2020-08-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

Brain Drain

    I heard a very interesting idea today. It is a video posted from a famous anchor 路怡珍. She recently updated a interview with Dave talking about the biggest challange of American right now.
    Dave said the biggest challange is the brain drain. In the past years, American is always the desirable country in the world. As long as you are the smartest or telantive students, you probablely have dream to study or living in US. They want to converge in us. But now, who wants to go to US. There has COVID-19, black people killed by police, protests everywhere. He mentioned this is kind of a unique window for those countries that have less pandemic, like Vietnam, Taiwan and New Zealand. Lot of students who applied to Havard, Standford and many other universities but they even do not know they can enter in fall right now. Otherwise, many innovations and advantages in us are different people from around the world converging together, but the advantage does not exist right now.
    He suggested Taiwan government can encourage those students to come to Taiwan and learn Mandarin for a year. This is quite a clever way to do. My only concern is the quarantine issue. If those students can agree and obey the law and institution we have in the airport and hotel. Then, i definitely welcome them the come to visit my country.
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