2022-09-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘

03 Slow Down-Light Follow

Producer-Mathew Heath Been used as the international opening theme to the Japanese reality show “Terrace House”. Mathew Heath writes this song to remind himself “don't let his love far behind.” Released-August 14, 2018-Album-Light Follow


Oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh
Moving to my own drum Leave before the sun comes I was gonna make this count Bleeding for the sake of Someone else's pay stub Hoping this would all work out
But I've been stealing time Thinking if I tried Everything would turn out right We're caught up in the climb Love was far behind Someone's gotta stop this madness
When all this seems like it's okay And all we feel is day to day we're on replay And all these dreams where life's made Are leaving out the people that we love
So slow down We need to slow down
Feel it when the sun comes Feel it when your heart turns Everybody needs more time To step into the sunshine See it with your own eyes I just want to feel alive
Cause I've been killing time I was losing life I've been here for no good reason We're caught up in the climb Love was far behind Someone's gotta stop this madness
When all this seems like it's okay And all we feel is day to day we're on replay And all these dreams where life's made Are leaving out the people that we love
So slow down We need to slow down
Oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh
No one's got a hold on time We just got to spend it right No one's got a hold on you As long as you're still alive 2x
When all this seems like it's okay And all we feel is day to day we're on replay And all these dreams where life's made Are leaving out the people that we love
So slow down We need to slow down
Oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh
FAVORITE LINE To step into the sunshine, see it with your own eyes, I just want to feel alive.
上一首歌《境遷》提到我對這個世界的喜愛,還有盡情體驗的人生觀。 今天介紹這首重滿鬥志的歌曲,給每個曾經遇到挫折的人們。
Light Follow是來自喬治亞的雙人團體,《Slow Down》這首歌是團員Heath寫來警惕自己,希望自己在努力追求夢想時,不要因為忙碌而疏忽自己最重視的音樂和家人。 在歌詞裡,他說到「站到陽光下,用你自己的雙眼去看、去感受活著」Heath要自己離開忙碌的黑洞,慢下來,看看自己真正要追求的事物。

延遲一年的2020東京奧運在日本東京開場,經過漫長訓練的運動員們,包袱款款,出發去大展身手。 在經過一場場戰役過後,一些人成功打敗群雄獲得金牌,不少人和冠軍擦肩而過獲得銀牌、銅牌;當然,更多的人在前面幾場比賽結束以後,就提前離開了戰場。
敏迪選讀的一篇文章,介紹了敏迪在《馬力歐陪你喝一杯》當代班主持人的一集節目。 在節目裡,敏迪和馬力歐訪問了怪獸訓練的何立安老師。 敏迪問「如果可以進到體制內改變台灣體育,你第一件想做的事是什麼?」
何立安認為,體育是一種「模擬人生」的教育,就像人生一樣「我們種了一些因,得了一些果;我們犯了一些錯,但也做對了一些事。最後得到一個不全然是我努力或失敗的結果」 經過一次次的嘗試,我們會發現「你唯一的最佳選擇,就是奮戰到底」

我爸媽從年輕時就喜歡運動,在我小時候,他們會帶我去球場打羽球。 從小打羽球長大,雖然沒有加入球隊,但相較於班上的同學,我算是蠻擅長打羽球,也因此常常代表班上參加運動會或是各種校慶的羽球比賽。
後來我才知道,那是冒牌者情節(Imposter Syndrome)。 我不夠自信,覺得自己不夠資格成為成功的那一方,忽視了我真正擁有的能力,最後真的得到失敗的結果。
自此之後,我捨棄了這種「找藉口」的行為,正面迎擊各種挑戰。 今天,如果有人問我怎麼失敗了,我會自信的告訴他們「我盡力了,雖然沒有社會定義上的成功,我確實已經做到對自己負責的部分了」。

就是分享歌曲,無論你是想豐富自己的歌單,還是好奇JAD同學平常在房間裡飆的是哪個音符(並沒有人好奇),都可以來這裡逛逛。 文章內容除了簡單的歌曲資訊和歌詞以外,常常會出現不少與歌曲毫不相關的人生體悟、學習資訊、閱讀心得...之類的東西,希望可以陪伴大家很多個春夏秋冬喲!
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