Your Soul is calling on you to take a courageous leap of faith and launch into the unknown. You know deep down that you cannot stay where you are, doing that you cannot stay where you are, doing the same things in the same way any longer. You know it is time to get out of your comfort zone, to expand and to explore. Yet, a part of you is hesitating.
You feel as if you are at the edge of a cliff, not fully believing that when you take the leap, your wings will appear, and you will soar. You may be putting off what you know you need to do. You may be avoiding thing that scares you and making excuses to stay in your comfort zone.
This winged horse wants you to know that she is here to support you and it is safe for you to make this change. She reminds you that you have free will and can make this choice. You can give in to feat, stay where you are and never find out what else is out there for you or you can have the courage and faith to take a risk. It is time to choose your dream.
Allow yourself to get excited about leaping into the unknown. Let go of control and choose a life of surprise. It is time to throw caution to the wind, be courageous and trust. When you are brave and take a leap, you wings will appear and you will soar.
腦海裡一直出現的是冰雪奇緣第二集那首歌『 into the unknown 』
And if I heard you, which I don’t
雖然我沒有聽到你說了什麼 但即使我真的聽到
I’m spoken for I fear
Everyone I’ve ever loved is here within these walls
I’m sorry, secret siren, but I’m blocking out your calls
那些呼喚我的聲音啊 我很抱歉我隔絕了你們
I’ve had my adventure, I don’t need something new
我曾有過冒險 而我現在不需要任何新奇的事物了
I’m afraid of what I’m risking if I follow you…
Into the unknown