2021-03-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

創作|To the One

I can be with you, Listening attentively to your wishes from heart; Or may I away run with you, Immerséd in the spree of youth;
Perhaps I shall dance with you, The limelight showering down only two of us; And have I a halcyon night with you, Embracing you with tender warmth;
Or let us just drown in tipsiness, Lavishing ardour till we fall; If anything more shall ne’er we do, From choice may I but you behold,
Your eyes, your cheeks, your smile, your tears Your joy, your sorrow, your merit and fault.
Give me your soul, And I’ll take you to the lush ecstasy.
一個讀英國文學與義大利文的留義少年,在疫情前回到台灣,學著法文、寫寫文章,紀錄感想,也紀錄生活。文章主題包含戲劇、電影與文學創作;語言橫跨中文、英文與義大利文,並經營IG平台《On the Wheels of Two|雙人單車上》與《Dirty Italian a Day|每日義淫》。
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