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如何做專業英文簡報3 – 解釋數字,分析圖表 | Joyce的職場視界#1030

如何做專業英文簡報 – 解釋數字,分析圖表 - 圓型圖 Pie Chart
如何做專業英文簡報 – 解釋數字,分析圖表 - 圓型圖 Pie Chart

圓型圖 Pie Chart
Products sold by hypermarkets of 29.8% in 1999. This showed only a very slight increase of about 1 % to 30.9% in 2019. Likewise, in 1999, distributors sold 29.63% which rose marginally to 10 years later. 1999年量販店銷售的產品數字為29.8%。這只顯示出非常輕微的增長,大約1%,而在2019年則達到30.9%。同樣地,在1999年,經銷商銷售的產品為29.63%,經過10年後略有上升。
Watsons, however, was the only channel decreased in sales from 29.27% in 1999 to around 19.55% in 2019. 而屈臣氏則是唯一一個銷售額從1999年的29.27%下降到2019年的19.55%左右的通路。
小提示 Tips: - 永遠要提到最大與最小的兩部分 - 提及兩個時間點的主要差異、趨勢 - Pie chart 的語言為 account for 佔比為 … / comprises of 包含 … / represents 代表 … - 使用以下片語 units are measured in … 以 … 為單位計算,來解釋你的圖表數字,例如上述圖表是以銷售總金額計算 units are measured in sales amount,或是以銷售產品總數計算 units are measured in product amount
如何做專業英文簡報 – 解釋數字,分析圖表 - 條狀圖 Bar Chart

條狀圖 Bar Chart
This chart shows the amount of money spent on five cosmetic products in Taiwan and Korea in 2020. Units are measured in the US dollars. 該圖顯示了2020年台灣和韓國在五種化妝品上的消費金額。單位以美元計算。
Overall, the Korea spent more money on cosmetic than Taiwan in the period given. Both the Korean and the Taiwanese spent most of their money on foundation. In addition, the least amount of money was spent on eye shadow in Korea compared to concealer in Taiwan. 總的來說,在給定的時期內,韓國在化妝品上花費的錢比台灣多。韓國人和台灣人都把大部分的錢花在了粉底上。此外,與台灣的遮瑕膏相比,韓國在眼影上花費的錢最少。
Additionally, the most significant difference in expenditure between the two markets was on concealer. 此外,這兩個市場之間最顯著的支出差異是在遮瑕膏上。
In terms of foundation in Korea spent $450,000 on this as opposed to the Taiwan at $400,000. Similarly, the Korean expenditure was higher on eyeliner than the Taiwanese. In Korea, expenditure on concealer was over double that of Taiwan, which was only $150,000. 就粉底而言,韓國在這方面的花費為45萬美元,而台灣為40萬美元。同樣,韓國人在眼線上的支出也比台灣人高。在韓國,遮瑕膏的支出是台灣的兩倍以上,台灣只有15萬美元。
On the other hand, the amount of money paid out on mascara was higher in Taiwan. Above $350,000 was spent by the Taiwanese on mascara which was slightly more than the Korean who spent exactly $350,000. 另一方面,台灣在睫毛膏上支付的金額更高。台灣人在睫毛膏上的花費超過35萬美元,比韓國人略高,後者的花費正好是35萬美元。
Neither of the markets spent much on eye shadow which account for $200,000 of expenditure in Taiwan but under $150,000 in Korea. 這兩個市場在眼影上的花費都不高,台灣的眼影花費為20萬美元,而韓國則低於15萬美元。
關於時態的部分,在形容圖表時,絕對都是使用過去式, 畢竟該數據都是已經發生過了才累積出來的,因此不能用其他的時態。
九宮格學英文 - 5月簡報引導
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