Chris Hedges does reflect here my long held view that modern wars are actually initiated by the media and then, duly enacted by the politicians, rather than the opposite-way round, as it was in the past. Why do the media tell lies and why do the media withhold the most critical information from the public? The main reason is, in modern warfare, the belligerents need the public support and they will get their support through the media, no matter what. It is very evident that the majority of Australians today believe that the war in the Ukraine was started, unprovoked, by Vladimir Putin against the sovereign democratically elected government in the Ukraine. If our ABC would have told us the truth and would not have hidden the most critical information from us, the public opinion in Australia would be different. We would unanimously put the blame entirely onto the USA and it's lackeys, whilst praising Vladimir Putin for protecting the very existence of his country against the most formidable foe. Stan Grant has evicted a young Russian boy from the ABC audience for asking an innocent question that violated the ABC war propaganda. And we call this a "democracy".
Our government is currently actively sourcing a fleet of nuclear powered submarines. There is no doubt in my mind that the decision to buy these submarines was entirely initiated by the war propaganda of our ABC. The ABC "knows" that China is committing genocide against innocent Uyghur civilians. Every ABC commentator, led by Peter Hartcher states this as a matter of fact, yet no matter how many international researchers and institutions visited Xinjiang in search of evidence, nobody has ever found even one iota of evidence of it. But our ABC "knows" that China commits genocide against innocent Uyghur civilians. Nobody is concerned that the origin of this "knowledge" is entirely based on the account of a dissident Uyghur jihadist criminal living in Australia. Very much like the existence of "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, was entirely based on the account of a dissident Iraqi criminal hiding in the USA. We senselessly murdered a million people based on this lie. How many more millions are we willing to murder in Russia (including Ukraine) and China (including Taiwan), before we wake up that there is something wrong with us?
很明顯,今天大多數澳大利亞人認為,烏克蘭的戰爭是弗拉基米爾·普京針對烏克蘭主權民主選舉政府發起的,無端發動。如果我們的 ABC 會告訴我們真相,並且不會向我們隱瞞最關鍵的信息,那麼澳大利亞的輿論會有所不同。我們一致將責任完全歸咎於美國及其走狗,同時讚揚弗拉基米爾普京保護他的國家的存在免受最強大的敵人的侵害。
斯坦·格蘭特(Stan Grant)將一名俄羅斯小男孩從 ABC (Q&A 節目)觀眾中趕了出去,因為他提出了一個違反 ABC 宣傳戰的問題(他問了頓巴斯8年來平民無辜死傷, 沒有媒體報導)。我們稱之為“民主”。
我們的政府目前正在積極採購一支核動力潛艇艦隊。毫無疑問,購買這些潛艇的決定完全是由我們ABC的戰爭宣傳發起的。 ABC“知道”中國正在對無辜的維吾爾平民實施種族滅絕。以彼得·哈徹為首的美國廣播公司的每一個評論員都說這是事實,但無論有多少國際研究人員和機構到新疆尋找證據,都沒有人發現哪怕是一點點證據。但我們的ABC“知道”中國對無辜的維吾爾平民實施種族滅絕。沒有人擔心這種“知識”的來源完全是基於一名居住在澳大利亞的持不同政見的維吾爾聖戰罪犯的敘述。