Lie down, and manifest

2024/03/12閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

Million thoughts in mind

The imposed urge to hurrah ‘we manifest’

seems to coil in a claimed authentic daily life


Million thoughts in mind, they never die they continue to thrive

No sign of being decreased, a huge sigh to see they succeed

Along with upcoming generations, along with silenced vociferation       


Million thoughts in mind,

Million sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, thoughts in the ‘I’

You, he, she are all ‘I’,

In the eye, in the ear, in the nose, in the tongue, in the body in the thinking of ‘I’ 


I with the heaviness

Of embodied desire,

Hunch, shoulders rounded, chest closed,

Far from relaxation

Far from existence to be manifested  


Thanks to Qiji Daoyin

Every Tuesday and Friday

Do not forget not just a little help

In that significant chat on a warm Saturday


Subtly, off desire

Delicately, on love entire

A void, generously has been relayed  

Ah Ah

Cells of all ‘I’ loosen their jaws, yielding last want

En En

Cells of all ‘I’ close their eyes, dropping beyond 


‘Hey, let us lie down’


Lie down, shall we wait

Million thoughts in mind, could be waived

Million voids in ‘I’, could be received and remained


Space spreads, bodies embrace;

and we manifest… perhaps


環境即興Geo-Choreo創辦人 ‖ 為了讓自己對活著還保有興趣 繼續到哪裡覺得想跳舞就跳舞的實驗 : 最近把舊詩翻出來 放在這裡 : 感謝這空間 讓我站出來 看著情緒 走開被奴役的沉溺 | 對很多事物有興趣 不專精也沒關係 | 練習不帶目的 只是因為快樂而去做一件事情 ‖ 謝謝你和你們 謝謝宇宙