Portland Music Night

更新於 2024/07/09閱讀時間約 12 分鐘

On my life journey, I've always seemed to acquire skills that appeared useless at the time, seem like randomly selecting skills in a video game skill tree. Yet, these skills often come in handy unexpectedly.

During this trip to Portland, I experienced the local music scene one night. A friend mentioned that whenever he visits Portland, he always makes plans with friends to hang out at a pub with live music, suggesting we should give it a try.

Laurelthirst Public House


2958 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97232, USA

Portland, with its quaint old-town charm, boasts large houses nestled in various neighborhoods, with vibrant green street trees displaying the colors of spring. This bar sits at a small corner just outside the city center. Different bands perform each day, with most not requiring an entry fee for enjoying the music, though some may charge a $10-15 cover fee.

My friend mentioned that when he came to see his friend's band last time, the place was so packed that they had to wait outside, and food took over an hour to arrive.

The band was scheduled to perform from 18:00 to 20:00. When we arrived around 18:30, the main area was already crowded, and outdoor seats were occupied as well. Fortunately, there were still plenty of empty seats in the adjacent seating area. Though we could hear the music, we couldn't see the band perform, only enjoying it through live TV screens.

After some discussion, we decided to order food first and figure out our seating later. We were famished! Bring on the food and drinks!

Inside the seemingly century-old building, behind the bar, neatly arranged rows of various liquor bottles and a professional beer dispenser greeted us. Holding a simple yet diverse menu in front of the counter, we struggled a bit to decide on our order due to the loud music. I opted for a medium-cooked hamburger with all the fixings and a glass of lemonade beer. As customary, I presented my passport to prove I was of legal drinking age, received my coaster and beer, then scanned the main house for available seating.

Coincidentally, at a round table by the entrance glass window, a couple sat with plenty of space. We politely asked if we could join them.

The view from this spot was excellent. We could see the performers on stage, immersed in their music, and enjoy the excited interactions of the audience. The music wasn't too loud, making conversation easy.

The stage was small but sufficient for a band of five or six and their instruments. Around the stage was a dance floor, where people of all ages invited each other to dance. Following the music's rhythm, people could engage in some light social dancing.

Luckily, I had learned ballroom dancing in my childhood and during university, so dancing wasn't too unfamiliar for me. I could easily keep up with the music and dance topics.

We happily stayed until nearly 8:00 p.m. and decided to visit another pub with a different style of music.

Muddy Rudder Public House


8105 SE 7th Ave, Portland, OR 97202, USA

Here, the music started at 20:00, which worked out perfectly timing-wise. Unlike Laurelthirst, where bands performed, Muddy Rudder featured a singer, a guitarist, and a microphone. While Laurelthirst had lively and upbeat music, Muddy Rudder's vibe leaned towards blues.

Since we had already eaten dinner, we didn't order main dishes here, just alcohol. We chose seats at the bar, facing neatly arranged liquor cabinets. We could see the bartender making drinks and hear others' conversations clearly.

Perhaps I looked a bit tipsy already, like someone whose ID had already been checked, and they had started drinking for the night. This time, they didn't check my ID when I ordered at the bar. I opted for a double shot of whiskey and a peach-flavored beer.

The music was very relaxing, and conversations became more animated. We stayed until well past 9:30 p.m., deciding it was time for ice cream to wrap up the day.

Kate's Ice Cream

3713 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR 97227, USA

The main reason for visiting this ice cream parlor was that my friend said the dog at the entrance was super cute every time he visited. We had to see that dog! Just how adorable could it be?

The ice cream parlor closed at 22:00, and when we arrived at 21:45, perhaps it was too late for the dog, as it had already finished its shift. We missed the chance to meet the adorable pup.

This ice cream parlor offered a variety of colorful ice creams for tasting before making a selection. Being a fan of blue raspberry, I went straight for the blue ice cream.

True to American sweets, the sweetness was no joke. It was so sweet! But it seemed perfect for sobering up. Even the ice cream cones were very sweet - delicious, but not for someone with a low tolerance for sweetness, like me. I had to balance it out with some water.

Finally, we all returned to the hotel, bid each other goodnight, concluding my first night in the United States.


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    這次是第一次坐長途飛機,也是第一次離開亞洲地區前往不同的國家。 簡述這次的行程規劃,簡單的行程是台灣--倫敦--挪威--倫敦--台灣,主要遊玩的地區核心放在挪威,因為華航有直飛到倫敦的班機,所以我們選擇先到倫敦遊玩轉機,再到挪威走挪威縮影,最後再回到倫敦走購物行程。 因為是第一次去歐
    Google News 追蹤
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
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    伍佰 嘉義鄉下人,在學期間因為五科都考一百分,所以同學叫他伍佰,嘉義  高中畢業,能上嘉中代表學業成績還不錯,後因參加社團玩音樂,  導致聯考失利而未上大學,未出道時擺過地攤、做過舞廳小弟、保  險員、樂器行工作,之後因為駐唱而被發掘,出國28張專輯,也幫  過很多藝人如劉德華、張學友、王
    泰勒絲:時代巡迴演唱會電影《Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour》| 買不到Taylor Swift演唱會門票? 那腦粉樹懶就看爆她的演唱會電影| 分享兩次進影聽的觀影體驗,一次威秀泰坦廳,一次一般廳。 樹懶 X Taylor Swift,Never go out of style
    波特蘭凱悅嘉寓酒店的價格在波特蘭屬於中等價格帶,飯店旁就有Streetcar可到波特蘭市區的著名景點或是坐兩站到SW Moody&Gibbs搭纜車上OHSU看波特蘭的夜景與眺望聖海倫火山以及胡德山。唯一的缺點就是附近沒有可以逛街或是買消夜點心的地方。
    今天姐姐的女兒和醫生約好看診, 所以一早我們就往 Portland 出發. 這個城市很漂亮,滿眼綠意景色無限, 難怪會被全美國選為最適宜居住的城市之一, Nike 和 Intel 的總部就設立在這裡, 聽說和高雄市還是姐妹市呢! 這是他們的兒童醫院,好棒! 這是美國公寓,看起來好像飯店,姐夫請他妹妹
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    五福再創歷史新高…… 關於五福,或許放開一點道德標準,他可以再渣一點,你可以不愛他,卻當他是個朋友:「相互輕蔑卻又彼此來往,並一起自我作賤 — 這就是世上所謂『朋友』的真面目」 Giro,還想有第三次,誰在意多幾次高潮呢~呃,高潮迭煙火秀… 多年後,或許你會想起阿福,或許你忘了他,就像人海茫茫
    他們是「傷心酒店」,咱們是「傷心的人別聽慢歌」 福無雙至~今日至;禍不單行~昨日行 今日都漲停,諸位還要在乎換不換嗎? ♡〈焦點股〉廣達證實接獲輝達AI晶片大單 股價喜亮漲停紅燈 ~訂單最大的果然是廣達… ♡大陸宣布:將採取積極措施推動「包括旅遊」的兩岸交流 ~習大大真想當皇帝,因為君無戲言…
    Music !「馬德里不思議」/「日不落」 BY 蔡依林 呃,你要咱承認學生時代,到處追著她到各校園比賽嗎?~啥,當然否認,那個蔡依林只有B罩杯,真的確定不是她,晃動程度差太多…… 羨慕嗎?以前都是這麼靠近聽她唱歌,呃,前女友也是同期參賽者,GIRO,犯規,好痛,嗚嗚嗚,十幾年前的事耶……
    伍佰 嘉義鄉下人,在學期間因為五科都考一百分,所以同學叫他伍佰,嘉義  高中畢業,能上嘉中代表學業成績還不錯,後因參加社團玩音樂,  導致聯考失利而未上大學,未出道時擺過地攤、做過舞廳小弟、保  險員、樂器行工作,之後因為駐唱而被發掘,出國28張專輯,也幫  過很多藝人如劉德華、張學友、王
    泰勒絲:時代巡迴演唱會電影《Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour》| 買不到Taylor Swift演唱會門票? 那腦粉樹懶就看爆她的演唱會電影| 分享兩次進影聽的觀影體驗,一次威秀泰坦廳,一次一般廳。 樹懶 X Taylor Swift,Never go out of style
    波特蘭凱悅嘉寓酒店的價格在波特蘭屬於中等價格帶,飯店旁就有Streetcar可到波特蘭市區的著名景點或是坐兩站到SW Moody&Gibbs搭纜車上OHSU看波特蘭的夜景與眺望聖海倫火山以及胡德山。唯一的缺點就是附近沒有可以逛街或是買消夜點心的地方。
    今天姐姐的女兒和醫生約好看診, 所以一早我們就往 Portland 出發. 這個城市很漂亮,滿眼綠意景色無限, 難怪會被全美國選為最適宜居住的城市之一, Nike 和 Intel 的總部就設立在這裡, 聽說和高雄市還是姐妹市呢! 這是他們的兒童醫院,好棒! 這是美國公寓,看起來好像飯店,姐夫請他妹妹