2023-03-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 1 分鐘

[Book] Trust by Hernan Diaz

    Trust by Hernan Diaz is bound to offer us quite an enlightening reading experience! Are you ready for a “literary puzzle about money, power, and intimacy” that “challenges the myths shrouding wealth and the fictions that often pass for history”? (The Booker Prizes)
    Trust by Hernan Diaz is bound to offer us quite an enlightening reading experience! Are you ready for a “literary puzzle about money, power, and intimacy” that “challenges the myths shrouding wealth and the fictions that often pass for history”? (The Booker Prizes)
    參加了校友會的線上讀書會,這個月要開始讀新書 “Trust” by Hernan Diaz ,好久沒有看文學的原文書(其實非文學的原文書也很少 XD)希望本書可以重拾閱讀英文書籍的好習慣,書籍已經準備好了,這本書的相關後續更新就繼續在本文之下好了。
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