2020-07-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘


    My Reflections on “Akira (1988 film)” Although I knew almost nothing about this film and scientific fiction before going to the cinema, I was attracted to this classic animation film from 30 years ago. The story is about the relation of humans pursuing extreme power and being engulfed by it. We may resonate with this especially now, as we are living in a society where technology is highly developed.
    The depiction of power in this film is not only physical but also spiritual and the relationship between them. It shows the weakness and strength of humanity. The former is about being confined to a body or the codependency and blind obedience due to spiritual emptiness. The latter is about the responsibility and freedom of making choices and understanding the boundaries.
    “Akira” tells this story in an imaginative way. The city, which was formerly rebuilt from ruin, is once again destroyed by power that has gone out of control. However, after the catastrophic destroy, sunlight which symbolizes newborn hope shines. It involves themes of eschatology and incarnation.
    The art and design are exquisite, and the decadent beauty is quite charming. I like the music very much. Undoubtedly, the music is the key to setting the atmosphere and emotions for the whole film. The musicians create a sense of a mysterious future using Gamelan which is a traditional orchestra of Indonesian percussive instruments with a very long history. They created a universal beauty by using elements from the Eastern culture.
    To be honest, I don’t know much about scientific fictions, but this film opened a new door for me, and has made me more interested in it.
    AKIRA soundtrack - Geinoh Yamashirogumi - "Kaneda"
    AKIRA soundtrack - Geinoh Yamashirogumi - "Tetsuo"
    用旺盛的好奇心,驚嘆世界的不可思議, 想在微不足道的事物,尋找浪漫樂趣; 自由自在地成為各種美好事物的過客, 以溫柔敦厚的眼來欣賞不完美的世界。 I want to admire the amazing of the world, and find romance as well as
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