2023-09-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘

經濟學人世界新聞簡訊 - 2023/9/20


伊朗議會通過了一項新法律,收緊了該國的著裝規定。該法案需要經過伊朗監護委員會批准,它恢復了道德警察並對違反規定的人實施更嚴厲的懲罰。該法案是在一名年輕女子瑪莎·阿米尼(Mahsa Amini)因露出頭髮而在拘留期間死亡一年後通過的。

Iran’s parliament passed a new law tightening the country’s dress codes. The bill, which needs to be approved by Iran's Guardian Council, revives the morality police and introduces harsher punishments for breaking the rules. It comes after a year of unrest, following the death of a young woman, Mahsa Amini, in custody for showing her hair.

伊朗議會通過了新法律,收緊了該國的著裝規定。這一發展具有重要意義,是在一名年輕女子瑪莎·阿米尼(Mahsa Amini)因露出頭髮而在拘留期間死亡一年後通過的。新法律恢復了道德警察並對違反規定的人實施了更嚴厲的懲罰。

Iran's parliament passing a new law tightening the country's dress codes is a significant development. It comes after a year of unrest, following the death of a young woman, Mahsa Amini, in custody for showing her hair. The new law revives the morality police and introduces harsher punishments for breaking the rules.


This is a sign that the Iranian government is cracking down on dissent and trying to reinforce its conservative values. It is also a sign that the government is not listening to the demands of the Iranian people, who have been calling for greater freedoms and respect for human rights.


The new law is likely to have a negative impact on the Iranian economy and society. It will discourage foreign investment and tourism, and it will make it more difficult for Iranians to travel and work abroad. The law will also make it more difficult for Iranian women to participate in public life and to achieve their full potential.


The new law is also likely to lead to further unrest and protests in Iran. The Iranian people have already shown that they are willing to stand up for their rights, and they are unlikely to accept this new law without a fight.


Overall, the passing of the new law tightening Iran's dress codes is a negative development. It is a sign that the Iranian government is cracking down on dissent and trying to reinforce its conservative values. The law is likely to have a negative impact on the Iranian economy and society, and it is likely to lead to further unrest and protests.


  • 新法律也是伊朗政府與人民脫節的跡象。伊朗大多數人不支持政府強加的嚴格著裝規定。
  • 新法律也是侵犯人權的行為。每個人都有表達自由的權利,包括選擇穿什麼的權利。
  • 新法律很可能對伊朗的國際形象產生負面影響。它將使伊朗更難與其他國家建立關係並吸引外國投資。


Here are some additional thoughts:

  • The new law is also a sign that the Iranian government is out of touch with its people. The majority of Iranians do not support the strict dress codes imposed by the government.
  • The new law is also a violation of human rights. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the right to choose what to wear.
  • The new law is likely to have a negative impact on Iran's international image. It will make it more difficult for Iran to build relationships with other countries and to attract foreign investment.

Overall, the passing of the new law tightening Iran's dress codes is a backward step. It is a sign that the Iranian government is not willing to listen to its people or to respect their rights.

Sources: https://www.economist.com/the-world-in-brief

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