【英國Gín-á古】金鼻薰Kheh-á下集︱The Golden Snuff-Box Part 3

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But when they came to the King's chamber, where he sate surrounded by all manner of birds, tomtits, wrens, cormorants, turtle-doves, and the like, the King said he was sorry, but he had no news of the missing Castle. And though he summoned all the birds of all the world to a Grand Assembly next morning, not one of them had seen or heard tell of it.

等in去到王ê議事廳ê時,王to̍h坐tī hia,伊ê四pêng邊--á有各形kok樣ê鳥á,有藍山雀,鷦鷯,鸕鶿,pan-kah等等。王講真抱歉,伊chia無hit ê phàng-kiàn ê城堡ê消息。Sui-bóng講王有召集全世界ê鳥á來參加隔轉工ê大會,m̄-koh mā無1隻鳥á看過a̍h是聽過hit棟城堡ê tāi-chì。

Tán in khì-kàu ông ê gī-sū-thiaⁿ ê sî, ông to̍h chē tī hia, i ê sì-pêng piⁿ--á ū kok-hêng-kok-iūⁿ ê chiáu-á, ū nâ-soaⁿ-chhiok, chiau-liâu, lô͘-chî, pan-kah téng-téng. Ông kóng chin phō-khiam, i chia bô hit ê phàng-kiàn ê siâⁿ-pó ê siau-sit. Sui-bóng kóng ông ū tiàu-chi̍p choân-sè-kài ê chiáu-á lâi chham-ka keh-tńg-kang ê tāi-hōe, m̄-koh mā bô 1 chiah chiáu-á khòaⁿ-kòe a̍h-sī thiaⁿ-kòe hit tòng siâⁿ-pó ê tāi-chì.

So Jack was quite disconsolate till the King said, "But where is the eagle? I don't see my eagle."

Then the Chamberlain—he was a tomtit—stepped forward with a bow and said:

"May it please your Majesty he is late."

"Late?" says the King in a fume. "Summon him at once."

Só͘-pái Jia̍k鬱卒ka̍h,一直到聽tio̍h王講:「鷹á--leh?我nah ē無看tio̍h我ê鷹á?」




Só͘-pái Jia̍k ut-chut ka̍h, it-ti̍t kàu thiaⁿ-tio̍h ông kóng: ‟Eng-á--leh? Góa nah ē bô khòaⁿ-tio̍h góa ê eng-á?”

Chit sî, chóng-koán tāi-sîn, i sī 1 chiah soaⁿ-chhiok, kiâⁿ hiòng chêng kiâⁿ-lé ìn kóng:

‟Tāi-ông pē-hā, i tî-tò--ah.”

‟Tî-tò!” Ông ōe ìn kah khì-phut-phut, koh kóng: ‟Sûi tiàu i lâi!”

So two larks flew up into the sky till they couldn't be seen and sang ever so loud, till at last the eagle appeared all in a perspiration from having flown so fast.

Then the King said, "Sirrah! Have you seen a missing Castle that stands upon twelve pillars of gold?"

And the eagle blinked its eyes and said, "May it please your Majesty that is where I've been."

To̍h án-ne,2隻雲雀飛起lih天頂,一直到無khoàiⁿ影,koh唱歌唱kah chiok大聲一直到鷹á出現,he鷹á kui身軀拚kah大粒汗細粒汗,實在是伊飛kah siuⁿ緊--ah。

王講:「無教示--ê!你kám bat看過1棟起tī 12支金á thiāu頂koân ê失蹤城堡?」

鷹á目睭nih--1-ē講:「大王陛下萬福,我chiah ùi hia來niâ。」

To̍h án-ne, 2 chiah hûn-chhiok poe khí lih thiⁿ-téng, it-ti̍t kàu bô khoàiⁿ iáⁿ, koh chhiùⁿ-koa chhiùⁿ kah chiok tōa-siaⁿ it-ti̍t kàu eng-á chhut-hiān, he eng-á kui sin-khu piàⁿ kah tōa-lia̍p-kōaⁿ sè-lia̍p-kōaⁿ, si̍t-chāi sī i poe kah siuⁿ kín--ah. 

Ông kóng: ‟Bô kà-sī--ê! Lí kám bat khòaⁿ-kòe 1 tòng khí tī 12 ki kim-á thiāu téng-koân ê sit-chong siâⁿ-pó?”

Eng-á ba̍k-chiu nih--1-ē kóng: ‟Tāi-ông pē-hā bān-hok, góa chiah ùi hia lâi niâ.”

Then everybody rejoiced exceedingly, and when the eagle had eaten a whole calf so as to be strong enough for the journey, he spread his wide wings, on which Jack stood, with the mouse in one pocket and the frog in the other, and started to obey the King's order to take the owner back to his missing Castle as quickly as possible.

Ta̍k ê lóng歡喜kah peh起來跳。等到鷹á kā kui隻牛á-kiáⁿ食了了,koh有力thang上路ê時,伊kā伊闊闊ê翅á thián--開,hō͘ Jia̍k khiā tī頂面,Jia̍k 1-pêng ê lak袋á袋niáu鼠,1 pêng袋水雞,koh來伊to̍h照王ê命令行,beh chhōa城堡ê主人轉去伊失蹤ê城堡,jú緊jú好!

Ta̍k ê lóng hoaⁿ-hí kah peh khí-lâi thiàu. Tán-kàu eng-á kā kui chiah gû-á-kiáⁿ chia̍h liáu-liáu, koh ū la̍t thang chiūⁿ-lō͘ ê sî, i kā i khoah-khoah ê si̍t-á thián--khui, hō͘ Jia̍k khiā tī téng-bīn, Jia̍k 1-pêng ê lak-tē-á tē niáu-chhí, 1 pêng tē chúi-ke, koh lâi i to̍h chiò ông ê bēng-lēng kiâⁿ, beh chhōa siâⁿ-pó ê chú-lâng tńg-khì i sit-chong ê siâⁿ-pó, jú kín jú hó!

And they flew over land and they flew over sea, until at last in the far distance they saw the Castle standing on its twelve golden pillars. But all the doors and windows were fast shut and barred, for, see you, the servant-master who had run away with it had gone out for the day a-hunting, and he always bolted doors and windows while he was absent lest some one else should run away with it.

In飛過陸地,飛過海,一直到siōng尾chiah看tio̍h城堡tī遠遠ê所在,chhāi tī伊ê 12支金á thiāu頂頭,m̄-koh所有ê門kah窗á lóng關kah bā-bā,chhòaⁿ kah ân-ân,ah to你ka看,hit-ê kā城堡the̍h--走koh溜soan ê使用人,a̍h to̍h是chit-má ê主人,今á日出去phah獵--ah。伊便nā無tī--leh,lóng ē kā門kah窗á chhòaⁿ ho͘好勢,khah bē有人來kā城堡偷the̍h--去。

In poe-kòe lio̍k-tē, poe-kòe hái, it-ti̍t kàu siōng-bóe chiah khòaⁿ tio̍h siâⁿ-pó tī hn̄g-hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, chhāi tī i ê 12 ki kim-á thiāu téng-thâu,  m̄-koh só͘-ū ê mn̂g kah thang-á lóng koaiⁿ kah bā-bā, chhòaⁿ kah ân-ân, ah to lí ka khòaⁿ, hit-ê kā siâⁿ-pó the̍h--cháu koh liu-soan ê sú-iōng-lâng, a̍h to̍h sī chit-má ê chú-lâng, kin-á-ji̍t chhut-khì phah-la̍h--ah. I piān nā bô tī--leh, lóng ē kā mn̂g kah thang-á chhòaⁿ ho͘ hó-sè, khah bē ū lâng lâi kā siâⁿ-pó thau-the̍h--khì.

Then Jack was puzzled to think how he should get hold of the golden snuff-box, until the little mouse said:

"Let me fetch it. There is always a mouse-hole in every castle, so I am sure I shall be able to get in."

So it went off, and Jack waited on the eagle's wings in a fume; till at last mousekin appeared.

"Have you got it?" shouted Jack, and the little mousie cried:


Jia̍k頭殼mo͘h leh燒,m̄知影ài án怎chiah有法度kā hit ê金鼻薰kheh-á the̍h過手,chit時niáu鼠á to̍h講:


Sòa--lòe伊to̍h出發--ah,Jia̍k真焦心tī鷹á ê翅á頂niau-niau看 ,路尾niáu鼠á總算是koh出現--ā。

Jia̍k hoah講:「有the̍h--tio̍h-無?」

Niáu鼠á mā大聲ki講:「有lah!」

Jia̍k thâu-khak mo͘h leh sio, m̄ chai-iáⁿ ài án-chóaⁿ chiah ū hoat-tō͘ kā hit ê kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á the̍h kòe chhiú, chit-sî niáu-chhí-á to̍h kóng:

‟Góa khì the̍h--lah, ta̍k tòng siâⁿ-pó it-tēng lóng ū niáu-chhí-á-khang, góa it-tēng ū châi-tiāu--ji̍p-khì.”

Sòa--lòe i to̍h chhut-hoat--ah, Jia̍k chin chiau-sim tī eng-á ê si̍t-á téng niau-niau-khòaⁿ, lō͘-bóe niáu-chhí-á chóng-sǹg sī koh chhut-hiān--ā.

Jia̍k hoah kóng: ‟Ū the̍h--tio̍h-bô?”

Niáu-chhí-á mā tōa-siaⁿ ki kóng: ‟Ū lah!”

So every one rejoiced exceedingly, and they set off back to the palace of the King of all the Birds, where Jack had left his horse; for now that he had the golden snuff-box safe he knew he could get the Castle back whenever he chose to send the three little red men to fetch it. But on the way over the sea, while Jack, who was dead tired with standing so long, lay down between the eagle's wings and fell asleep, the mouse and the eagle fell to quarrelling as to which of them had helped Jack the most, and they quarrelled so much that at last they laid the case before the frog. Then the frog, who made a very wise judge, said he must see the whole affair from the very beginning; so the mouse brought out the golden snuff-box from Jack's pocket, and began to relate where it had been found and all about it. Now, at that very moment Jack awoke, kicked out his leg, and plump went the golden snuff-box down to the very bottom of the sea!

Ta̍k ê lóng thiòng kah beh tio̍h poa̍h,koh來to̍h beh起行,轉去全世界ê鳥á ê王ê王宮,Jia̍k ê馬koh tī hia。伊chit-má已經the̍h tio̍h金鼻薰kheh-á--ah,伊知影不管時伊nā想beh ài城堡,to̍h叫hit 3仙細仙紅人去搬to̍h好,保証lóng the̍h有!M̄-koh,tī leh beh飛過海ê路--ni̍h,Jia̍k已經khiā siuⁿ久,thiám kah kiōng beh火hoa--去,伊倒tī鷹á hit對翼股中央,soah chŏaⁿ睏--去,chit-ê時陣niáu鼠á kah鷹á為tio̍h leh講siáng kā Jia̍k tàu-saⁿ-kāng siōng chē,soah起冤家,冤kah bē收soah,最後koh叫水雞來做公親。Che水雞mā是1 ê chiok gâu ê法官,伊講che to̍h ài自頭到尾項項á來會ho͘清楚chiah ē判--chit,só͘-pái niáu鼠á to̍h ùi Jia̍k ê lak袋á kā金鼻薰kheh-á the̍h--出-來,ùi kheh-á是án怎來--ê,koh有kah chit ê kheh-á有關係ê tāi-chì,1項1項ka講--落-去。To̍h tī chit時,Jia̍k精神--ā,伊脚1-ē-chhun,「thom」1聲,金鼻薰kheh-á chŏaⁿ lak落去深深ê海底!

Ta̍k ê lóng thiòng kah beh tio̍h poa̍h, koh lâi to̍h beh khí-kiâⁿ, tńg-khì choân-sè-kài ê chiáu-á ê ông ê ông-kiong, Jia̍k ê bé koh tī hia. I chit-má í-keng the̍h tio̍h kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á--ah, i chai-iáⁿ put-koán-sî i nā siūⁿ beh ài siâⁿ-pó, to̍h kiò hit 3 sian sè-sian âng-lâng khì poaⁿ to̍h hó, pó-chèng lóng the̍h ū! M̄-koh, tī leh beh poe-kòe hái ê lō͘--ni̍h, Jia̍k í-keng khiā siuⁿ kú, thiám kah kiōng beh hóe-hoa--khì, i tó tī eng-á hit tùi si̍t-kó͘ tiong-ng, soah chŏaⁿ khùn--khì, chit-ê sî-chūn niáu-chhí-á kah eng-á ūi-tio̍h leh kóng siáng kā Jia̍k tàu-saⁿ-kāng siōng chē, soah khí oan-ke, oan kah bē siu-soah, chòe-āu koh kiò chúi-ke lâi chò kong-chhin. Che chúi-ke mā sī 1 ê chiok gâu ê hoat-koaⁿ, i kóng che to̍h ài chū-thâu-kàu-bóe hāng-hāng-á lâi hōe ho͘ chheng-chhó chiah ē phòaⁿ--chit, só͘-pái niáu-chhí-á to̍h ùi Jia̍k ê lak-tē-á kā kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á the̍h--chhut-lâi, ùi kheh-á sī án-chóaⁿ lâi--ê, koh ū kah chit ê kheh-á ū koan-hē ê tāi-chì, 1 hāng 1 hāng ka kóng--lo̍h-khì. To̍h tī chit sî, Jia̍k cheng-sîn--ā, i kha 1-ē-chhun, “thom” 1 siaⁿ, kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á chŏaⁿ lak lo̍h-khì chhim-chhim ê hái-té!

"I thought my turn would come," said the frog, and went plump in after it.

Well, they waited, and waited, and waited for three whole days and three whole nights; but froggie never came up again, and they had just given him up in despair when his nose showed above the water.

「我to̍h知影ē tio̍h我!」水雞講soah,「thom」--1-ē, to̍h跳對海--ni̍h-去。

In to̍h kho̍k-kho̍k等,直直等,等有3暝3日hiah-nī久,m̄-koh水雞lóng無koh siû--起-來,to̍h tī in等kah絕望,beh放棄水雞ê時,in去看tio̍h水雞ê鼻á浮出來tī水面頂。

‟Góa to̍h chai-iáⁿ ē tio̍h góa!” Chúi-ke kóng soah, “thom”--1-ē, to̍h thiàu tùi hái--ni̍h-khì.

In to̍h kho̍k-kho̍k tán, ti̍t-ti̍t tán, tán ū 3 mê 3 ji̍t hiah-nī kú, m̄-koh chúi-ke lóng bô koh siû--khí-lâi, to̍h tī in tán kah choa̍t-bōng, beh hòng-khì chúi-ke ê sî, in khì khòaⁿ-tio̍h chúi-ke ê phīⁿ-á phû chhut-lâi tī chúi-bīn-téng. 

"Have you got it?" they shouted.

"No!" says he, with a great gasp.

"Then what do you want?" they cried in a rage.

"My breath," says froggie, and with that he sinks down again.

Well, they waited two days and two nights more, and at last up comes the little frog with the golden snuff-box in its mouth.



In氣kah kā水雞jiáng講:「Án-ne你是siû起來beh創啥!」

「喘khùi。」水雞講soah to̍h koh chhàng--落-去。

In iû-koh等2暝2日,最後水雞siû出來海面--ā,嘴koh kā hit ê金鼻薰kheh-á kā-tiâu--leh。

In tōa-siaⁿ hoah kóng: ‟Lí ū chhōe--tio̍h-bô?”

Chúi-ke chhoán-phe̍ⁿh-phe̍ⁿh ìn kóng: ‟Bô!”

In khì kah kā chúi-ke jiáng kóng: ‟Án-ne lí sī siû khí-lâi beh chhòng-siáⁿ!”

‟Chhoán-khùi.” Chúi-ke kóng soah to̍h koh chhàng--lo̍h-khì. 

In iû-koh tán 2 mê 2 ji̍t, chòe-āu chúi-ke siû chhut-lâi hái-bīn--ā, chhùi koh kā hit ê kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á kā-tiâu--leh.

Then they all rejoiced exceedingly, and the eagle flew ever so fast to the palace of the King of the Birds.

But alas and alack-a-day! Jack's troubles were not ended; his mother's malison was still bringing him ill-luck, for the King of the Birds flew into a fearsome rage because Jack had not brought the Castle of the golden pillars back with him. And he said that unless he saw it by eight o'clock next morning Jack's head should come off as a cheat and a liar.

In iû-koh thiòng kah掠bē tiâu,鷹á teh飛ê速度mā chhui kah盡磅,飛轉去鳥á王ê王宮。

M̄-koh命運創治--lah!Jia̍k ê麻煩iáu-bē soah,in老母ê咒讖ûn-ná koh leh ka帶衰。為tio̍h Jia̍k無kā起tī金á thiāu頂面ê城堡chah--轉-來,鳥á王風火to̍h,講nā是tī明á載早起8點進前無hō͘伊看tio̍h hit棟城堡,Jia̍k to̍h ē hông thâi頭,因為伊to̍h是1 ê欺騙社會ê pián仙á。

In iû-koh thiòng kah lia̍h bē tiâu, eng-á teh poe ê sok-tō͘ mā chhui kah chīn-pōng, poe tńg-khì chiáu-á-ông ê ông-kiong. 

M̄-koh miā-ūn chhòng-tī--lah! Jia̍k ê mâ-hoân iáu-bē soah, in lāu-bú ê chiù-chhàm ûn-ná koh leh ka tài-soe. Ūi-tio̍h Jia̍k bô kā khí tī kim-á thiāu téng-bīn ê siâⁿ-pó chah--tńg-lâi, chiáu-á-ông hong-hóe-to̍h, kóng nā sī tī bîn-á-chài chái-khí 8 tiám chìn-chêng bô hō͘ i khòaⁿ tio̍h hit tòng siâⁿ-pó, Jia̍k to̍h ē hông thâi thâu, in-ūi i to̍h sī 1 ê khi-phiàn siā-hōe ê pián-sian-á.

Then Jack being close to death opened the golden snuff-box, and out tumbled the three little red men in their three little red caps. They had recovered their tempers and were quite glad to be back with a master who knew that they would only, as a rule, work under fear of death; for, see you, the servant-master had been for ever disturbing their sleep with opening the box to no purpose.

Chit時Jia̍k已經kiōng-beh無命--ā,伊kā金鼻薰kheh-á開--開,in hit 3仙tì細頂紅帽á ê細仙紅人,to̍h án-ne liàn--出-來。In已經無koh leh受氣--ah,mā真歡喜koh轉--來,因為chit ê主人有了解講,nā beh叫in做khang-khòe,to̍h kan-na有1 ê規矩,to̍h是ài tī性命有危險ê時chiah ē-tàng kā in叫--出-來,無像進前hit ê使用人變做主人了後,無tāi無chì to̍h leh開kheh-á,害in lóng睏bē好勢。

Chit-sî Jia̍k í-keng kiōng-beh bô-miā--ā, i kā kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á khui--khui, in hit 3 sian tì sè téng âng-bō-á ê sè-sian âng-lâng, to̍h án-ne liàn--chhut-lâi. In í-keng bô koh leh siū-khì--ah, mā chin hoaⁿ-hí koh tńg--lâi, in-ūi chit ê chú-lâng ū liáu-kái kóng, nā beh kiò in chò khang-khòe, to̍h kan-na ū 1 ê kui-kí, to̍h-sī ài tī sìⁿ-miā ū gûi-hiám ê sî chiah ē-tàng kā in kiò--chhut-lâi, bô chhiūⁿ chìn-chêng hit ê sú-iōng-lâng piàn-chò chú-lâng liáu-āu, bô-tāi-bô-chì to̍h leh khui kheh-á, hāi in lóng khùn bē hó-sè.

So before the clock struck eight next morning, there was the Castle on its twelve golden pillars, and the King of the Birds was fine and pleased, and let Jack take his horse and ride to the palace of the King of the Frogs. But there exactly the same thing happened, and poor Jack had to open the snuff-box again and order the Castle to come to the palace of the King of the Frogs. At this the little red men were a wee bit cross; but they said they supposed it could not be helped; so, though they yawned, they brought the Castle all right, and Jack was allowed to take his horse and go to the palace of the King of all the Mice in the World. But here the same thing happened, and the little red men tumbled out of the golden snuff-box in a real rage, and said fellows might as well have no sleep at all! However, they did as they were bidden; they brought the Castle of the golden pillars from the palace of the King of the Frogs to the palace of the King of the Birds(mice), and Jack was allowed to take his own horse and ride home.

Só͘-pái,tī隔工早時á 8點ê鐘聲tân進前,hit棟chhāi tī 12支金á thiāu頂koân ê城堡to̍h已經tī hia,鳥á王歡喜koh滿意--ah,to̍h hō͘ Jia̍k去牽伊ê馬thang騎去水雞王hia。M̄-koh kāng款ê tāi-chì koh來--ā,可憐ê Jia̍k ko͘-put-chiong mā是to̍h kā鼻薰kheh-á koh開1遍,命令講to̍h ài kā城堡sóa來水雞王chia,chit時in 3仙細仙á紅人to̍h淡薄á無歡喜--ah,m̄-koh in講,che mā是bô-ta-ôa ê tāi-chì,sui-bóng是愛睏kah koh leh hah-hì,in mā是kā城堡搬kah好勢好勢,sòa--lòe,Jia̍k chiah有thang騎伊ê馬,ùi全世界ê niáu鼠á王ê王宮hia--去。但是iû-koh是kāng款ê版路,in 3仙細仙á紅人ùi金鼻薰kheh-á liàn--出-來ê時,有影氣phut-phut,koh講,án-ne goán kui-khì lóng mài睏!M̄-koh in mā是有kā in該做--ê做好勢,kā金á-thiāu城堡ùi水雞王ê王宮搬去niáu鼠á王ê王宮,án-ne Jia̍k mā ē-tàng去牽伊ê馬騎轉去厝--ah。

Só͘-pái, tī keh-kang chái-sî-á 8 tiám ê cheng-siaⁿ tân chìn-chêng, hit tòng chhāi tī 12 ki kim-á thiāu téng-koân ê siâⁿ-pó to̍h í-keng tī hia, chiáu-á-ông hoaⁿ-hí koh boán-ì--ah, to̍h hō͘ Jia̍k khì khan i ê bé thang khiâ khì chúi-ke-ông hia. M̄-koh kāng-khoán ê tāi-chì koh lâi--ā, khó-liân ê Jia̍k ko͘-put-chiong mā sī to̍h kā phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á koh khui 1 piàn, bēng-lēng kóng to̍h ài kā siâⁿ-pó sóa-lâi chúi-ke-ông chia, chit-sî in 3 sian sè-sian-á âng-lâng to̍h tām-po̍h-á bô hoaⁿ-hí--ah, m̄-koh in kóng, che mā sī bô-ta-ôa ê tāi-chì, sui-bóng sī ài-khùn kah koh leh hah-hì, in mā sī kā siâⁿ-pó poaⁿ kah hó-sè hó-sè, sòa--lòe, Jia̍k chiah ū thang khiâ i ê bé, ùi choân-sè-kài ê niáu-chhí-á ông ê ông-kiong hia--khì. Tān-sī iû-koh sī kāng-khoán ê pán-lō͘, in 3 sian sè-sian-á âng-lâng ùi kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á liàn--chhut-lâi ê sî, ū-iáⁿ khì-phut-phut, koh kóng, án-ne goán kui-khì lóng mài khùn! M̄-koh in mā-sī ū kā in kai chò--ê chò hó-sè, kā kim-á-thiāu siâⁿ-pó ùi chúi-ke-ông ê ông-kiong poaⁿ khì niáu-chhí-á ông ê ông-kiong, án-ne Jia̍k mā ē-tàng khì khan i ê bé khiâ tńg-khì chhù--ah.

But the year and a day which he had been allowed was almost gone, and even his gay young wife, after almost weeping her eyes out after her handsome young husband, had given up Jack for lost; so every one was astounded to see him, and not over-pleased either to see him come without his Castle. Indeed his father-in-law swore with many oaths that if it were not in its proper place by eight o'clock next morning Jack's life should be forfeit.

M̄-koh,Jia̍k hông允准ê 1年koh過1工ê時限kiōng beh到--ah,連伊hit ê青春活潑ê牽手,tī伊為tio̍h伊ê緣投á少年ang,哭kah目睭kiōng beh chheⁿ-mê了後,mā認為Jia̍k已經失蹤,kā Jia̍k放棄--ah。Só͘-pái,ta̍k人看tio̍h伊ê時lóng驚1-ē,put-kò看伊無kā城堡chah--轉-來,mā無啥歡喜。事實上,in丈人pâ有咒chōa kúi-nā遍,nā準講城堡tī明á載8點進前無轉去到原位,Jia̍k絕對ē無命。

M̄-koh, Jia̍k hông ún-chún ê 1 nî koh kòe 1 kang ê kî-hān kiōng beh kàu--ah, liân i hit ê chheng-chhun hoa̍h-phoah ê khan-chhiú, tī i ūi-tio̍h i ê iân-tâu-á siàu-liân ang, khàu kah ba̍k-chiu kiōng beh chheⁿ-mê liáu-āu, mā jīn-ûi Jia̍k í-keng sit-chong, kā Jia̍k hòng-khì--ah. Só͘-pái, ta̍k-lâng khòaⁿ tio̍h i ê sî lóng kiaⁿ-1-ē, put-kò khòaⁿ i bô kā siâⁿ-pó chah--tńg-lâi, mā bô siáⁿ hoaⁿ-hí. Sū-si̍t siōng, in tiûⁿ-lâng-pâ ū chiù-chōa kúi-nā piàn, nā chún-kóng siâⁿ-pó tī bîn-á-chài 8 tiám chìn-chêng bô tńg-khì kàu goân-ūi, Jia̍k choa̍t-tùi ē bô-miā.

Now this, of course, was exactly what Jack had wanted and intended from the beginning; because when death was nigh he could open the golden snuff-box and order about the little red men. But he had opened it so often of late and they had become so cross that he was in a stew what to do; whether to give them time to show their temper, or to hustle them out of it. At last he decided to do half and half. So just as the hands of the clock were at five minutes to eight he opened the box, and stopped his ears!

當然--lah,Jia̍k to̍h是想beh ài án-ne,伊自頭to̍h有án-ne teh phah算,因為nā有性命ê危險,伊to̍h ē-tàng kā金鼻薰kheh-á開--開,命令in 3仙細仙紅人做tāi-chì,m̄-koh伊最近kheh-á開kah siuⁿ chia̍p,in 3仙變kah性地chiâⁿ bái,che hō͘伊kài焦心,m̄知beh按怎,到底是beh hō͘ in時間使性地,a̍h是beh hiàm in緊去kā khang-khòe做做--leh。最後,伊決定beh lia̍h中和,取中範。Só͘-pái,to̍h tī leh時針koh chhun 5分鐘to̍h到8點ê時,伊kā kheh-á開--開,koh來to̍h kā耳á am--起-來!

Tong-jiân--lah, Jia̍k to̍h sī siūⁿ beh ài án-ne, i chū-thâu to̍h ū án-ne teh phah-sǹg, in-ūi nā ū sìⁿ-miā ê gûi-hiám, i to̍h ē-tàng kā kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á khui--khui, bēng-lēng in 3 sian sè-sian âng-lâng chò tāi-chì, m̄-koh i chòe-kīn kheh-á khui kah siuⁿ chia̍p, in 3 sian piàn kah sèng-tē chiâⁿ bái, che hō͘ i kài chiau-sim, m̄-chai beh án-chóaⁿ, tàu-té sī beh hō͘ in sî-kan sái-sèng-tē, a̍h sī beh hiàm in kín khì kā khang-khòe chò-chò--leh. Chòe-āu, i koat-tēng beh lia̍h tiong-hô, chhú tiong-pān. Só͘-pái, to̍h tī leh sî-chiam koh chhun 5 hun-cheng to̍h kàu 8 tiám ê sî, i kā kheh-á khui--khui, koh-lâi to̍h kā hīⁿ-á am--khí-lâi!

Well! you never heard such a yawning, and scolding, and threatening, and blustering. What did he mean by it? Why should he take four bites at one cherry? If he was always in fear of death why didn't he die and have done with it?

In the midst of all this the tower clock began to whirr—

夭壽--喔!無可能有人bat聽過chit種hah-hì,chhoh-kàn-kiāu,pàng-tiau kah phì-phè叫lām-lām做1夥ê聲。「伊che是啥物意思?」「是按怎kāng款ê tāi-chì ài做4遍?」「伊nā kui日lóng hiah驚死,nah m̄ kui-khì去死死--leh,án-ne to̍h lóng bián koh驚--a?」

亂操操,jû-chháng-chháng,塔頂ê時鐘開始leh hiⁿ。

Iáu-siū--o͘h! Bô khó-lêng ū lâng bat thiaⁿ-kòe chit-chióng hah-hì, chhoh-kàn-kiāu, pàng-tiau kah phì-phè-kiò lām-lām chò-1-hóe ê siaⁿ. ‟I che sī siáⁿ-mih ì-sù?” ‟Sī án-chóaⁿ kāng-khoán ê tāi-chì ài chò 4 piàn?” ‟I nā kui-ji̍t lóng hiah kiaⁿ-sí, nah m̄ kui-khì khì sí-sí--leh, án-ne to̍h lóng bián koh kiaⁿ--a?”

Loān-chhau-chhau, jû-chháng-chháng, thah-téng ê sî-cheng khai-sí leh hiⁿ.

"Gentlemen!" says Jack—he was really quaking with fear—"do as you are told."

"For the last time," they shrieked. "We won't stay and serve a master who thinks he is going to die every day."

And with that they flew out of the window.


「各位--ah!」Jia̍k真正是驚kah kui seng-khu phi̍h-phi̍h-chhoah,「照我kā lín講--ê去做。」

「Che是siāng尾1遍--ah!」In氣kah用jiáng--ê。「Goán bē koh留tī chia,伺候1 ê ta̍k日lóng認為伊ka-tī beh死--ah ê主人。」

講soah in to̍h飛ùi窗á外出--去-ah。

In mā無koh轉--來-ah。

“Kok-ūi--ah!” Jia̍k chin-chiàⁿ sī kiaⁿ kah kui seng-khu phi̍h-phi̍h-chhoah, “Chiàu góa kā lín kóng--ê khì chò.”

“Che sī siāng-bóe 1 piàn--ah!” In khì kah iōng jiáng--ê. “Goán bē koh lâu tī chia, su-hāu 1 ê ta̍k-ji̍t lóng jīn-ûi i ka-tī beh sí--ah ê chú-lâng.”

Kóng soah in to̍h poe ùi thang-á gōa chhut--khì-ah.

In mā bô koh tńg--lâi-ah.

The golden snuff-box remained empty for evermore.

But when Jack looked out of window there was the Castle in the middle of the lake on its twelve golden pillars, and there was his young wife ever so pretty and gay in her nightcap looking out of the window too.

So they lived happily ever after.

Hit ê金鼻薰kheh-á to̍h永遠lóng khang-khang--a。

M̄-koh to̍h tī Jia̍k ùi窗á門看--出-去ê時,湖ê中央有1棟城堡,起tī 12支金á大thiāu頂koân。伊hit ê tì睏帽ê少年牽手,hiah-nī súi,koh hiah-nī快樂,mā做夥teh看窗á外。

In 2 ê人to̍h án-ne過in幸福快樂ê日子--ah。

Hit ê kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á to̍h éng-oán lóng khang-khang--a. 

M̄-koh to̍h tī Jia̍k ùi thang-á-mn̂g khòaⁿ--chhut-khì ê sî, ô͘ ê tiong-ng ū 1 tòng siâⁿ-pó, khí tī 12 ki kim-á tōa-thiāu téng-koân. I hit ê tì khùn-bō ê siàu-liân khan-chhiú, hiah-nī súi, koh hiah-nī khoài-lo̍k, mā chò-hóe teh khòaⁿ thang-á gōa. 

In 2 ê lâng to̍h án-ne kòe in hēng-hok khoài-lo̍k ê ji̍t-chí--ah.

Goán是1 tīn真要意台語台文ê人,對台語有真深ê感情,tī chit-má這ê對台語,也tio̍h是咱Formosa chit粒島嶼本底ê共同語,去hō͘ chē-chē人看輕ê時代,想beh出來做kóa tāi-chì,kā goán目前koh ē-hiáu ê物件,分享hō͘社會知影。

This time Jack intended to give the three little red men more time for their task; but what with having enjoyed himself so much all day, and having ea
THE GOLDEN SNUFF-BOX Once upon a time, and a very good time too, though it was not in my time, nor your time, nor for the matter of that in any one's
"Good-morning, my beauty," says That. "Come! hand over the flax, sharp, there's a good girl." So she gave That the flax and shut the window and, you
TOM-TIT-TOT Once upon a time there was a woman and she baked five pies. But when they came out of the oven they were over-baked, and the crust was fa
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This time Jack intended to give the three little red men more time for their task; but what with having enjoyed himself so much all day, and having ea
THE GOLDEN SNUFF-BOX Once upon a time, and a very good time too, though it was not in my time, nor your time, nor for the matter of that in any one's
"Good-morning, my beauty," says That. "Come! hand over the flax, sharp, there's a good girl." So she gave That the flax and shut the window and, you
TOM-TIT-TOT Once upon a time there was a woman and she baked five pies. But when they came out of the oven they were over-baked, and the crust was fa
THE STORY OF THE THREE BEARS Once upon a time there were three Bears, who lived together in a house of their own, in a wood. One of them was a Little
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又過了一陣子,公主也醒過來,但王子從公主身上飛走的甲蟲認出公主其實早就省過來了,看來她已經交待好事情,請甲蟲傳達了。 只是在這沙漠裡,甲蟲的訊息能傳多遠? 魁克熱心的招待他們,大沙鰻的背部寬廣,大到足以架設帳篷,帳內能夠供給十位大人舒適坐臥的大小,森林裡沒有這樣巨大的生物,但也不會那麼缺少生物,