill of Rights ... [a]pplies equally to the Federal Government and the States. )

本判決多數意見認為,美國憲法第二修正案及第十四修正案之「正當法律程序(Due Process)」保障人民有持槍權利,且此一權利不應受聯邦及州政府所禁制、限制。


實質正當程序分析的另一個關鍵限制是尊重民主程序。如果某項特定的自由利益已經在各州得到仔細考慮,並受到持續的校準,那麼由司法執行可能不合適。(Another key constraint on substantive due process analysis is respect for the democratic process. If a particular liberty interest is already being given careful consideration in, and subjected to ongoing calibration by, the States, judicial enforcement may not be appropriate.)

Stevens大法官採取「活憲主義」的觀點,認為一般人民並無持有武器的權利,而擁槍權利更與正當程序條款所承認的自由利益在本質上是不同的,詳言之,擁有槍枝並不是過上自治、尊嚴或政治平等生活的關鍵([I]t does not appear to be the case that the ability to own a handgun... is critical to leading a life of autonomy, dignity, or political equality)。除此之外,自由(擁槍權利)在公共安全下也應受到限制,因為「手槍本身就是犯罪工具,手槍的子彈就是暴力」。

相反地,Antonin Scalia大法官則提出協同意見書(concurrence),針對Stevens大法官所提到的「民主作為限制」的概念,Scalia大法官認為:

法院的做法對民主進程的干擾較少,因為它承認的權利是由民主決定形成的憲法歷史所確立的權利...使民主陷入危險的是史蒂文斯法官的做法,而不是最高法院。([T]he Court’s approach intrudes less upon the democratic process because the rights it acknowledges are those established by a constitutional history formed by democratic decisions... It is Justice Stevens’ approach, not the Court’s, that puts democracy in peril.)

三、紐約州步槍和手槍協會訴布魯恩案(New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen (2022))

為打擊紐約市某些社區日益增長的犯罪暴力行為,紐約州立法機關於1911 年頒布了《沙利文法案》,該法案將未經許可持有手槍定為犯罪,並規定當地執法部門可視情況簽發「隱藏式攜帶許可證」(concealed carry permits),而要獲得許可證,申請人必須「表現出與一般社區或從事同一職業的人員不同的自我保護的特殊需求(demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community or of persons engaged in the same profession)」。


行使其他憲法權利並不要求個人向政府官員證明某些特殊需求。第二修正案規定的在公共場合攜帶武器進行自衛的權利也不例外。紐約州的正當理由要求違反了第十四修正案,阻止有普通自衛需要的守法公民行使其在公共場合持有和攜帶武器的權利。(The exercise of other constitutional rights does not require individuals to demonstrate to government officers some special need. The Second Amendment right to carry arms in public for self- defense is no different. New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment by preventing law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms in public.)


法院錯誤地將其分析限制為幾乎完全集中於歷史。它拒絕考慮證明槍支管制受到挑戰的政府利益,無論這些利益有多引人注目。... 法院未能正確識別和分析相關歷史事實。只有忽視支持限制公共攜帶槍支法規的大量歷史證據,法院才能得出紐約法律「不符合國家槍支管制歷史傳統」的結論。([T]he Court wrongly limits its analysis to focus nearly exclusively on history. It refuses to consider the government interests that justify a challenged gun regulation, regardless of how compelling those interests may be... [T]he Court fails to correctly identify and analyze the relevant historical facts. Only by ignoring an abundance of histori- cal evidence supporting regulations restricting the public carriage of firearms can the Court conclude that New York’s law is not “consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”)



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