2023-05-15|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

聽歌_Bruce Springsteen - American Skin (41 Shots)

    *Bruce Springsteen - American Skin (41 Shots) (Roma, 19.07.2009) 8' 12''

    *"American Skin (41 Shots)" Live in Tampa, FL 03/23/12 8' 40''

    A show can be " tight, exuberant, soulful, furious, joyful, even goofy,
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    歌詞: 41 shots
    41 shots
    41 shots
    41 shots
    41 shots
    41 shots
    41 shots
    41 shots....
    and we'll take that ride
    'cross this bloody river
    to the other side
    41 shots... cut through the night
    You're kneeling over his body in the vestibule
    Praying for his life

    Is it a gun, is it a knife
    Is it a wallet, this is your life
    It ain't no secret
    It ain't no secret
    No secret my friend
    You can get killed just for living In your American skin

    41 shots
    Lena gets her son ready for school
    She says "on these streets, Charles
    You've got to understand the rules
    If an officer stops you
    Promise you'll always be polite,
    that you'll never ever run away
    Promise Mama you'll keep your hands in sight"

    Is it a gun, is it a knife
    Is it a wallet, this is your life
    It ain't no secret
    It ain't no secret
    No secret my friend
    You can get killed just for living
    In your American skin

    Is it a gun, is it a knife
    Is it in your heart, is it in your eyes
    It ain't no secret

    41 shots... and we'll take that ride
    'Cross this bloody river
    To the other side
    41 shots... got my boots caked in this mud
    We're baptized in these waters and in each other's blood

    Is it a gun, is it a knife
    Is it a wallet, this is your life
    It ain't no secret
    It ain't no secret
    No secret my friend
    You can get killed just for living
    In your American skin
    [ Lyrics from:
    More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/b/bruce_springsteen/#share

    布魯斯·斯普林斯廷 Bruce Springsteen

    本名 布魯斯·弗雷德里克·約瑟夫·史普林斯汀(Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen)
    暱稱 「The Boss」
    出生 1949年09月23日 (1949-09-23)(62歲)

    職業 創作歌手
    音樂類型 搖滾、Heartland rock、民間音樂
    演奏樂器 歌手、吉他、口琴、鋼琴
    活躍年代 1965年至今
    唱片公司 Columbia Records
    網站 [www.brucespringsteen.net/]
    相關團體 E Street Band、The Castiles、Steel Mill、Dr. Zoom and the Sonic Boom、Bruce Springsteen Band、The Seeger Sessions Band、USA for Africa

    布魯斯·史普林斯汀(英語:Bruce Springsteen,1949年)暱稱 "The Boss"是美國搖滾歌手、創作者與吉他手。Springsteen經常與E街樂團共同創作與巡迴演出,此外也以個人的身份或是與其它樂手聯袂演出。一方面明顯地受到貓王、伍迪·格思里、皮特·西格、埃迪·科克倫與鮑勃·迪倫的影響,而另一方面也受到60年代以來的搖滾樂與結奏布魯斯的薰陶,史普林斯汀的音樂也被稱作「heartland rock」,帶著流行的風味,詩人般的歌詞,與美國愛國主義情結,尤其是以他的家鄉新澤西為主軸來環繞。他對於表達一般中下階層民眾的生活,不僅是發自內心的誠懇,更有著悅耳動聽的旋律以及辛辣直截的批判,讓他得到了數座葛萊美獎、一個奧斯卡小金人,並進入搖滾名人堂,2004年滾石雜誌將他排名為有史以來最偉大的藝術家第23名。

    他最著名的錄音室專輯Born in the U.S.A.以及Born to Run恰如其份地說明了他透過歌曲企圖講述出一般民眾即使陷入在日常生活的困境時,心中仍舊可以高貴地面對,並解決它。

    他創作的歌詞時常是有關於經濟拮据的人們如何生存。他也日漸被激進政治支持者所認同。斯普林斯廷對於各是各樣的救濟活動皆不辭餘力,正像在911事件發生後,隨即發行專輯《The Rising》作為回應。

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