On September 28th, we celebrated Teacher's Day, and on the 27th, I was helping some elementary school students write cards.
"Alright, everyone. Take a moment to jot down your thoughts and appreciation for your teachers on these cards," I said.
"Sure, no problem," the students responded.
They all seemed quite eager to get started, so I strolled around to see what they had written.
What I found left me feeling a bit awkward and even somewhat surprised.
"Please don't make the class longer."
"You give out too much homework."
"The other day you said 'just one more minute,' and we ended up losing 10 minutes."
"They say teachers who assign too much homework will end up in hell."
Hmm... these messages didn't quite match the theme.
"Sorry, everyone. The focus for today is to express gratitude to your teachers and wish them a happy Teacher's Day."
「好的,同學。請在卡片上寫上想對老師說的話。不用寫給我,寫給你們學校的老師,看是數學、體育、音樂老師都可以」我說道 (因為我臉皮薄,不好意思叫學生寫感謝的話給我,所以請他們寫給其他人)