更新於 2021/05/29閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

D13@27 May 2021 Plain Covid Diary in Taiwan

added 461 local cases, 13 deaths. 27 May 2021 (Thu)
I Just heard some realistic opinions from a foreign friend about how other countries see Taiwan now.
Yep, we've focused on how we need to do to cope with our domestic issues, we really haven't paid much attention to the feeling of other countries.
“Taiwan, you are too late to join the party, now you don't deserve our empathy anymore, you missed the most exciting moment.”
When we hadn't had severe situations in Taiwan, we had already tried hard buying vaccines, but they responded: “Taiwan is not as serious as other countries, you don't deserve vaccines”. And now they said: “Taiwan has a very low rate of getting vaccinated. It caused the fail”.
Is it fair? Especially they know what exactly the issue is. It's all about politics from a country. Taiwan has been facing many issues that many countries don't have. We tried our best to protect our home and got a paradise for over one year, but now it's like: “see? it's your turn.”
I have a feeling that I don't wanna keep this dairy anymore, it's been a year everywhere and what would be the difference in Taiwan? Just another people died more and are suffering from what other countries have been suffering for over a year.
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