孫伯繩與孫樹瑩的姆媽(吳語,指母親)費寶樹結婚後,帶著親婆定居在愚園路的三層洋房裡。費寶樹為孫伯繩與生了一男六女,二女兒三歲即去世,剩下五位女子均活到2000年後。成書前,大女兒樹澄(Virginia)、四兒子樹棻、六女兒樹珏已先後逝世。今年三月,三女兒孫樹瑩過世,現僅有五女兒樹荃健在。孫樹瑩的母親喜歡社交打牌,其父則喜歡書法國學。兩人從相識到陌路,有性格的差異,也有孫伯繩在外找女人的原因。費寶樹與丈夫離異後,獨自一人前往重慶去投奔其親姐姐費寶琪。費寶琪嫁予陳長桐,在國民政府中任要職,頗受宋子文的信任。費寶樹被結伴同行的朋友出賣,差點做了當地土豪的老婆,幸好陳長桐派人趕來相助解救出來(詳見書中第十五章 Not For Sale)。
本書中令我印象最深刻的是偷竊供石的那起風波(詳見第十二章 Seal of Approval)。趙樹瑩的小學同學梁明因父親去世而家道中落,學習成績從原先的名列前茅到直線下落。三女兒看到他或許因為沒有錢買書,便帶他回家借給他幾本。梁明到了趙家就立刻被家裡裝飾的國畫、瓷器、供石所吸引。樹瑩看得出他非常欣賞中國古典文化和藝術。結果當天晚上,梁明的母親帶著他匆匆又趕到趙家,十分保有歉意地跟樹瑩的爹爹孫伯繩解釋道,梁明如同他爸爸一樣熱愛中國古典藝術,但家庭的變故讓她不得不變賣掉家裡所有的畫作收藏。她從口袋裡拿出了一個明代玉製供石,就是孫伯繩的收藏品之一。原來,梁明在取書時,看到這個供石,按捺不住對其的喜愛,順手拿走了。孫伯繩沒有嚴厲地苛責他,反而欣賞他對藝術的熱愛,讓他成為自己的門生,幫助他整理藝術品。這件事讓梁明對孫伯繩感激不盡。故事到這,本以為就此結束。然而,在作者母女二人重訪上海住宅舊址時,竟然發現了這枚供石和一封信。信是梁明的母親寫給孫伯繩的,寄送時間為1967年9月,正值文化大革命開始一年多。在此引用信件原文:
Dear Mr. Sun:
When Liang Ming and I first met you twenty-five years ago, I was deeply ashamed that he had taken your jade seal. You understood his grief over the loss of his father and turned a thoughtless act into one of kindness.
I have never known how to thank you for your financial support and careful guidance that helped Liang Ming become a man of good character. I confess I was uncertain in the beginning. I feared my son might not meet your expectations.
Due to your influence, Liang Ming earned his doctorate and was assigned a job as a professor of art and literature. He was so moved when you gave him the very seal that he had tried to take from you. My son treasured it more than anything.
With a sad heart, I must report that Liang Ming left us last month. Red Guards targeted his department for the crime of worshipping old things. They left my son drowning in a pool of his own blood.
I wish to return your jade seal. One of Liang Ming’s most promising students removed it from my son’s hidden pocket and brought it to me.
I heard you have had your own share of misfortune. May you find protection for yourself in these troubled times.