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在這次通信中,Lorraine 提到有位也曾經是寄宿家庭成員的女士因肺癌過世了。

Dear Grace I am happy to say that Ray tested negative today so the household can get back to some sort of normal now. It has been a terrible week but with separate bedrooms and bathrooms, we could get some time without having to wear masks. I have warned Ray from now on when he goes across to the shops he has to wear a mask as it’s still around but then it probably is in all countries but they don’t say. I hope that the aftershocks have stopped and people can get about repairing all the damage and start to live again. I don’t know if I have told you but do you remember Dianne Bourke she used to have homestays and is a beautiful person She passed away from lung cancer just over a year ago she still cracked jokes right up into she hooked her last breath I miss her very much. Look after yourselves and stay safe. Love Lorraine &Ray xxxxx❤️❤️

Dear Lorraine

Before reading your mail, I just came back from a supermarket. On the way home, I met a group of kids who were on a kindergarten school bus. When I stopped at the traffic light, 4 kids sitting on the rear seats of the bus started to wave to me with big smiles. Wow! They are just like angels, curing my uneasy mind. They made my day.

The second happy event is that Ray’s test result is negative. Ray should listen to your advice about wearing a mask while going outdoors. I know how tiresome to take care of a Covid-19-positive family at home. You need to be a housewife, nurse, clean lady, and good friend at the same time. Ha ha ha!

I feel better now. We gradually back to normal. My husband and kids recover faster than me. I went to Yoga Class on schedule. The teacher and classmates talked about the earthquake’s influence after class. Nobody got hurt. Just like you said material things are not important. My family, relatives, and friends are safe and sound. I am so lucky.

I don’t have any impression about Dianne Bourke, but according to your description, she must be a wonderful lady.  I miss the days in Brisbane and hope to visit you someday.

Best regards



Lorraine給大女兒的回信 Dear Anna It must have been terrible for you all I know before I was married but engaged to Ray we lived in South Australia and we
大女兒寫給Lorraine的信 Dear Ray and Lorraine, this is Anna, we were having a meeting at school when the earthquake happened, fortunately, there was no dam
接著又立刻收到Lorraine的回信 Dear Grace How lovely it was to read the messages from Anna, Skyler, and Sabrina.    I should not be surprised because we know how
Lorraine 於 2024年4月4日 清晨7:07 寫道: Thank you for letting us know and I’m sorry that you have had damage but wonderful that you are well.   What about t
Dear Grace Are you all alright with this terrible earthquake? Love Lorraine and Ray xxxxx We’re safe and sound. Some souvenirs bought from diff
Lorraine給大女兒的回信 Dear Anna It must have been terrible for you all I know before I was married but engaged to Ray we lived in South Australia and we
大女兒寫給Lorraine的信 Dear Ray and Lorraine, this is Anna, we were having a meeting at school when the earthquake happened, fortunately, there was no dam
接著又立刻收到Lorraine的回信 Dear Grace How lovely it was to read the messages from Anna, Skyler, and Sabrina.    I should not be surprised because we know how
Lorraine 於 2024年4月4日 清晨7:07 寫道: Thank you for letting us know and I’m sorry that you have had damage but wonderful that you are well.   What about t
Dear Grace Are you all alright with this terrible earthquake? Love Lorraine and Ray xxxxx We’re safe and sound. Some souvenirs bought from diff
Google News 追蹤
夢見我跟朋友在海邊遇到一對夫妻,其中太太得到癌症。先生陪著太太很勇敢去抗癌。我記得太太應該有小中大三個階段的期限。 這位先生平常會在網路上傳他們的生活影片。最近的兩支影片,一支就是太太看起來還沒這麼病重,影片上就是他們講話的樣子。另外一支影片太太看起來氣色很不好,可是先生想要讓太太看起來沒有那麼病
就在忙碌的工作,似乎是病人告訴我們這個假日是端午節 就在6/4這天,連續三個一起離開了。COVID-19期間 第一個阿嬤,就在家屬前來時,詢問我:請問可以進去看嗎?家屬眼神似乎期待我說好,但依照規定我拒絕了。不過病人病房位於電梯口旁,透過窗戶可以看見,我便帶著家屬前往時,我轉身訊間,聽到啜泣聲。
一天中午,收到消息得知以前的同事因為生病住院了,於是決定約同事一起去探望他。 如果有一天能回到多年以前,我會不會有更好的建議可以給他呢?
「姊,媽在家昏倒了,你能抽空回家一趟嗎?」 佩珊一接到電話,馬上請假衝回新竹老家,到家後看到母親坐在沙發上,雖然臉色有些蒼白,但看起來已無大礙,才鬆了一口氣,連忙問起怎麼一回事? 原來,佩珊的父親幾年前檢查出癌症,雖然發現得還算早,經手術後已切除病灶,但因年紀大了,住個院回來元氣大傷。
夢見我跟朋友在海邊遇到一對夫妻,其中太太得到癌症。先生陪著太太很勇敢去抗癌。我記得太太應該有小中大三個階段的期限。 這位先生平常會在網路上傳他們的生活影片。最近的兩支影片,一支就是太太看起來還沒這麼病重,影片上就是他們講話的樣子。另外一支影片太太看起來氣色很不好,可是先生想要讓太太看起來沒有那麼病
就在忙碌的工作,似乎是病人告訴我們這個假日是端午節 就在6/4這天,連續三個一起離開了。COVID-19期間 第一個阿嬤,就在家屬前來時,詢問我:請問可以進去看嗎?家屬眼神似乎期待我說好,但依照規定我拒絕了。不過病人病房位於電梯口旁,透過窗戶可以看見,我便帶著家屬前往時,我轉身訊間,聽到啜泣聲。
一天中午,收到消息得知以前的同事因為生病住院了,於是決定約同事一起去探望他。 如果有一天能回到多年以前,我會不會有更好的建議可以給他呢?
「姊,媽在家昏倒了,你能抽空回家一趟嗎?」 佩珊一接到電話,馬上請假衝回新竹老家,到家後看到母親坐在沙發上,雖然臉色有些蒼白,但看起來已無大礙,才鬆了一口氣,連忙問起怎麼一回事? 原來,佩珊的父親幾年前檢查出癌症,雖然發現得還算早,經手術後已切除病灶,但因年紀大了,住個院回來元氣大傷。