2022-12-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

幽默與無禮 | 上帝的懲罰 (中英對照)

我在機場工作的那一年聖誕節輪到我值班。當我在替一位女乘客辦登機手續時,她說:「妳做了什麼讓上帝懲罰妳在聖誕節這天工作?」我抬頭看到她笑得燦爛如她即將飛去的峇里島的太陽。我不是很確定她只是無心說了一個爛笑話或者她就是遲鈍到沒發現她有多無理。為什麼在她開口之前她沒想到如果那天不是整個機場工作人員,還有整架飛機的空服人員包括機長都上班的話,那才是上帝對她的懲罰吧? 下次在開心渡假時,對身邊的工作人員表現一點感激之意吧! I was on duty on Christmas day while I was working as check-in agent at the airport. I was helping a lady with her check-in procedure, when she said, ‘What did you do that God is punishing you to working on Christmas day?’ I looked up and saw her big smile as shining as the sun of her holiday destination, Bali. I couldn’t figure if she unintentionally told a very bad joke or she was simply too insensitive to realise how rude she could be. How come she didn’t think before she opened her mouth, if none of the ground staffs at the airport and the entire crew including the pilot were working on that day, it will be the punishment to her?
Please show some appreciation to the people who are in your assistance while you are enjoying your next holiday.
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