2023-11-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘


    天真靈學聖道院 (Tiān Reality Spirituality Holy Tao Academy)

    先天門 (The Door of Supreme Tiān)

    Taiwan Zhuluo Sanjiepu Huangmai━Mu's Destiny in the Empirical Evidence Category of Tao System Natural Theology Methodology


         In Taiwan's folk religion, the psychology of people with supernatural physiques often has the projection meaning of self-destiny for the Confucian and Taoist concept of destiny, which is a possible concept in the heart of self-attachment to divinity. Such concepts of destiny, Taoist, and rights can be attributed to common gods, natural fetishes, or concepts such as shamans. However, from an academic point of view, Taiwan's destiny theory can be summarized into two categories: First, the theory originates from the concept of "destiny is nature" in the Doctrine of the Mean. Second, it refers to the practice of the destiny of "inheriting the truth".

         The concept of destiny discussed in this article does not refer to the Taiwanese folk belief that the gods will descend from the gods., but to the virtue of being sincere to the doctrine of destiny, which is endowed with the doctrine of destiny by the natural divinity of doctrine to demonstrate the empirical evidence of the proposition science. This article will narrate the evidence from four aspects: 1. The category of metaphysical transcendence in natural deity of Huangmai━Mu's destiny. 2. The Pantheon gods testify to the transcendence destiny of God in natural deity. 3. Muduo Confucianism and the simple garden practice the way of practice. 4. The Wordless Heavenly Book worries about the country and the people, and proves the true way through the spiritual principles of Cause and Effect in the Three Realms. Conclusion: The divine destiny category and empirical evidence of natural divinity methodology.




    Divinity of Huangmai━Mu's Destiny in Taiwan、Trinity Theology of Christ、Chinese Philosophy Classics、Tao System Natural Theology Methodology、Muduo Puyuan's Teachings、Empirical Evidence Category

    Author : email:tdoste23@gmail.com , line:tdoste23 ,Master of Religion、Philosophy Doctor .

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