我一直都蠻喜歡「衝突的趣味」,比如說用傳統水墨畫風格來表現滑手機、追劇等現代場景,或是用日本江戶時代的歷史畫卷風格(浮世繪)來表現生日慶祝。如果想看更多不同風格,可以參考 30種 ChatGPT 繪圖風格關鍵字 : 從可愛萌寵到震撼的超現實風格,讓靈魂深處得到生動展現。
這篇文章,主要想跟大家分享我是如何用 ChatGPT 生成日本浮世繪風格的趣味毛孩生日卡,如果你也有興趣想幫自己或朋友做一張專屬的逗趣毛孩生日卡,就繼續看下去吧 !
決定好角色與動作後,就可以來寫提示詞了,先用柴犬來示範,大家可以自行更換成不同的貓狗品種,或是其他動物。以下是我的提示詞結構分享 :
A. 主角與動作 : A Shiba Inu samurai slicing a cake (柴犬武士正在切蛋糕)。
B. 插圖風格 : drawn in the style of Ukiyo-e art, traditional Japanese woodblock prints (以浮世繪藝術,日本傳統木版畫的風格繪製 )。
C. 細節描述 : The Shiba Inu is depicted in traditional samurai armor, holding a katana. The cake is detailed with multiple layers and vibrant colors, contrasting with the more muted tones of the Ukiyo-e style. (柴犬穿著傳統的武士盔甲,手持武士刀。蛋糕具有多層細節和鮮豔的色彩,與浮世繪風格的恬靜色調形成鮮明對比)。
D. 背景 : The background features a traditional Japanese setting with elements such as cherry blossoms, a pagoda, and a bridge over a river. (背景採用傳統的日本環境,包括櫻花、寶塔和河上的橋樑等元素)。
E. 比例 : Create the composition in a wide aspect ratio (以寬縱橫比建立構圖)。
完整提示詞(Prompt) : A Shiba Inu samurai slicing a cake, drawn in the style of Ukiyo-e art, traditional Japanese woodblock prints. The Shiba Inu is depicted in traditional samurai armor, holding a katana. The cake is detailed with multiple layers and vibrant colors, contrasting with the more muted tones of the Ukiyo-e style. The background features a traditional Japanese setting with elements such as cherry blossoms, a pagoda, and a bridge over a river. Create the composition in a wide aspect ratio.
由於目前 ChatGPT 生成的圖片為 1024像素 * 1024像素的 webp.檔案,如果想要轉檔和提升像素,我平時是用 Canva 付費版的功能,如果沒有訂閱Canva的人,這邊分享兩個免費的網站,供大家參考,如果你有知道其他更好用的工具都歡迎在下方留言分享喔 :
以上就是整個流程,接下來跟大家分享我還有用甚麼關鍵字,生成不同的變化版本 :
“in a dynamic pose” (以動態的姿勢)。
完整提示詞(Prompt) : A cat ninja slicing a cake, drawn in the style of Ukiyo-e art, traditional Japanese woodblock prints. The cat ninja is depicted in a dynamic pose, with traditional Japanese clothing and a katana. The cake is detailed with multiple layers and vibrant colors, contrasting with the more muted tones of the Ukiyo-e style. The background features a traditional Japanese setting with elements such as cherry blossoms, a pagoda, and a bridge over a river. Create the composition in a wide aspect ratio.
“in cheerful and summery vibes” (在歡樂與夏日的氛圍中)。
A cat ninja slicing a cake with cheerful and summery vibe, drawn in the style of Ukiyo-e art, traditional Japanese woodblock prints. The cat ninja is depicted in a dynamic pose, with traditional Japanese clothing and a katana. The cake is detailed with multiple layers and vibrant colors, contrasting with the more muted tones of the Ukiyo-e style. Create the composition in a wide aspect ratio.
A Shiba Inu samurai slicing a cake in cheerful and summery vibes, drawn in the style of Ukiyo-e art, traditional Japanese woodblock prints. The Shiba Inu is depicted in traditional samurai armor, holding a katana. The cake is detailed with multiple layers and vibrant colors, contrasting with the more muted tones of the Ukiyo-e style. Create the composition in a wide aspect ratio.
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