1991年,在沙漠風暴行動(Operation Desert Storm,1991年1月17日 -1991年2月28日)中,阿基拉是諾曼·施瓦茨科普夫將軍的顧問。小赫伯特·諾曼·施瓦茨科夫(Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.,1934年8月22日-2012年12月27日),美國德裔陸軍上將,越戰時擔任前線營長,功勛卓著,獲得3枚銀星勛章、兩枚紫心勛章等榮譽。在海灣戰爭中任美軍中央司令部司令,海灣戰爭多國部隊總司令。
美國中央司令部(United States Central Command,縮寫為USCENTCOM)美國國防部下的聯合作戰司令部,創建於1983年,其前身為快速部署聯合任務部隊(Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force,縮寫為RDJTF)。
在1998–1999年科索沃戰爭期間,約翰·阿基拉協助美國國防部副部長約翰·哈姆雷(John J Hamre,1950年7月3日)研究國際信息戰略。在小布什政府期間,阿基拉是國防部長唐納德·亨利·拉姆斯菲爾德(Donald Henry Rumsfeld,1932年7月9日 -2021年6月29日,出生於美國伊利諾伊州,1975年11月20日-1977年1月20日,2001年1月20日-2006年12月18日,曾兩度出任美國國防部長)的眾多顧問之一,阿基拉和拉姆斯菲爾德一樣是安德魯·馬歇爾的RMA(軍事事務的革命)的崇拜者(Citation Needed])。
安德魯·馬歇爾(Andrew Marshall;1921年9月13日 -2019年3月26日,1973年-2015年擔任美國國防部淨評估辦公室外交政策策略家)於1998年出版了《中國對未來戰爭的看法》(Chinese Views of Future Warfare),《中國對未來安全環境的辯論》(China Debates the Future Security Environment)。2015年,出版了《2049百年馬拉松:中國稱霸全球的秘密戰略》(THE HUNDRED-YEAR MARATHON: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower)。
We studied RMA exhaustively. Our great hero was Andy Marshall in the Pentagon [the powerful head of the Office of Net Assessment who was known as the Pentagon’s futurist-in-chief]. We translated every word he wrote.
(Ukrainians) still should have the edge in terms of the finding issue, and they’re already habituated to operating in these very small units. The Russians are much more centralized. One of the reasons they’ve had so many generals get killed is that at the tactical level, they don’t have people who are empowered to make those quick decisions in a firefight; only general officers can, so they had to come down close to the front and do things that lieutenants and sergeants in the American military routinely do. …
The Russians did employ cyberspace-based attack tools to disrupt Ukrainian command and control, yet it had little overall effect because of the very decentralized operations of Ukraine’s regular and militia defense forces,” explained Arquilla. …
we have already seen how vulnerable their jets and helicopters are to Stingers. This won’t change in the next phase of the war. I am not saying that the Russians are going to be driven out of eastern Ukraine. I am trying to answer the question: Why have the Ukrainians done so very well? And it’s because they have applied all these new rules of modern warfare.
The longer the fighting goes on, the tougher the Ukrainian resistance, thanks to the ways of war they are pioneering, the more the risk of escalation grows,But Putin has cowed Russian civil society into submission. And the Russian military, so embarrassed by their relatively poor performance, is unlikely to turn on him. Thus, he probably thinks he’s not under time pressure to de-escalate.
I recently reread Barbara Tuchman’s ‘The Guns of August’” — about how the great powers stumbled into World War I . It’s a cautionary tale that remains relevant.
我最近重讀了芭芭拉·塔奇曼的《八月炮火》(The Guns of August)” — — 內容是關於大國如何陷入第一次世界大戰,這是一個切題的警示故事。