這次展出的作品中,有一個系列叫作《Still Water (The River Thames, for Example)》,她來找我時我正在看這個系列的作品。據導覽手冊所述,《Still Water (The River Thames, for Example)》為一系列大型攝影平版畫,作品聚焦在泰晤士河水面的一小塊區域。點綴在水面上的微小數字代表的是白框下緣的註腳,這些註腳呈現一系列關於河流意義的引文,以及它所喚起的情緒和敘事,也穿插了電影和文學的引用。
19 When you go into the river you discover a new entrance and in yourself you uncover an exit, an unseen exit, your exit. (You brought it with you.)
20 Water is tolerant. It accepts everything that comes to it, and all the things we put into it.
21 Water is too tolerant. It loses itself.
22 Water is too tolerant. It loses itself, becoming (only) an image of itself.
23 Water is too tolerant. It loses itself, becoming the opposite of water: a water that will pollute you.
24 It's so easy to project yourself onto water. Its violence, calmness, changeableness are mine (or yours. I can't separate its moods from my own. But then I don't really believe they're separate anyway.
(Footnotes from "Still Water (The River Thames, for Example))