我將主題定為”Artisan Wallah-Shades of Kashmir”,作為人生尋繹之旅的第一站紀錄,同時期許作為開端,接續踏上更多不同的旅途,實踐心之所向。
It all started when I first traveled to Kashmir/India. I arrived at Kashmir to trek to the great 7 lakes. The trip was planned for 2 weeks, but I ended up staying the month and climbed the mountain twice.
The 2nd time I was more relaxed and learned to appreciate more details, from the scenery to what the pony man that guided us were wearing. Their lifestyle was much different from what I am used to, but I grew accustomed soon enough.
I felt an incredible sense of freedom. Among the incredible beauty. What amazed me most, was the textile design, and what made Kashmir famous besides its nature — pashmina.
So I came back again and again. Eventually semi-moved here. I quench my desire to create in the craft of weaving and embroidering. Everyday I find myself looking for new ways to color, to pattern, to integrate with this ancient artistry.
Artisan Wallah-Shades of Kashmir is my documentation of this life-changing journey, and an encouragement to myself to embark on more journeys — wherever my heart takes me.