20 Best FREE Typing Software & App for PC in

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Best Typing Software 2021
Typing Tutor is a software which helps you to improve your typing skills by taking lessons, playing a game, or conducting typing test.
Following is a handpicked list of Top Typing Tutor Program, with their popular features and typing tutor download links. The list contains both open source (free) and commercial (paid) software with typing tutor free download links.

BEST Typing Tutor Software Download for PC

1) Typing Master

Type master is a website that helps you to double your typing speed. It is one of the best typing software for PC which allows you to test your wpm (word per minute) speed and accuracy.
  1. This free typing software helps you to analyze and trains your skills.
  2. Pro version offers wpm testing tool for all your business recruitment and training purposes.
  3. Typing Games Zone offers a sperate selection of fun typing games.
Support platforms: Windows

2) Animal Typing – Lite

Animal Typing is a simple, most straightforward, and funny way to learn touch for people of all ages. You will get the Anila like snail, rabbit, horse according to your typing speed. The tool also rewards your accuracy.
  1. Animated fingers help you to know the proper typing technique.
  2. Offer various keyword layouts: Qwerty (US/UK), Dvorak, Colemak, Workman, Qwertz, Azerty, etc.
  3. Helps users to login system to switch between multiple users.
Supported platform: iOS

3) Typing.com

Typing.com is free typing software that monitors progress from time to time. It is one of the best typing program that helps you to improve your typing accuracy and speed by opting for one-minute, three-minute, and five-minute typing tests.
  1. Keyboarding, Digital Literacy, and Coding
  2. Powerful district and classroom management
  3. Teaches valuable technology fundamentals to the students.
  4. It offers faster, more accurate typing.
  5. Provide instructions and lessons in English and Spanish language.
Supported platforms: web

4) TypingClub

TypingClub is web-based free typing tool. This tool helps teachers to manage several classes using TypingClub. You can monitor the progress of students and customize lessons using this typing tutorial tool.
  1. It offers mobile apps and has tools that help teachers to design lessons.
  2. A proper hand posture guide allows you to see the correct hand posture on keys according to your type.
  3. Offers various levels to keep you motivated and build your muscle memory.
  4. It allows you to view past performances and even play them back.
  5. Offer a wide range of experiences from games, videos, and different typing challenges.
Supported platform: web

5) The Typing Cat

Typing Cat is a Keyboarding tutor that helps you to improve your typing speed. It offers various types of keyboard layouts and helps you to learn to computer keys online.
  1. Improve typing speed and accuracy
  2. It helps you to enhance your overall computer skills.
  3. User can expand their keyboard layouts to Dvorak, Colemak, and Workman.
Supported platforms: web

6) Ratatype

Ratatype is an online typing tutorial tool that focuses more on that each finger has its area on the keyboard. It is a simple and intuitive interface that doesn't distract you from studying the layout.
  1. Offer proper sitting posture for typing.
  2. The color-coded keyboard under the lesson input field will help you to understand which finger should press each key.
  3. Helps you to learn touch typing
  4. It allows you to conduct a typing test to find out your typing speed.
Supported platforms: Windows, Web

7) RapidTyping

The rapid typing tutor is free typing. This software comes with many sessions and games, which helps you to grow your typing skill. It offers extensive training statistics and customized lessons.
  1. A virtual keyboard feature helps you to learn how to place your fingers on the keyboard.
  2. It displays one or two moving hands over the keyboard.
  3. This tool helps you to track the learning progress and allows you to view the results at any time.
  4. It offers a multi-language interface.
Supported platforms: Windows

8) TypeLift

TypeLift is free touch-typing courseware that runs directly in your browser. It assists you in practicing your keyboard skills efficiently and helps you to increase your typing speed immensely.
  1. Typing test to check your skill
  2. Create your typing lessons
  3. You can view the total overview, which is calculated based on all your previous typing exercises.
  4. Instantly display your writing progress.
Support platforms: Windows

9) Key Hero

Key Hero is a great typing tutor tool which helps you to improve your typing skills. The software game keeps track of all your performances (WPM and accuracy) and enables you to understand your mistakes.
  1. Touch typing is typing without the need to look at the keyboard.
  2. Site structure and content optimization
  3. Recognize the type of query
  4. Keyword and traffic analysis
Support platforms: Windows

10) Goodtyping.com

Goodtyping is a typing tutorial tool. This tool offers 23 different keyboard layouts. The tool offer typing practice in multiple languages like English, French, Italian, Spanish, etc.
  1. Learn how to type correctly in just a few hours using your fingers.
  2. You will able to learn the art of fast typing.
  3. Web-based course, so no downloads required.
Support platforms: Windows

11) Touch Typing Study

Touch typing study typing tutorial tool, which offers accurate typing lesions and practice to update your typing skill. It also has a speed test to evaluate your typing proficiency.
  1. It offers 15 free typing lessons available in different languages.
  2. In this typing tutorial software, all lessons are broken down into topics to see what's coming next.
  3. Offers different keyboard layouts to choose from and games to keep you glued.

12) Speed Typing Online

Speed typing online is a typing tutor that has 17 timeless lessons. These lessons allow you to learn all the letters on the keyboard before your skills get tested through reviews.
  1. Offers two different entry modes keep the experience fresh and help develop different speed typing skills
  2. Custom and interesting text to type
  3. Helps you to personalize and save the report
  4. A broad range of test round times
Supported platform: Windows

13) The Vehicles Typing

Vehicles Typing is a typing tool for kids who would enjoy watching vehicles down the road. You just need to type letters given in the balloons to keep the car running. The tool also offers corresponding hints for the keys to be pressed.
  1. It offers more than thirty lessons.
  2. Animation of various vehicles like cars, trains, airplanes, and ships, etc.
  3. It allows users to switch up to 3 people.
  4. No third-party advertising.
Supported platform: iOS

14) Typing Bolt

Typing Bolt is your web typing tutor tool that helps you to learn touch typing with the help of Bolt AI. This engine typing bolt could offer a typing course according to the user's skill.
  1. Optimized Words For Each Individual User
  2. Smart Beginner Friendly UI
  3. This computer typing software offers real-time statistics of your performance.
  4. Helps you to adjust in various levels automatically
Supported Platform: Windows

15) Typing Fingers LT

Typing Fingers is a free typing app for Mac. It helps you to make typing fun, is interactive and works with modern technologies and a new teaching method.
  1. It helps you to type accurately without looking at your screen.
  2. Ready for US/EN QWERTY keyboard layout
  3. Ideal for homeschooling.
  4. It contains typing games.
Supported platform: Mac ,iOS

16) Keybr.com

A keyboard is a web application that will help you teach touch typing. The tool helps you to improve any individual's typing speed and accuracy dramatically.
  1. Helps you to design practice according to your skill
  2. You can select the layout according to your choice.
  3. This typing app for PC allows users to add their profile
Supported platform: Windows

17) KTouch Typing Tutor

KTouch is an open-source typing tutor software for Linux only. This tool displays the keyboard and indicates which key to press next and the correct finger to use.
  1. It allows you to learn typing with all fingers, step by step, without need to see the keyboard to find your keys.
  2. Lightweight typing software which helps you to learn typing.
  3. Helps you to collect comprehensive statistical information
  4. This typing practice software offers more than twelve courses in many languages
Supported platform: Linux

18) GNU Typist

GNU typist is free typing program released under the GNU General Public License. By using this typing tutorial tool, you can learn correct typing and improve your skills by practicing its exercises regularly.
  1. It comes with various typing tutorials: in Czech, English Russian and Spanish, French, etc.
  2. It helps you to interprets a simple and intuitive scripting language.
  3. This free typing software allows you to modify existing tutorials or create new ones according to your needs.
Supported platforms: Windows

19) Klavaro Touch Typing Tutor

Klavaro touch typing is easy to use flexible too. It supports customizable keyboard layouts. This typing tutorial software allows you to edit and save new or unknown keyboard layouts, as the basic typing course was designed for everyone.
  1. Offer multi-keyboard
  2. Support for multi-language
  3. This typing software for PC offers four different types of practicing activities
  4. Accepts external text
Supported platforms: Windows, Linux

20) Typing Trainer

TypingTes is a free online tool which offers typing Test and exciting typing games and keyboarding practice. It is one of the best free typing programs that allows you to learn and practice touch typing in the most effective way.
  1. This typing learning software helps user to learn various typing skills
  2. Allows you to increase your typing speed
  3. You can discover over 700+ typing activities.
  4. Play typing games
Supported platforms: Windows

21) Typeracer

Typeracer is an online typing competition software. The tool allows people to race each-other by typing quotes from books, movies, and songs. It is the perhaps first multiplayer typing game on the web.
  1. Offers private learning environment on the web just
  2. for your students, which they could access from
  3. home, school, or the library.
  4. This typing test software allows the teacher to determine who gets access
  5. To run this tool, you don't need any installation.
  6. It works on any computer with a web browser.
  7. Helps student to motivate each other
Supported platform: Windows


⚡ What is Typing Tutor?

Typing tutor is a software which helps you to improve your typing skills by taking lessons, playing the game, or conducting typing test.

❓ What is WPM?

WPM is a short form of Word Per Minute. It attributes the time that you take the type number of words in a single minute.

👉 What are the benefits of a typing tutor?

Here, are benefits of typing tutor software:
  • Get access to expert knowledge and proven techniques.
  • Helps you to learn step by step
  • Helps you to enhance coordination and motor skills
  • Systematically build muscle memory.
  • Get motivated and entertained with typing games, drills.
  • Evaluation of progress through tracking technology

⚡ Why is typing skill important to become a computer professional?

Typing is one of the fundamental skills, which can help you improve focus and time management. This is a must-have skill who wants to manage computers in full capacity.

💻 How to learn typing on a Computer?

Below is a step by step process on how to learn typing on a Computer:
  • Download typing tutor from any of the above-listed software on your computer or go to the typing software website
  • Install the software on your computer or sign up if you are visiting the website
  • Follow the instructions if provided and start with the basic typing tests
  • Practice on a daily basis and improve your level of typing and typing speed as well
  • You will improve your typing skill from beginner to advanced in a few weeks if you follow the instructions properly and practice daily

❗ What are the best typing tutors?

Following are some of the best typing tutor software and websites:
  • Animal Typing – Lite
  • Typing.com
  • TypingClub
  • Typing Master
  • Ratatype
  • Rapid Typing
  • Speed Typing Online
  • Typing Bolt
  • KTouch Typing Tutor
  • GNU Typist
  • Typing Trainer

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想要學習英文的朋友,不妨參考一下我在日常生活中使用的學習英文的app。這些app包括了口說練習、閱讀、單字測驗等功能,其中常用的app包括Cake, Toko, Pi, Langster和Dori。
本文介紹了一款用於背單字的教學軟體,詳述其操作流程及學習方法。以下是內容的整理重點: 1. **軟體啟動與登錄** - 啟動軟體:在電腦上找到軟體目錄並雙擊藍色圖示以啟動。 - 登錄界面:啟動後,出現登錄畫面,用戶需輸入帳號和密碼,然後連接到公司伺服器進行登錄。 2.
在英語學習的旅途上,擁有良師益友,直接為疑難雜症對症下藥也是在短時間內提升英語實力的關鍵技巧之一,以下將分享我使用線上英文家教平臺(我是用Amazing talker)兩年來的使用心得。線上英文家教怎麼挑?
我測試的文字轉語音工具,我可以導入4000-5000(甚至高達10,000)個單詞來生成我的音頻檔案。 https://www.text-to-speech.online/ https://ttsmaker.com/ 其他工具但對字符數有一些限制: https://ttsfree.
想要學習英文的朋友,不妨參考一下我在日常生活中使用的學習英文的app。這些app包括了口說練習、閱讀、單字測驗等功能,其中常用的app包括Cake, Toko, Pi, Langster和Dori。
本文介紹了一款用於背單字的教學軟體,詳述其操作流程及學習方法。以下是內容的整理重點: 1. **軟體啟動與登錄** - 啟動軟體:在電腦上找到軟體目錄並雙擊藍色圖示以啟動。 - 登錄界面:啟動後,出現登錄畫面,用戶需輸入帳號和密碼,然後連接到公司伺服器進行登錄。 2.
在英語學習的旅途上,擁有良師益友,直接為疑難雜症對症下藥也是在短時間內提升英語實力的關鍵技巧之一,以下將分享我使用線上英文家教平臺(我是用Amazing talker)兩年來的使用心得。線上英文家教怎麼挑?
我測試的文字轉語音工具,我可以導入4000-5000(甚至高達10,000)個單詞來生成我的音頻檔案。 https://www.text-to-speech.online/ https://ttsmaker.com/ 其他工具但對字符數有一些限制: https://ttsfree.