Who was in that ambulance? 誰在那輛救護車裡?
An old man who was a COVID-19 confirmed case had difficulty breathing.
A car followed behind the ambulance. 一輛車緊跟著救護車。
Inside the car were his son, his daughter-in-law, and his unborn grandson.
A taxi rushed to the same destination. 一輛計程車衝向同一個目的地。
Inside the taxi sat the taxi driver, Coco, and Victor.
Coco is his ex-wife, and Victor is her husband.
The siren of the ambulance screamed loudly, while paramedics were trying to save the old man’s life. 當車上救護人員正搶救著老人的生命時,救護車的鳴笛聲呼嘯著。
The couple in the car were weeping. 車內的這對夫妻流著淚。
The couple in the taxi were forming. 計程車內的這對夫妻皺著眉。
There were several ambulances on the street, and they were rushing to the same hospital. 街上同時有著好幾輛救護車,他們都衝向同一間醫院。
There were several lives that needed to be saved.
The patients were all endangered. 所有的病人都生命垂危。
They were all COVID-19 confirmed cases. 他們都是新冠病毒確診者。
They all belong to a happy family before long. 不久前他們都來自一個快樂的家庭。
They are treasured to their beloved family.
But they are playing tug-of-war with the Death.
Who will win? Nobody knows. 誰會贏?沒有人知道。
All I can hear is the sirens again and again.