2011-11-03|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 11 分鐘

戰後台灣的故事◎Jerome Besson / SW+雲程 翻譯

    戰後台灣的故事◎Jerome Besson / SW+雲程 翻譯

    這是網傳 Jerome Besson 的公開文章,很有意思,便予以翻譯。因為並未告知原作者Jerome Besson,假使作者不同意,請隨時告知撤除。題目是我加的。
    This is an article by Jerome Besson.  We hadn't noticed him before we translated it.  Jerome may leave a message here if he thinks that we should not post his writing.    revised at 2145



    Sixty six years ago, a Chinese crew was sent aboard the Formosa Maru of the failed Japan Line.  The Japanese crew and the naichis passengers were unceremoniously disembarked.

    First class Formosan passengers were thrown overboard.  Steerage passengers were shut down in the holds. Formosans were abducted in an act of piracy on the high seas.

    The American corporation tasked with restructuring Japan Line expressed reservations, but failed to intervene.  Keeping the pirates at the helm satisfied its own corporate interests.

    Japan Line, faced with judicial dissolution, accommodated the U.S.-backed pirates and washed its hands of its passengers’ predicament.

    Abducts got into bed with their abductors.  New generations acknowledged the pirates and took the wheel.  Formosan Japanese became oddities whose quaver went unnoticed.

    Who sent the goons in can reverse the situation.  For it to happen, Formosans must hamstring the deck crew; hobble the steerage of the ship; and give the ship a paint job.

    Paint "Formosa Maru" on the hull, the Chrysanthemum Seal (
    菊花紋章) on the smokestack.  The eagle will know time has come to land on deck.

    I think it fair for everybody to be reminded of the following.

    An O.S.S. advance team from China was sent on Taiwan early after the cessation of hostilities.  It recommended a Chinese occupation of Taiwan .

    But there was also the earlier USAF delivery of anti-Japanese propaganda leaflets that promised a rosy future to the soon to be “liberated” “Formosan Chinese” (a label later favored by S.C.A.P.).

    There were also selective bombings of Japanese infrastructures, industrial, administrative and residential sections of Taihoku (

    As Japan surrendered, it made sense for a large section of the Formosan population to deem themselves loyal Chinese and allied power nationals, victors of Japan.

    Those who sought to gain in this hasty auto-naturalization paid dear.  They had inadvertently marked themselves for early immolation.

    Those who are presently following in their footsteps would be wise to heed that cautionary tale.

    Everybody forgot about the two hundred thousand volunteers of mainly aboriginal extraction who had fought for their country, Japan and were awaiting repatriation in allied POW camps.

    If Formosans want to eventually join the Chinese they love so ardently to hate, they can follow in the footsteps of their grand-parents who so gallantly turned their back on their exhausted mother country.

    We all agree to the minority view that the S.F.P.T. art. 2(b) limbo cession, Taiwan is presently held in quasi-trusteeship by its coy (S.F.P.T. art. 23(a)) principal occupying power.

    Why question the motivations of true Formosan hearts who root for a Japanese Taiwan under direct U.S.M.G. jurisdiction?

    If you deem yourself Formosan, translate your own gut-feeling into action.  Join them!!

    Jerome Besson



    「日屬台灣」的對話:Jereme Besson vs. Overseas Expansion / SW翻譯
    戰後台灣的故事◎Jerome Besson / SW+雲程 翻譯
    「日屬台灣」的對話:John Hsieh的意見◎雲程翻譯

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