2013-04-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 17 分鐘



    James Shoal is the Southmost island territories and waters claimed by ROC in 1935 and by PRC in 1983 respectively.  PLA Navy set a mark stone on the shoal in 1994.  Its Chinese translation “
    曾母暗沙”, literally “Great-grandmother Shoal,” is in fact a funny transliteration.
    James Shoal, according to the UN Convention of Laws of the Sea of 1985, is in the EEZ of Malaysia, which leaves China, which did not occupied it until 1994, no legal base to claim the shoal but the political assertion of historical sovereignty.
    PLA Navy sent her most advanced amphibious task force, including hovercrafts and escort vessels, to the region and conducted military operations there right on the next day of Chinese new President Xi Jin-ping’s state visit to Moscow.[1]  Did PLA conduct the military operation under Xi’s instruction, or was it another assertive move?  Either way, observers do agree that people should take PLA’s role into account in analyzing Beijing’s policy.
    Intentionally building a routine course, PLA fleet circles Taiwan through Miyako channel and Bashi channel in and out the Pacific Ocean from the East China Sea and the South China Sea with increasing frequency.  PLA will thus be able to invade Taiwan from the east.    revised at 1000



    華盛頓在越南、菲律賓等國家與中國持續不斷的領土爭議中,中國海軍艦隊這個星期以兩棲登陸艇飛機組成聯合編隊,進入南中國海被其稱為領土最南端曾母暗沙(James Shoal),並在船艦上舉行宣示主權的儀式。


    不過倫敦研究海洋事務的智庫IHS Fairplay專家加裏(Gary Li)説,和先前中國海軍在此地區的巡邏相比,派出這個聯合編隊的動作對該區域發出了令人意外的強烈資訊



    QUESTION:  Do you have any comment on the incident in the South China Sea, between Vietnam and China?

    MR. VENTRELL:  Yeah.  So the United States is concerned by reports of an incident between a Chinese vessel and a Vietnamese fishing boat that resulted in the Vietnamese boat catching fire.  As a Pacific nation, the U.S. has a national interest in the maintenance of peace and stability, respect for international law, freedom of navigation, and unimpeded lawful commerce in the South China Sea.  So we strongly oppose the threat or use of force or coercion by any claimant to advance its claims in the South China Sea. But --

    QUESTION:  Do you see this as an escalation --

    MR. VENTRELL:  Right now we’re --

    QUESTION:  -- to actually fire on a boat?

    MR. VENTRELL:  -- looking into it.  Incidents like these underline the need for, as we’ve said, a code of conduct, so that these can be dealt with in a transparent and rules-based way.  But at this point, we’re seeking more information.

    QUESTION:  From whom? From both sides?

    MR. VENTRELL:  We’re interested in more information from both sides.

    QUESTION:  You didn’t have any contact with Chinese Government about this issue?

    MR. VENTRELL:  I’ll have to check on that and see if we’ve had any direct contact.  But at this point, we don’t have additional information.  


    QUESTION: Okay.  And then I asked also – and this was more a principle question on Chinese naval exercises near Malaysia, and whether the U.S. has any problems with naval exercises in international waters, but in waters that one country claims as its exclusive economic zone.

    MS. NULAND:  Well, first, with regard to the Malaysian exercise, and then we’ll go on to naval activity in EEZs, if that is all right, Brad.

    QUESTION:  Okay.

    MS. NULAND: So we’ve seen these reports that the Chinese navy is conducting military operations near disputed islands in the South China Sea along the Malaysian coast.  Until the region develops a common strategy for managing and preventing disputes, assertive actions by claimants could raise the risk of tensions, or the risk of conflict.  So we urge claimants to take that into account when they plan their military operations in disputed and currently occupied – currently unoccupied land features, that this could cause contention, there could be unexpected consequences, there could, in fact, be conflict, and we urge all claimants to avoid taking provocative actions.

    That said, under international law, all states enjoy the freedom of navigation and overflight as well as other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to those freedoms in the exclusive economic zone of a coastal state.  And these activities do include military activity.  So the concern is about the existing political tensions, exercises looking provocative or incidents being sparked unintentionally, but as a legal matter, the – I spoke to the actual legal situation in EEZs.

    QUESTION: Okay.

    MS. NULAND: Okay.  Please.

    QUESTION: Can I ask, what is this whole thing about this – just – you used the word – you talked about your concerns about coercion.  Are you meaning to imply that the flare incident you regard as an act of coercion?

    MS. NULAND:  Two different things.  That was with regard to Vietnam.  We’re now talking about Chinese military exercises in --

    QUESTION:  Okay.

    QUESTION:  I have one.

    MS. NULAND:  Please, here.

    QUESTION:  Just briefly, going back to North Korea, do you have – at this point, do you have any reason to believe they will abide by their international obligations and come into line, or do any of your counterparts in South Korea or Japan have any optimism?

    MS. NULAND:  We haven’t seen any positive steps in recent weeks.  That’s why we are continuing to work with our partners on how we can get our message across.

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