2022-03-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

[英文學習]私藏的各科目腦筋急轉彎Brain Teasers(入即時精選)


Q1:What table has no leg? (What tables grow in the fields?) A: A timetable or vegetable.(Vegetables)
Q2:Why is an empty matchbox the best thing in the world? A: Because it's matchless(=沒有火柴的; =舉世無雙的).
Q3:Why is a river rich? A:Because it has two banks. (河的兩岸叫river banks; bank=銀行)

Q: Why are circles so hot? A: Because they are 360 degrees.
Q: Why are Circles bad at conversations? A: Because they are pointless.(pointless=沒有尖角=講話沒有重點)
Q: An opinion without 3.14159 is what? A: An onion. (pi=3.14159)

Q: When will a net hold water? A:When the water is frozen.
Q:A man jumped from a plane,but there was nothing wrong with him.Do you know why? A:Because the plane is on the ground.
Q:What stays hot even if put it in a fridge?(什麼放在冰箱裡還會是熱的?) A:Pepper.(hot=熱、辣)
Q:Which is faster? Hot or cold?(哪個比較快?Hot 或是 cold?) A: hot, because you can catch a cold. (catch a cold=得到感冒/追得上"冷")

Q:I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees; rivers but without water;what am I? A: A map.

Q:Why wouldn't the shrimp share his treasure?(為什麼蝦子不分享他的寶藏?) A:Because he was a little shellfish.(因為他是一個小甲殼類。shellfish甲殼類音似selfish自私)
Q:What do you call a deer with no eyes?(一個沒有眼睛的鹿叫做什麼?) A:NO IDEA (不知道!no-eye-deer沒有眼睛的鹿)!
Q:What's the difference between a monkey and a flea? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys.
Q: What fruit is never found singly ? (什麼水果永遠不會是單個的?) A: A pear.(梨子,諧音a pair一對)
Q:What weather do mice and rats fear? (老鼠害怕什麼天氣?) A:When it's raining cats and dogs.(rain cats and dogs 下大雨 ) Q:When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? (狗什麼時候不願跟隨主人?) A:When their masters go to the flea market.(主人去跳蚤市場時。Flea 跳蚤, flea market 舊貨市場 )
Q: What question can never be answered by “yes”? (哪個問題永遠不能回答“是的”?) 答:Are you asleep? (你睡著了嗎)

過去的自己非常愛讀書,但讀得非常無方法、無效能。 為了孩子不再走無效痛苦而錯誤的學習道路,也為了我能平反自己讀了那麼多書又有什麼用的評語,我決心把 『如何高效學習』這檔事給弄清楚!-
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