2019-12-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

May 29

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
  You are the point of light within My mind. You are the point of love within My heart. When you can accept it, when you can see yourself as the microcosm of the macrocosm, you will never again belittle yourself or think ill of yourself. You will realise that you are indeed made in My image and likeness, that we are one, and that nothing and no one can separate us. If you feel any separation from Me, it is of your own making, for I never separate Myself from you. You are individually what I Am universally. Is it any wonder you have to be born again to accept the wonder of this truth? So many souls have strayed so far from Me, and have separated themselves to such an extent that they have placed Me in the heavens at such heights that I AM unapproachable. I AM within you, hidden in the very depths waiting to be recognised and drawn forth.
  我是上天意念中的光點。我是上天心中的愛之點。當我可以接受它,當我可以看待自己如同宏觀世界中的微觀世界, 我就永遠不會貶低自己或輕視自己。我會意識到我確實是上天的圖像及相像的一部分,意識到我們是合一的,並且沒有任何事或人可以將我們分開。
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