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(7) Love is, indeed, magical, and it certainly can last if we remember our differences and respect each other.



1.     本句主結構為:Love is magical, and it can last. 愛情是充滿魔力的,而且能持續下去。

主詞:Love,  it (=love)  動詞:is, last

2.     Love is magical.(愛情是充滿魔力的。)是「不完全不及物動詞」句型,magical是「主詞補語」,形容主詞love。indeed是副詞,修飾全句,可置於句首、句中、或句尾。所以可以寫成:Indeed, love is magical. 或 Love is magical, indeed.

3.     It certainly can last.(它當然能持續。)是「不完全不及物動詞」句型。last是完全不及物動詞。

4.     if we remember our differences and respect each other是「副詞子句」修飾動詞last,意為「只要我們能記住彼此的差異和尊重對方」就能持續。

5.     在這個副詞子句中,主詞是we,動詞是remember和respect,用and連接。remember的受詞是our differences,respect的受詞是each other。

總想試試看的沙龍 的其他內容
 (6) And how good a magic sword would feel in our hand as we go off to kill a dragon or win the hand of a beautiful princess. 【中譯】當我們出發去斬龍,或贏得美麗公主而歸,
(5) The cook’s plan to stop the dinner guest from complaining did not turn out as he had planned. 【中譯】廚師要讓用晚餐的客人停止抱怨,結果卻並沒有如他計劃的一樣。 【結構分析】本句為「完全不及物動
(4) At other times the dreaded event from daily life simply occurs in a dream in its real-life form; that is, the boy dreams of being bullied by the b
 (6) And how good a magic sword would feel in our hand as we go off to kill a dragon or win the hand of a beautiful princess. 【中譯】當我們出發去斬龍,或贏得美麗公主而歸,
(5) The cook’s plan to stop the dinner guest from complaining did not turn out as he had planned. 【中譯】廚師要讓用晚餐的客人停止抱怨,結果卻並沒有如他計劃的一樣。 【結構分析】本句為「完全不及物動
(4) At other times the dreaded event from daily life simply occurs in a dream in its real-life form; that is, the boy dreams of being bullied by the b
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/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
愛之語,英文是Love Language,在Love Language裡面總共有五種不同的類型,分成肯定的語言、禮物、有品質的相處時間、肢體接觸、服務的行動,這些都是表達愛的方式,每個人針對這幾種不同類型感受到愛的程度也會有所不同,就像是平時對話,也要講共通的語言才能到好好的溝通。
當你愛自己,也會以同樣的方式愛別人, 感受萬物一體,萬物相連, 你是愛,一切如是。
(13) Conversely, boys who appear to be inattentive in class may just be sitting too far away to hear the teacher. 【中譯】反之,課堂中不專心的男孩子可能只是因坐的座子離老師太遠無法聽到
(12) Because competition at all levels is extremely intense and job security is always unstable, many athletes train year round to maintain excellent
(11) Though the figures on attendance for each vary with every new season, certain arguments remain the same. 【中譯】雖然每一新球季各自的觀賽人數都不相同,某些論點仍舊沒有改變。 【結構
 (10) The mind and body work together to produce stress, which is a bodily response to a stimulus, a response that disturbs the body’s normal physiolo
 (9) To get a feeling for computer words, it helps to understand the world that created them-cyberculture, as it is often called. 【中譯】想要了解電腦字彙,認識創造這些
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
愛之語,英文是Love Language,在Love Language裡面總共有五種不同的類型,分成肯定的語言、禮物、有品質的相處時間、肢體接觸、服務的行動,這些都是表達愛的方式,每個人針對這幾種不同類型感受到愛的程度也會有所不同,就像是平時對話,也要講共通的語言才能到好好的溝通。
當你愛自己,也會以同樣的方式愛別人, 感受萬物一體,萬物相連, 你是愛,一切如是。
(13) Conversely, boys who appear to be inattentive in class may just be sitting too far away to hear the teacher. 【中譯】反之,課堂中不專心的男孩子可能只是因坐的座子離老師太遠無法聽到
(12) Because competition at all levels is extremely intense and job security is always unstable, many athletes train year round to maintain excellent
(11) Though the figures on attendance for each vary with every new season, certain arguments remain the same. 【中譯】雖然每一新球季各自的觀賽人數都不相同,某些論點仍舊沒有改變。 【結構
 (10) The mind and body work together to produce stress, which is a bodily response to a stimulus, a response that disturbs the body’s normal physiolo
 (9) To get a feeling for computer words, it helps to understand the world that created them-cyberculture, as it is often called. 【中譯】想要了解電腦字彙,認識創造這些