2023-05-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

In Sound Mind - 遊戲英文短評

*Warning: Contains slight spoilers / 警告:有輕微劇透
Maker: We Create Stuff Genre: Psychological Horror / FPS Platform: PC
  Great story plots, thrilling gameplay interlocked with actions, puzzle-solving, and rooms to breath.
The mannequins are friendly.
The mannequins are friendly.
  The four "patient tape" levels are progressively more challenging with progressively bigger levels. Personally, I think the 1st stage has the best horror gameplay of all tapes, with a boss who is never too far away from the player due to the confinement of the relatively small map layout, thus creating a heartbeating, intense mood through out the level.
tape collection
  The other three tape levels progressively contain more puzzle sovling gameplay with longer boss breaks, and, as a result, dilute the thrills due to slower pacings.
  The final boss stage is the real disappointment with barely any horror elements.
  Luckily, it is really short.
My rating: 8.5/10
重點單字: thrilling - 刺激的、驚心動魄的 interlocked - 緊密交錯的 map layout - 地圖布局
Short English Reviews for games I have played. Warning: Could contain spoilers.
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