2022-12-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 14 分鐘

【聽音樂學英語】聖誕經典歌曲 Santa Tell Me

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
這首歌以景喻情,娓娓道來一個女孩的戀愛心事,似乎也在訴說著亞莉安娜 • 格蘭德(Ariana Grande)的少女情懷。
歌名:Santa Tell Me                          作詞:Savan Kotecha / Ilya / Ariana Grande              作曲:Savan Kotecha / Ilya / Ariana Grande              演唱:Ariana Grande
Santa, tell me if you're really there                Don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here next year  Santa, tell me if he really cares                 'Cause I can't give it all away if he won't be here next year
Feeling Christmas all around                    And I'm trying to play it cool                    But it's hard to focus when I see him walking 'cross the room    "Let It Snow" is blasting out                     But I won't get in the mood                     I'm avoiding every mistletoe until I know               It's true love that he thinks of                    So next Christmas I'm not all alone, boy
Santa, tell me if you're really there                 Don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here next year  Santa, tell me if he really cares                 'Cause I can't give it all away if he won't be here next year
I've been down this road before                   Fell in love on Christmas night                   But on New Year's Day, I woke up and he wasn't by my side     Now I need someone to hold                     Be my fire in the cold                        But it's hard to tell if this is just a fling or if              It's true love that he thinks of                    So next Christmas I'm not all alone, boy
Santa, tell me if you're really there                 Don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here next year   Santa, tell me if he really cares                 'Cause I can't give it all away if he won't be here next year
Oh, I wanna have him beside me, like oh-woo-oh           On the 25th, by that fireplace, oh-woo-oh              But I don't want a new broken heart                 This year I've got to be smart                    Oh, baby                            (Santa, tell me, Santa, tell me)                    If he will be, if he will be here                  (Santa, tell me, Santa, tell me)                    Oh, woah
Santa, tell me (Santa, tell me) if you're really there       ('Cause I really care)                       Don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here next year  Santa, tell me (Tell me) if he really cares (Tell me, boy)       'Cause I can't give it all away if he won't be here next year     Santa, tell me (Tell me) if you're really there (Santa, baby)      Don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here next year     (If he won't be, if he won't be here)                  Santa, tell me (Tell me) if he really cares (Do you care?)      'Cause I can't give it all away if he won't be here next year
聖誕老人,告訴我你在嗎請回應                     假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊                      別讓我再次陷入愛河了                         聖誕老人,告訴我他是否關心我                     假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊                      因為我無法付出一切了
到處感覺到聖誕氛圍                          我試著奘作無所謂                           當他走過房間時                            很難裝作沒事兒                           《下雪吧(Let It Snow)》正在播放                   我無法進入狀態                            我躲開著槲寄生                            直到我知道那是他所想的真愛                      所以下回聖誕我不會獨自一人,男孩
聖誕老人,告訴我你在嗎請回應                     假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊                      別讓我再次陷入愛河了                         聖誕老人,告訴我他是否關心我                     假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊                      因為我無法付出一切了
我曾經做過這樣的事                          在聖誕夜晚墜入愛河                          但在新年元旦,我一覺醒來,他不在我身旁                現在我需要有人給我擁抱                        成為寒冷中溫暖我的火焰                        但是這很難說是短暫戀情還是他所想的真愛                所以下回聖誕我不會獨自一人,男孩
聖誕老人,告訴我你在嗎請回應                     假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊                      別讓我再次陷入愛河了                         聖誕老人,告訴我他是否關心我                     假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊                      因為我無法付出一切了
噢,我想要有他在我身旁,喔~嗚~喔                  在聖誕節那天,聚在爐邊,喔~嗚~喔                  我不想要又一個心碎                          今年我必須聰明機伶                         喔,寶貝                              (聖誕老人,告訴我!聖誕老人,告訴我!)               假如他將在,假如他將會在的話                    (聖誕老人,告訴我!聖誕老人,告訴我!)              喔,哇哦!
聖誕老人,告訴我(聖誕老人,告訴我),如果你在的話(因為我真的在乎) 假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊,別讓我再次陷入愛河了           聖誕老人,告訴我(告訴我),假如他在乎的話(告訴我,男孩)      假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊,因為我無法付出一切了           聖誕老人,告訴我(告訴我),如果你在的話(聖誕老人,寶貝)      假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊,別讓我再次陷入愛河了          (假如他不在,假如他將不在的話)                   聖誕老人,告訴我(告訴我),假如他真在乎的話(你在乎嗎?)      假如這個男孩明年不在我身邊,因為我無法付出一切了
Santa,表示聖誕老人的意思。耶誕老人/聖誕老人/聖誕老公公的英文表達說法有「Santa」、「Santa Claus」、「Father Christmas」、「Saint Nicholas」。
fall in love,是談戀愛的意思。
next year,是明年的意思。
'cause,是口語表達方式,等同 because。
give it all away,表示付出一切。
all around,是四周或到處的意思。
play it cool,是處之泰然或故作灑脫的意思。
'cross,是口語表達方式,等同 across。
walk across,是走過的意思。
blast out,是大聲播放的意思。
get in the mood,是進入狀態的意思。
true love,是真愛的意思。
think of,是想像或考量的意思。
I've been down this road before,這個句子可以完整學起來,表示我是過來人的意思。
New Year's Day,就是新年元旦。
wake up,是醒來的意思。
in the cold,是冷落的意思。
it's hard to tell,是難以訴說的意思。
wanna,是口語表達方式,等同 want to。
broken heart,是破碎的心的意思。
this year,是今年的意思。
have got to,是必須的意思。
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