Lyrics, as a story being told with the melody. Singer, as a tour guide, leading us to visit that wonderland. Sing, as free as possible, to express ourselves, especially us in emotional side. Comfort the deepest of the heart, pleasant ourselves economically, and exercise/relax us efficiently. Ps. 有空, 就, 唱唱歌, 吧! 打掃時, 沐浴時, 備食材時,健行時, 散步時, 兜兜風時.回味一下, 那, 愛戀甜蜜; 也, 練練歌喉, 拉提脖肌; 測測肺活量, 和丹田力道. 若身體自己也跟著舞動了, 推論是, 因感動而動感了.