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根據Joseph Prince的訊息 "(2) 如何正確開始新年",可以歸納出以下五個關鍵要點:



1. **與上帝計劃的一致性(Alignment with God's Plan):**


2. **培養新一代傳道人(Raising a New Generation of Preachers):**


3. **福音和救贖(The Gospel and Salvation):**


4. **靈性與暫時性世界(Spiritual and Temporal Realms):**


5. **有目的的繁榮(Prosperity with a Purpose):**



Based on the transcript from Joseph Prince's message titled "(2) How To Start The New Year Right," the following five key points can be summarized:

1. **Alignment with God's Plan:** Emphasizes the importance of aligning personal plans and purposes with God's will, suggesting that when this alignment occurs, God acts as a sponsor, blessing those efforts.

2. **Raising a New Generation of Preachers:** The message underscores a belief that a new generation of preachers is being raised, especially significant in these "last days." This generation is viewed as crucial in the context of the increasing sinfulness and coldness in the world, as foretold in the Bible.

3. **The Gospel and Salvation:** A central theme of the message is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its importance in God's plan for salvation. It emphasizes the need for spreading the Gospel and the role of the church in this endeavor, in opposition to the devil's efforts.

4. **Spiritual and Temporal Realms:** The message discusses the contrast between the spiritual and physical realms, stressing that true sustenance and resources are found in the spiritual (kingdom of God), which is eternal, as opposed to the temporal nature of the physical world.

5. **Prosperity with a Purpose:** The concept of prosperity is addressed, arguing that it should be pursued with the purpose of serving God's plan. This includes using financial and material resources for furthering the Gospel and building God's house, rather than for selfish gains. The message also warns against both the love of money and the rejection of prosperity as part of Christian life.


(2) How To Start The New Year Right | Joseph Prince Ministries - YouTube



(00:01) today with Joseph Prince When you line up your plans and purpose with God God becomes your sponsor because you are in line with the blessing of God Amen well praise the Lord praise the Lord I enjoy my job amen and I believe that if God calls you to be a pastor or a preacher okay do not settle for anything less I just felt like there's a whole new generation God is Raising and he's going to equip them especially because of these last days you know the Bible says perilous times will come men shall be lovers of

(00:42) themselves and all kinds of sin the love of many will wax cold but together with this generation God's going to raise completely brand new preachers going to come from The Young Generation and perhaps maybe that's the reason why just like me many years ago go you know you have you want to make money for the Lord you tell the Lord I want to make money for you Lord you know but then you get frustrated here and there again and again perhaps it's a sign that the Lord wants you to go fulltime into ministering the Gospel of

(01:17) Jesus Christ and if God is calling you don't step down any other thing that you do will be a step down amen it's a high calling praise the Lord to Jesus be all the praise and all the glory for all the lives transformed this all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ because it's based on the Bible amen amen and the most important thing about the word of God is to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ in it what God is doing all over the world today is that God wants man saved mankind to be saved and that's why there

(01:54) is a a move of God at the same time the devil is working over time because he knows his time is short but God is working mightily amen if you want to know what what God is doing just see what the devil is doing and reverse it because what the devil does usually is more manifested to the eyes all right whatever we all know we learned just last week that the things which are seen are temporal amen if you can see anything it's temporal but the things which are not seen God angels the Heavenly realm the spiritual realm which

(02:26) is all around us right now like angels are all all around us right now you can't see them the things that are seen are temporal the things that are not seen not visible are Eternal amen so all your supply is there in the kingdom of God praise the name of Jesus just that we live in the Physical Realm for so long we live in this temporal realm for so long we get accustomed to it we get used to it but friend that is not where your habitat is that's not where your real uh dwelling place is you are in the

(02:56) kingdom of God where there is no lack there is no shortage amen I believe that as we come out of this pandemic I think I can see something prophetic in the Bible in the scriptures know things that are that uh that happen to all of God's people is something that we can see that which was like Ecclesiastes says is that which shall be was there a time that all of God's people went into bondage the chosen people of God Israel at that time in the Old Testament Israel is the chosen people of God the chosen nation

(03:31) was there a time they all went into captivity for 70 years yes in Babylon remember that amen it is what happens after that when they came out amen I believe that we are at that stage because all this is written even for us upon whom the ends of the world are come the Bible says amen that we might have hope say hope amen so we don't leave a sense of despondency as we look to the Future I know there's a lot of bad things going on there's a lot of in the world it's like the world is going crazy

(04:04) it's getting darker and darker and and we are stepping into inflation into hyperinflation even in the days to come and we're going to see all kinds of uh lack all around physically but thanks be to God that that which we see can be seen and visible are temporal amen the supply is eternal hallelujah praise the Lord if you felt a connection with our program today and you're thinking yes tell me more then we want to give you Joseph's foundational book destined to Reign for free we want to help you take

(04:36) this journey of discovering the transformative power of Grace and experience true victory over life's challenges lack and destructive habits today request your free copy of destined to rain by visiting josephprince.org neww or texting new to 71239 today offer available to us residents only so God is restoring truths to the body of Christ you know people always say well in church history we don't see that well depending on which church history are you pointing at amen if you point all the way to the to the early

(05:09) church amen when he was just born again do you know that there was a time that great grace was was upon them all look at this in the Acts chapter 4 it says and with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus that means there were all kinds of healings all kinds of Miracles happening to people amen this is the early church if you want to use the early church as an example of the church in its pristine glory amen the way God meant it to be there there was this time that they are

(05:40) they ministered with great power say great power great power with great power comes great responsibility amen so with great power they gave witness that means it's something visible something tangible something for all to see amen the healings and the Miracles primarily refers to healings and great grace say great grace was upon them all can you see this connection where there is great power you know there's great grace and great grace was upon them all nor was there anyone among them who lacked wow

(06:16) there was a time in the church where everyone was healed and not one lacked come on so as we look at church history if you say that what God is restoring in these last days for example is this teaching on Prosperity amen now when I say Prosperity I do not mean all right just for yourself and grman for your own self your needs just to F your needs and to have more and more and more around you and for you and your family only no no no no no that is greed that is covetousness the Bible calls Love of Money uh the root of all evil not money

(06:57) itself but the Love of Money the root of all all evil amen the Bible says to be Hasty for those who uh make their ambition in life to be rich they will fall into many hurtful preditions the Bible says that very clearly yet on the other hand the Bible says when the Lord is your Shepherd you will not lack you will not lack in any area of your life amen the Bible says there is no one to them that fear Him all these truths are coming back to us um in full force in these last days but you say but in the early church they don't talk about it

(07:27) yeah just like in the earlier Church the church then the church that was before the time of Martin Luther was a church that believed that you know you can only get Sav if if you put in enough efforts you do panents you do good deeds and then you can save yourself all right accumulate your good points but then Martin Luther came on the scene and then God uncovered from the Bible the truth that the righteous are righteous because of faith by grace through faith not by your efforts are you saved not of works not of your efforts amen

(08:02) less any man should boast so he he discovered this truth the righteous shall live by faith and then uh that day became um when he proclaimed that that day became what we the world just celebrated Halloween Day actually the word hello all right hello Saints hello Saints Day hello hello means holy not Halloween isn't it like the devil to take something of a day that commemorates justification by faith the reformation and turning into something else the that was always doing that okay but no what the original all right that

(08:36) day is actually supposed to be a celebration of reformation so in church history you find that if you go at the wrong time you find that the the truth about something that God wants restore is not there yet so Martin Luther restored justification by faith amen caused a great Revival a Reformation in the church and then in the turn of the century in the last century you find that God poured out his Spirit we have the Aza Street Revival in LA and we have all over the world great Revival and God began to restore the baptism of the holy

(09:07) spirit this truth about being baptized in the holy spirit with speaking in tongues and with all the gifts of the holy spirit they are still for today and God is restoring it and uh as we come closer to our times all right in in this contemporary times and all that you find that God is now restoring the truth about healing and prosperity amen now what is happening is that every time God restores the truth in the past the people attack Martin Luther for example on justification by faith they assassinated his character and then when

(09:40) the truth about the baptism of the Holy Spirit was restored back the truth was attacked was attacked by the enemy because the enemy is afraid every time God restores truth that means what the church become richer spiritually become richer in their health richer even financially even be able to provide so the devil put in all kinds of saying like for example as poor as a church mouse why must be a church mouse right whereas Mickey Mouse is so wealthy all right you talk about health wealth well Mickey Mouse is still alive

(10:11) looks quite healthy and Forever Young right so someone should come against Mickey Mouse saying that he believed in the health wealth Doctrine I was talking to uh uh one of my dear brothers our pastor Darren just the other day just yesterday and he was telling me that Pastor do you notice that we're stepping out from the pandemic into the recession because we he and I were discussing some things about what I'm going to share with all of you and U he said that uh it's like what you've been saying pastor during this time and we

(10:45) started this series last week that Health was being attacked in the pandemic right right would you agree this two-year pandemic is about health issue isn't it and now step stepping out from the pandemic we got a recession and what is recession it's attacking what your provision your supply now there is voices out there even in especially in the in the kingdom of God unfortunately these people are really born again they are safe people but they believe otherwise they believe and and they believe that Christians uh should not

(11:26) even believe God to be prosperous or successful Amen to be a blessing but we teach Prosperity with a purpose and the purpose is to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ amen because there's a whole new generation who have not heard these teachings and they're so afraid to believe in the teachings of healing is available for us today our Provisions Prosperity is available for us today so much so they don't hear it and they they are uh are now entering into a generation where like right now in our times in our day and age we are

(11:59) entering into recession and and they they're at the brink of of starting a new life all right entering into marriage and entering into a house a new home that they are building and everything costs a lot would you agree it cost a lot more now than ever someone says looks like they all got to stay with their parents all the time and all the parents said no amen some parents say some parents love their kids say forever amen okay but whatever the case is you know I I find that there's a whole new generation

(12:33) so afraid all right because of the teachings of health and wealth now let me just say from the start let me say this categorically okay I'm against selfishness I say that just now I've been saying that all this while okay if you're hearing what I'm saying I'm against the love of money I'm against greed I'm against covetousness okay I'm against aaries amen we're talking about prosperity with a purpose amen we're talking about sponsoring the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Bible says faith comes by hearing

(13:07) and hearing by the word of God in the context of preaching the gospel Romans 10 it says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the by the word of God Amen so how does the word of God comes forth to bring Faith into people's hearts people who are lost without Jesus how can they have faith to believe and then the verses before that says how shall they hear without a preacher right and let me show you that verse okay first of all uh Romans 10:17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God look at the preceding

(13:41) verses it says how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and today we have people saying well I hear God direct I hear God the right well friend God's ordained way of hearing his word is through a preacher notice that how shall they hear without a preacher amen and then it says this and how shall they preach unless they are sent and the context here is those who preach good news the gospel the

(14:12) gospel Good Tidings of good things amen amen he goes on to say those who preach the gospel of peace who bring GL Tidings of good things how shall they preach unless they are s let me go one step further how can they be sent unless there's money no money no scent come on people so it all comes back to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the devil does not want God's people to have more than enough to be a blessing we are talking about when God blessed Abraham God says I will bless you and you shall be a blessing amen if God can

(14:47) get the blessings His blessings amen through us to bless others through US he'll get it to us he can trust you amen so uh as we look at what is happening the devil is so afraid that the church walk in health because if you're on your back all the time how to preach the gospel amen if you cannot afford you say that I want to preach the gospel in in in Uganda I want to preach the gospel in in in in in Alaska I want to preach anywhere you want to name in the world it takes flight now this you must be send and how to send you without money

(15:23) amen so listen money is a tool amen money is just a tool amen Prosperity Bible Prosperity includes money it has to include money amen but Bible Prosperity is more than just money can I have a good amen so there are some sincere people who rise up you know and because of the abuses there are abuses with every restoration justification by faith there were abuses all right and and then God restored the baptism of the Holy Spirit they are also abusers and when God restores the gospel of grace they are also abusers abusers and then

(16:00) God restores uh in our day and age right the truth about healing and prosperity they are also abusers and abusers are those who preach nothing but money and money in only one aspect all right they become richer and richer that you become richer and richer and and and forget about the plans of the world no when God gave Israel and think about the time when God prospered Israel um not when they were slaves but at the end the very last day in Egypt the last plague there were 10 plagues God did not send them or

(16:33) God did not give them the wealth that he did on the last night the Bible says the children of Israel God gave them favor with the Egyptians and they asked for articles of silver and gold and clothing and they got it from the Egyptians now there's nothing illegal about that nothing at all it was righteous you know why for 400 years Israel slay for the Egyptians with no pay this is just all their pa of 400 years coming back in one night amen together with interest so all that our brothers were cheated off our sisters

(17:09) were were were taken for a right even financially down through the down through church history is all coming back upon the end time generation of Believers there's going to be a transfer of wealth notice when it happened on the last day just before they left Egypt just before Jesus comes for us in the Rapture there's going to be a transfer of wealth into your hands but what is the purpose for the gold and silver and the materials and all that and the rich clothings and all that that they received that night what was the purpose

(17:38) notice that the purpose was to go out of Egypt and to build God's house amen notice this is prosperity with a purpose the whole purpose for the gold and silver is to receive uh uh this wealth to build God's house that's the prior amen and when you when you line up your plans and purpose with God God becomes your sponsor because you are in line with the blessing of God Amen so the whole purpose was to build God's house but notice when when Moses when they all arrived at Mount Si and Moses was up there receiving the pattern

(18:11) for the Tabernacle remember that what was happening to Israel below they were building the golden calf where did they where did they get the gold for the golden calf the gold don't forget they were slaves right they received the gold and the silver on the last night amen so the devil knew that gold and silver had come into God's people's hands and he knew he probably guessed all right he's not all knowing but he guessed that God is GNA because he heard from what God said to Moses he knew that God's

(18:43) going to build his house so while Moses was receiving the blueprint up in Mount Si below the devil wanted to distract God's people and that's what's happening right now in these last days very soon will be out of this Egypt amen amen we'll be Jesus face to face and don't think your your your job comes to an end we got whole galaxies and universes to explore and we'll never T get tired we'll never feel bored in our brand new body a body that's forever young forever healthy forever my friend

(19:18) is forever forever is a long time and when it happen Rapture happens all of a sudden you realize I wish I had served the Lord more amen and all our Pursuit of of gold and all that and in heaven you know the angel says I I don't understand your your focus every day was going after money going after gold and you know see where we are standing now walking on goal our priorities will change all of a sudden you'll see my goodness this is what I live for so our minds are are very worldly and Earthly but goal is a

(19:49) tool so the whole purpose while God was giving the plan to build the Tabernacle with the wealth that God has given them the devil was trying to distract them to build a gold golden calf as a result when Moses came down he punished them all right 3,000 people died under God's judgment God's Direction and and uh what happened after that was that there was still even after they built golden CL there was still enough gold and silver to build God's house not only that when they brought in the gold and the silver and the rich

(20:18) materials to build God's house Moses had to tell them enough stop bringing May the day come for every Pastor in every church that you tell the people stop bringing amen there was a time you read your Bible it's enough stop bringing and they still had enough for their own families and their own selves are you listening so it's Prosperity with a purpose are you listening to what I'm saying but these voices that come strong and say oh you know you oh you guys believe in the health and wealth gospel they make it

(20:51) sound so dirty right health and wealth gospel they make it sound so bad that there a lot of young people are afraid right that this is a a cult this is something that is uh not from God because these people are saying that it's not God so much so they go to the other side of the ditch so they still want to be prosperous mind you these young people Christians they they still want to be prosperous but guess what they are not going to trust God anymore for prosperity to prosper them in their jobs and all that why because they afraid of

(21:22) this teaching so you know what's going to happen they'll start relying on themselves or they start relying on some worldly methods or they start relying on some so-called motivational Guru to tell them this is the way or this expert in this industry and that kind of thing and they'll start trusting this thing they'll still trust someone to provide for themselves and for their families instead of trusting God so let's be careful that we don't go from one ditch I'm against those who just PR

(21:51) money money money nothing but money and and and turn out to be a Love of Money amen selfishness cover virtuousness aest I'm against that but let's not push the whole thing right now to the place of poverty is Holy the funny thing is that they themselves don't believe it when their child Falls sick all right the first thing they do after they pray for their child is what bring them to see the doctor amen you don't have to ask them do you want your child to be well ask any parent do you want your child to

(22:22) have enough more than enough to be a blessing come on Jesus himself said we can use this analogy he says that if you being parents natural parents being evil all right you parents know how to give good things to your children your children ask for bread will you give your child a stone your children ask for fish will you give them a snake if you know how to give good things to your children how much more will your father in heaven give good things to them that ask him amen so your child is sick do you want your child to be well put aside

(22:58) your Doctrine speak from your heart you are made in God's image do you want your child to be well yes when it comes to healing or we got to be careful some healings you know God wants us sick to teach us a lesson amen but you don't believe that about your child do you want your child to prosper yes know these people Advocate you know health wealth that kind of thing it's funny how we think like for example when we are a citizen we think differently when we are in church we change we become religious

(23:29) you know I believe it's the work of the enemy to push you to the corner where at the end you rely you still have to provide for your family you still have to buy that new home you still have to to to uh come out with that that that salary every month that you cannot trust God for it anymore Amen to make you a blessing amen that you start relying what on some some Egyptian method some man-made method the fats that come up instead of trusting God's way amen well you know God God God wants us to give but not give with all this

(24:07) reason and no if not then what did Jesus tell you give and it will be given to you good measure press down shaken together running over shall man give to your bosom is he teasing us is the Lord teasing us he should just say give because it is Holy to give why did Jesus say give and it will be given to you good measure press down Shake together running over shall man give to your bosom I think church I submit that he's encouraging us he's telling you there's a return what a word we've receiv received today subscribe to the Joseph

(24:41) Prince Ministries YouTube channel for daily updates and don't forget to share it with someone you know you never know who might need to be encouraged [Music] today

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Genesis Made Easy: Bilingual Bible Edition for Teachers, Parents, and Teens (BBM EDUCATION Book 18) Kindle Edition 作者 Po Jih Wang (Author, Editor)  格
書名:《台灣是基督教國家:Taiwan is a Christian Nation》 I. 引言:台灣基督教的歷史背景與發展 A. 基督教在台灣的傳播 B. 基督教與台灣社會的互動 II. 論證一:國父孫中山是基督徒 A. 孫中山的基督教信仰背景 B. 基督教信仰對孫中山政治理念的影響 C. 基督教
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根據Joseph Prince的訊息 "(2) 如何正確開始新年",可以歸納出以下五個關鍵要點: https://youtu.be/XU22CPkthX4?si=1AyiTrocVToq3pXe 1. **與上帝計劃的一致性(Alignment with God's Plan):** 強調
LED照明是室內設計中必不可少的元素,在營造氛圍、凸顯建築特色、為各種活動提供必要的照明等方面發揮顯著作用。在眾多的照明選擇中,LED崁燈因其時尚的設計、能源效率和多功能性而脫穎而出。不過,由於崁燈的多樣性與規格差異,為您的家中選擇合適的 LED崁燈並不是一件容易的事。本文將幫助您了解整個過程,
根據Joseph Prince的訊息 "(2) 如何正確開始新年",可以歸納出以下五個關鍵要點: https://youtu.be/XU22CPkthX4?si=1AyiTrocVToq3pXe 1. **與上帝計劃的一致性(Alignment with God's Plan):** 強調