2020-02-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 18 分鐘

10. 履 111011 天澤-乾兌 (Quarter 1-8)

履虎尾,不咥人,亨。-- 穿著包覆虎皮花樣的鞋子,就像走在老虎尾巴後面,光澤亮麗、威風凜凜的,但是如果不像老虎一樣嚇唬人,那麼走到那裡都能受到歡迎,都能通暢無阻、來去自如。 初九:素履,往無咎。/ 變卦天水訟 -- 穿著樸素的鞋子,懷抱與世無爭的心情,通常在往來的道路上不會引起他人錯怪。天真而沒有偏見的和他人互動交流,纔能發現大自然的道理。 九二:履道坦坦,幽人貞吉。/ 變卦天雷無妄 -- 穿著道理做成的鞋子,坦坦蕩蕩的待人接物,又沒有狂妄自大的心態,那麼就算是走在幽暗不明的地方,也能順利的進行偵察和連結。 六三:眇能視?跛能履?履虎尾,咥人,凶。武人為於大君?/ 變卦乾為天 -- 少了眼,還能看清楚嗎?跛著腳,還能走的快嗎?穿著包覆虎皮花樣的鞋子,就像走在老虎尾巴後面,光鮮亮麗、威風凜凜的,但是此時如果像兇猛的老虎一樣嚇唬人,那就容易陷於凶險的處境。單單憑藉武力來嚇唬人而想成為大君王,這種想法未免太過天真了!沒有經過仔細觀察和實行實証的道理,最多只能唬人於一時啊! 九四:履虎尾,愬愬終吉。/ 變卦風澤中孚 -- 穿著包覆虎皮花樣的鞋子,就像走在老虎尾巴後面,風風光光、威風凜凜的。不過,凡事小心謹慎、預留緩衝的餘地,這樣總是好的。道理雖然可以唬人於一時,但是沒有經過驗証的道理,最好不要以偏蓋全,不要講的太浮濫、太絕對。 九五:夬履,貞厲。/ 變卦火澤睽 -- 鞋子有破漏或缺陷,這樣外出進行偵察與決定事情時當然很危險,小破綻會漫延成大裂縫啊!証據有破綻,道理就講不通,此時在眾目睽睽之下還想自圓其說,漏洞只會愈補愈大。 上九:視履考祥,其旋元吉。/ 變卦兌為澤 -- 檢視道理就像買一雙鞋,一定要考究詳細、試穿到滿意。如同意識或腦神經細胞單元的連結一樣,理論和實際能夠彼此潤澤又有迴旋和轉寰的空間,不能太緊也不能太鬆啊! "Ancient Hanese astronomers divided the astronomical night sky as four quarters, the western quarter was imagined as 白虎......which meant Bright Tiger and it was grouped by a lot of stars."
"If you look into details, you must find this Hanese word '虎' involved an alphabet 't' and a symbol 'ㄦ' which sounded like 'er'. I suppose,......to the ancient Hanese astronomers, they might not ignore this English word 'tiger'." "I think maybe tiger seemed like ground-hawk to the ancient Taiwanese, that's why it was called 'haw' in Taiwanese......虎是地上之鷹啊!......" "Why tiger was regarded as ground-hawk?" "Let me see!......Its eyes are very smart and sharp, its hunting action is very fast and accurate. Except that, the ancient people might be very afraid of hearing its roaring sound......" "But......as a small fox walking behind a big tiger, it might feel very safe and awesomely majestic, that's why there was an old Hanese idiom - 狐假虎威." "Except the first two quas and last two quas, 易經 had the other 60 quas which involved 360 yaos or micro-quas......It seemed like a round-shape time watch, that meant this qua '履' was starting to move on the way of the rear part in first quarter of 易經, I think that was the better reason why the lyrics of this qua was talking about following the railway behind the tiger's tail." "What was 履?.......It was considered as some kind of supporting tools or facilities for moving and transporting or transmitting, involved shoes or rails, channels or orbits......even the reasonable statements or the logical ways of thinking......." "The good shoes not only can support you to get to the aimed place, but also support you to come back home, that's why this word '履' involved '復' which had a meaning about 'come back' or 'return'......" "Do you think this word '履' is more looked like a roaring train which was just moving on the railroad and connected with some carriages which safely carried many travelers and goods across a long distance on a grant land?......" "Oh! My!......I can't believe the ancient people already had been owned the modern technologies of building trains and railroads for mass rapid transporting!......It's not real!......" "Why not?......Think about the words in last qua - 小畜......If they had found the oil field on desert land,.....if they had also found some metal mines,.....and if they had been eager to travel and transport speedily across a long distance on a grant land,......why not?" At now,......I feel a little bit confused,......maybe the author of 易經 are still watching us from another time-space,......maybe we are just so-called ancient people in the eyes of 易經's author....... "Let's review this word '履', it involved a symbol '尸',......if you remember the words about '尸' in seventh qua '師', then you should get the idea that '履' might be related to the auto machine or robot which could follow the logically reasonable rules or railways to activate and move." "That meant,......not only the mass rapid transporting, but the early mass production system might also be developed during this qua,......did it?" "I'm not sure!......What that world looked like? Did it just seem like the Modern Age, a rationalism age?.......I can imagine there must be many awesome reasonable theories and rational knowledge had been transmitted quickly between different cultures and lands at that age." "But rationality is not the whole world of mind.....The mind is not only an auto machine." "I suppose you are trying to mention the sensibility,......the other sensible parts of our body beyond the rational mind......." "Reason just like the repeat season, it repeats and repeats in every time and every year, but one person's reason might not as same as another person's reason,......because they might have different sensibility or feeling." "Rationality seems like a small pool besides a great sea, or a small oasis land rises on a great desert......It might be a new world, but still need uncut water and the other energy resources to safely maintain its sustainable life....." "I realize,......E.....You came from the great sea, and I came from one of the mountains,......but this villa with pool is not only mine, it's also built for you,......this is our beach land,.....I promise!......" "Does water have any color?" "No, it just reflects the changeable color of lights in sky, or involves colors of the other mixed components......" "Does water move itself?......" "No, it just follows the trends to move, waved by the wind, and circulated by heat and cold,......it's soft and flexible enough to change its form,....from liquid to solid, from solid to liquid, and from liquid to air......."
"That's why the water could flow everywhere and occupy the great sea......Following the spirit of flowing water and getting the finest easy life, this is Laos's words which were written in the old script of Taoism in Hanese ancient culture."
"Reasonable but also flexible, that's the best way of moving and living, even thinking,......just like human being's mass brain cells, they don't connect too tight or too loose, but still work in harmony........"
行道要有好道理,就像行走要有好鞋子,如此纔行得通、走的順。行走通順、止於至善,不強詞奪理,也不得理不饒人,這樣也就能處之泰然、心境寬容多了。 "Brain is also regarded as a great sea in Hanese culture, that's why there was a Hanese compound word - '腦海' which meant 'brain sea', and that's why there are countless knowledges and messages are posted on the World Wide Web of the Internet between digital computers every day and no one has enough time to read all of them in details......"
"If we try to explore and get linked with each other on the Internet world from each terminal, then our minds might joint together and become a great and flexible brain, just like a great brain sea consisted of numberless individual minds.........."
"......That must be a great data bank full with rational knowledge and sensible feelings, seems like a great tank full with water......"
"......And that's why the next qua was called '泰' which original meaning might be related to 'great water tank built and transmitted by many persons'......"
"......Getting more rational knowledge and sensible feelings, then the mind will be more lenient and fluent in the future......"
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
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