“If you say 'clean-up' to people who already don't trust you, what will their reaction be? ”
“What is lacking for now is a really good prevention programme where people who might understand the problem are invited for discussions - this is completely lacking.” (Johan Leman, 一個當地居民,她的兒子加入聖戰組織,死在敘利亞。)
"Brussels was once the top city in Belgium and now it's this, this is clearly because of immigration."
"No more immigrant!!" (以上摘自多則youtube評論)
"There is a big problem with the social and religious environement. A lot of parents aren't there to educate their children. The only truth is a identity problem. They have to change, that's the only solution."
"Those 'innocent' kids from Molenbeek are far from innocent and have problems with authority every single day. They have parents who doesn't care about their kids. "
"...15 years ago I use to go to a School in Molenbeek .. ....and it was already a no go Zone.... " (以上摘自多則youtube評論)
"The only truth is a identity problem. They have to change, that's the only solution."
"They grow up on the streets without respect and education towards the belgian people and culture."
"The thing is you can't just put a group of immigrants together and let them do whatever really without any real supervision for 50 years and expect them to be fine. Yes Islam as a as an ideology is to blame but this could have easily been avoided." (以上摘自多則youtube評論)
"I am from Brussels, and I can assure you that our government allowed this neighborhood to exist,,...the problems always come from people from Morocco...people need to know that the problems does not come from Islam or migrants..... but from our government and Moroccan borne in Eu" (摘自一則youtube評論)
據國際極端化和政治暴力研究中心(International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence)統計,比利時向中東國家輸出的戰士,在西歐國家中,佔國家總人口數的的比例是最高的,且是次高的法國的兩倍以上。
"We always talk about the others in negative terms," he says. "We say: 'We are hard-working Flemish people, and the Walloons are lazy!' We think of 'us and them' - even between Belgians."
"And in the same way, we think: 'There are white people, the real Belgians - and newcomers.' Even though people from Morocco and Turkey have been here three generations…"
這名講師更認為這是一種種族隔離的系統(a system of apartheid),這系統源自心理,是更危險的:
"You really have ghettos. And what is more important, and more dangerous, is not that people aren't living together - it's the mental ghetto."
(摘自為什麼是比利時?歐洲做錯了什麼?|國際|端傳媒 Initium Media (theinitium.com))
當時的莫倫比克首長Françoise Schepmans自2012年接任管理莫倫比克。她在接受媒體採訪時指出,莫倫比克的高失業率及低教育程度,是它成為一個貧困地區的主因,但是"貧窮不是激進主義的藉口"(Poverty is no excuse for radicalism),尤其巴黎槍擊案中與莫倫比克有關聯的兩位嫌犯(Salah Abdeslam和Abdelhamid Abaaoud)是中產階層背景。
上一任的莫倫比克首長Philippe Moureaux曾管理莫倫比克將近20年,Schepmans說,當時Moureaux認為,莫倫比克是個"社會的、多元文化的實驗室",他以"讓莫倫比克人隨他們所想的過生活"(people in Molenbeek should just live how they want)為方針,管理這個地方。當Schepmans被問到自她接任管理莫倫比克後,有什麼改變時,她表示她將治安擺在第一位,裝設了許多監視器,她也鼓勵莫倫比克人尊重警方。
"When you're in school, do you feel accepted?"一名記者詢問這個學生。 "I have a lot of problem because I wear jilbab(Islamic dress), they ask me to remove it when I go to school. I don't feel right without it. Why can't I show it? why is religion at war like it?"這個學生回答道。
“That's how we feel…people feel we are 'those people', they say that's 'those people' with their finger pointing us….”
"The people in this neighberhood face a series of difficulties. Job insecurity, socio-economic problems, unemployment and stigmatisation. They have the impression that they've become second-class citizens."
"They don't trust the schools, police and the media. But they also feel that the media don't trust them, the schools don't trust them and society doesn't trust them."
"A tribute to this wonderful piece of Brussels (where I live), home of the poor, the artists, the immigrants and the tourists, fertile ground of mixity and culture." 作品介紹末段這麼寫道。