Cause of Success

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What makes a person success? What is the definition of success? In general, we usually define the people who make a lot of money or have good reputation as the successful people. Whatever these two things, their core is achievement. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, people pursue these achievement in stages in their lives. ”Success” will appear when people feel satisfied in those needs. However, what are the factors of success? Search from Internet, we can find so many outcomes about the cause of success. For example, intelligence, social skills, good luck, perseverance and confidence, just to name a few. In my point of view, I consider the most important five causes is passion, confidence, talent, perseverance and luck.

   First, if you don’t have passion, you will loss your motivation to doing anything. If you don’t do anything in your daily life, you can’t become successful. How can we show up our passion?  We can try different things and be curious about the world. Keeping passionate can help you find your objective in your every stage in life. Second, confidence. Image a person who stand on the stage is confident, which is extremely difficult to think the person isn’t attractive. Confidence is a power can make people to believe themselves and make people to believe you. When you encounter temporary failure, confidence can assist you to cheer up.

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration” by Thomas Edison. We all know the effort is important but the talent can’t be ignored. “You can’t ask a fish to fly.” Talent is the limitation of your ability, deciding the height you can arrive.For me, talent also means you can complete the thing fast and greater. Therefore, you will earn a great sense of accomplishment. It will become a motivation which push you do it again and again. Eventually, it form a positive circle that talent with a myriad of practices make you head to success.

Another essential factor is perseverance. ”Practice makes perfect”, you can find the suitable ways in any field through constant exploring. Take playing instrument for example, from unfamiliar to master ,you need to practice a few years. Even though the genius like Mozart, he also take years to enhance his skills, to write music and held performances. If you lack of perseverance , there have a household story, warning the consequence that the turtle can win the rabbit in running.

  The last but not least, luck makes a difference when the human born. You born in what region and what family greatly decide your horizon and what kind of resource you can acquire. A person who born in a family 1 million NTD annual income must more difficult to acquire 10 thousand than who born in billionaire family. Furthermore, luck can influence a lot of thing, such as General Scholastic Ability Test, work opportunity, lottery and meeting Mr.Right and confidant, etc. In daily life, a little lucky can bring good mood all day, which is a aeriform force make everything smoothly.

  In conclusion, success indicate that achieve desires come from yourself or social environment in your life stages. The five causes mentioned above play significant role in the pathway to success. Passion like a open bottom guide you to experience a new thing, a will let you explore. Confident is a status, keeping you stay positive and active, having the courage to overcome obstacles and attracting your audience. Talent is your advantage. If you put effort in this field, you easier acquire the accomplishment than other. Perseverance is must-to-do in the way to success, which can improve shortcoming gradually and make nearly perfect. The last, luck, like trees in your path to success, letting your way cool and cozy, not so scorching to walk. Everyone wants to success. But the condition of success can be determined by ourselves. The method of success can be determined as well.

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10/1 關於恐懼,他常常像激素一樣,流淌我的周身。 (十月第一天,睡過頭7分鐘。 以前欠的終究是要還的,現在欠的未來也是要還的。 10/2 今天也看到很喜歡的一段話。 *以前我们被老师恐吓着高考是改变人生的唯一机会,往后又是考研和考公,又是选伴侣。每一个选项好像选错了天就塌了,可是人生
大學開學第二週...... 在你剛滿十八歲的那年,你以為成年也不過如此,似乎一切都並沒有什麼不同,當時一切生活的重心都在學測,無暇他顧,雖然偶爾也會擔憂,但總不如現在矛盾與侷促,或許吧!但也許只是你忘記了........自己一直都是這樣子的人:膽怯又糟糕。 總是興致勃勃開始下筆,(也不知道能撐多
10/1 關於恐懼,他常常像激素一樣,流淌我的周身。 (十月第一天,睡過頭7分鐘。 以前欠的終究是要還的,現在欠的未來也是要還的。 10/2 今天也看到很喜歡的一段話。 *以前我们被老师恐吓着高考是改变人生的唯一机会,往后又是考研和考公,又是选伴侣。每一个选项好像选错了天就塌了,可是人生
大學開學第二週...... 在你剛滿十八歲的那年,你以為成年也不過如此,似乎一切都並沒有什麼不同,當時一切生活的重心都在學測,無暇他顧,雖然偶爾也會擔憂,但總不如現在矛盾與侷促,或許吧!但也許只是你忘記了........自己一直都是這樣子的人:膽怯又糟糕。 總是興致勃勃開始下筆,(也不知道能撐多
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引言 思考是通往成功的重要途徑。 成功人士往往擁有獨特的思維方式,這些思維方式成為他們實現目標和夢想的基石。 透過成功人士的經驗法則,可以探討他們如何運用思考來邁向成功,並從中學習應用在自己的生活和工作中。
許多人會想要追求成功,可以是學業上或事業上的成功,也可以是人生歷程或家庭生活的成功,我也不時會分享跟成功相關的書籍,而成功通常都跟心態與努力脫不了關係。 常言道,有努力就有收穫,越努力的人就能獲得越多,在某些事情上是這樣,但在股票市場就未必,不是因為努力不重要,而是努力要在對的道路上才
比爾‧蓋茲(Bill Gates)年度唯一推薦成功心理學書籍《心態致勝》, 讓作者用科學告訴你:心態,才是影響個人成功的關鍵。
Marshall Goldsmith在《向上的奇蹟(Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back If You Lose It)》一書中,提出了正向力的四個關鍵要素:身份認知、成就、聲譽和接受。其中「成就」是創造正向力的第二個重要要素
成功的方程式「CASH = KASH = Knowledge + Attitude + Skill + Habit」,強調在職場中,知識、態度、技術和習慣的綜合作用是事業發展的關鍵。將公司視為自己的資產,同時,提出在面對挑戰時,正確的態度和習慣至關重要,並以實例呈現成功職場轉型的關鍵。
引言 思考是通往成功的重要途徑。 成功人士往往擁有獨特的思維方式,這些思維方式成為他們實現目標和夢想的基石。 透過成功人士的經驗法則,可以探討他們如何運用思考來邁向成功,並從中學習應用在自己的生活和工作中。
許多人會想要追求成功,可以是學業上或事業上的成功,也可以是人生歷程或家庭生活的成功,我也不時會分享跟成功相關的書籍,而成功通常都跟心態與努力脫不了關係。 常言道,有努力就有收穫,越努力的人就能獲得越多,在某些事情上是這樣,但在股票市場就未必,不是因為努力不重要,而是努力要在對的道路上才
比爾‧蓋茲(Bill Gates)年度唯一推薦成功心理學書籍《心態致勝》, 讓作者用科學告訴你:心態,才是影響個人成功的關鍵。
Marshall Goldsmith在《向上的奇蹟(Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back If You Lose It)》一書中,提出了正向力的四個關鍵要素:身份認知、成就、聲譽和接受。其中「成就」是創造正向力的第二個重要要素
成功的方程式「CASH = KASH = Knowledge + Attitude + Skill + Habit」,強調在職場中,知識、態度、技術和習慣的綜合作用是事業發展的關鍵。將公司視為自己的資產,同時,提出在面對挑戰時,正確的態度和習慣至關重要,並以實例呈現成功職場轉型的關鍵。