UC San Diego's I-House is an exciting, engaging, unique and vibrant living/learning community of approximately 350 students and 11 international scholars from nearly 45 countries.
I-House brings together international students and scholars, US students interested in international issues or careers, and students who have participated in study abroad programs, or plan to in the near future.
美國的宿舍真的非、常、貴,加上加州物價本來就不低。學校的住宿根據不同的房型有不同的價格,I-House屬於學校宿舍中的Apartment,大部分I-House的房間是單人房,一個Quarter(三個月)是$3,932,但是因為Apartment還要再加綁學校的Dining Plan(當時有三種方案可以選,分別是一年$1,700, $3,400, or $5,100,我當時是選擇一學年$3,400,但最後回國前沒有用完,有再退給我),這樣下來一個Quarter大約需要支付$4,400。
申請時要回答的問題: 基本資訊:你的國籍、性別、去過的國家、會說的語言 Why would you like to live in I-House over another living environment? (10 Points; 500 words) How would you use your interests and past experiences to contribute to being an active and engaged resident of I-House? (7 points; 300 words) I-House organizes and implements a wide variety of program and activities, and expects a high level of participation from its residents. If you are new to I-House how will you fulfill this expectations? (Your response should be specific when relating to I-House Programs). (7 points; 300 words) Propose an event or activity for the I-House community based on your interests and passions. (7 points; 300 words) 住進I-House後,我有和室友聊到這份申請表單,我們一致同意這是份非常非常長的表單。雖然順利申請上了,我還是不太確定審核的標準是什麼,但整體來說,最重要的還是要表示自己超級願意參與活動、超級願意分享、對I-House活動有足夠的了解。當初我花了蠻多時間寫的! 04 | 成功申請上I-House! 從6/20送出申請後,我等了快一個月才收到審查結果通知,等待的時候也蠻擔心沒申請到就還要再找房子。但經過漫長的等待之後,我在7/13收到I-House寄給我的住宿資訊跟住宿合約,恭喜我成為I-House的一員。 信裡面會給你一切的指示,包含入住日期(所以不要太早訂機票)、入住資訊、房間資訊(大概8月才會知道自己的房間和室友) 題外話:如果有申請I-House,七月初到七月中記得密切注意自己的信箱,確認一下資訊,沒有回信的話住宿資格可能被取消。 後續我會繼續分享入住International House不能錯過的活動!這些活動就算不是International house resident也可以參加!