更新於 2022/02/26閱讀時間約 5 分鐘


經過了幾天「天寒地凍」再加上「陰雨不斷」,難得在今天有個溫暖舒服的周末。趁著上午做完復健後,走在暖暖的人行道上,經過二二八公園時,發現很多旗幟,一時之間沒把它與二二八紀念日聯想在一起。都是COVID-19啦!搞得每個人都只剩下防疫,居家上班(Work From Home)…
作者同時也提到祖師爺Ra 常說的一句話"The Gods love a good joke."
The Nodes of the Moon are asking for a new evolutionary direction in regard to the respect of individual barriers (2nd line theme in 6 different positions), but with the presence of Pluto in Gate 60.2 the rigor in the spirit of the Laws is clearly on decay, and the repetition of the old seems to be truly the best that our species can perform at this point, in which humanity's spirit seems to be carried forward by the shocked inertia of bystanders... unable to believe what is happening in front of their eyes...
and how easily the collective awareness of an entire planet is moved backwards in time... don't hold your breath, this has only just begun and there's always more to come...
my condolences for the poor Ukrainians who have become the main actors in this collective tragedy that we are reliving yet once more in the recognition that there has always been something essential missing in this bloody world... true spirit consciousness
This is the entire universe laughing at the spiritual poverty that weeps behind the whole entourage of smartness and intelligence that apparently drive our species 'forward'...
'd joke' Ra used to say oThe Gods love a gooftentimes, and it is clear that their best joke is about humans and the incurable vanity that has always driven the collective fates of our species...
I wish you all to find the grace within yourselves to be a good witness to your own personal movie and not get sidetracked by the outside events, for there is nothing new under a Sun that is not your own
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