20 Bites, 18 Stamps! FGS Stamp Collection!One Step at a Time

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I often hear members of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) describe their return to Fo Guang Shan (FGS) in Taiwan as "returning home." However, when I was there in February 2024, it was purely as a tourist exploring FGS. I felt a bit timid, as I wasn't familiar with the surroundings, even though I was born and grew up in Taiwan.

Why did I plan this “two nights, one day plus a few more hours” itinerary to FGS during an 11-day vacation? Honestly, I didn't know either, but deep down, I felt inexplicably convinced that “I should go”!

During my time at FGS, I coincided with the New Year Festival of Light and Peace. The enthusiastic volunteers offered adorable "Cloud Water Chan" puzzle keychain prizes as incentives, encouraging me to seize the opportunity to participate in the exclusive “Cloud Auspicious Stamps” activity for the festival. Armed with a map, I began walking through FGS step by step, aiming to scan QR codes at 18 spots to collect the Cloud Auspicious Stamps.

Walking through FGS! It sounds easy, but do you know how vast Fo Guang Shan is? You can look up the total area online (covering FGS Buddha Museum, Sutra Repository, and FGS Monastery). However, from my own experience, it's a full-day journey back and forth, resulting in blisters on your feet, necessitating leg elevation before sleep to relieve calf soreness, and falling asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow.

The map accompanying me step by step to collect the Auspicious Stamps shows how vast Fo Guang Shan truly is!

The map accompanying me step by step to collect the Auspicious Stamps shows how vast Fo Guang Shan truly is!

The 18 Cloud Auspicious Stamp spots are as follows: 1. Big Buddha Terrace, 2. Avalokitesvara Shrine, 3. Jade Buddha Shrine, 4. Golden Buddha Shrine, 5. Main Hall Galleries 3&4, 6. Two Assemblies Pagoda, 7. Shopping Center, 8. Dharma Gem Square, 9. Tunnel of  Lanterns, 10. Main Lantern Display, 11. Tathagata Building, 12. Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery, 13. Main Shrine, 14. Great Compassion Shrine, 15. Great Practice Shrine, 16. Great Vow Shrine, 17. Great Buddha Land, 18. Great Wisdom Shrine.

At each spot, volunteers warmly eeted me, asking, "Where are you from?" They then guided me to pay respects, make wishes, and provided introductions. The most special encounter was with a venerable at the "Avalokitesvara Shrine". She encouraged me with many kind words and advised me not to miss the "Silk Road Splendor—Dunhuang Cave Art Exhibition". She even wrote my name and the phrase "吉祥Qingxia" (Auspicious greeting in English) along with her Dharma name "Yong Sui" on the brochure of the exhibition to keep. What an enthusiastic venerable!

Ven. Yong Sui inscribes my name and the phrase "吉祥Qingxia" (Auspicious greeting in English) along with her Dharma name "永遂Yong Sui" on the brochure  of the “Silk Road Splendor - Dunhuang Cave Art Exhibition” for me to keep.

Ven. Yong Sui inscribes my name and the phrase "吉祥Qingxia" (Auspicious greeting in English) along with her Dharma name "永遂Yong Sui" on the brochure of the “Silk Road Splendor - Dunhuang Cave Art Exhibition” for me to keep.

In addition to the 18 Cloud Auspicious Stamp spots, I also visited the Patriarch Shrine in the Sutra Repository, albeit embarrassingly, only after being reminded by Ven. Man Ji. She said, "You didn't go? This is serious! The merciful Venerable Master is sitting there waiting for you!" It was my first time seeing the statue of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of FGS, on site, and it was truly majestic. The large plaque with Venerable Master's "An Honest Revelation – An Open Letter by Venerable Master Hsing Yun", with over 5,100 words, hung on a large wall, with every word clearly legible. I couldn't help but stop and read it again, feeling deeply moved by Venerable Master's compassion embedded in the text.

I also browsed through books at the first-floor library corner of the Devotees Building. There were many out-of-print books! I was also drawn to the "Lumbini Garden" because the small grass and flower lamps beside the Buddha statue would light up and sway at night, so adorable! I deliberately took a video, inexplicably fond of it! The Lumbini Garden is truly serene yet full of vitality.

The Lumbini Garden, serene yet full of vitality

The Lumbini Garden, serene yet full of vitality

The answer to the title's "18 Stamps" is revealed, but what about the "20 Bites"? Haha! The "Buddha Light Mosquitoes" targeted me with 20 bites! These mosquitoes were robust and fearless, leaving me with a pale face. While Buddha voluntarily "offered his body to feed the eagle," I was forced to offer mine to feed the mosquitoes. I grumbled and complained, but Venerable Man Ji's words made being bitten by mosquitoes seem somewhat "Buddha-like". She said, "Even blood can foster affinities, it seems your karmic ties run deep!" I replied, "Luckily, I didn't kill a single one, otherwise, who knows what affinities I'd create? Hahaha!"

A memorable and glorious moment! I collect all 18 Cloud Auspicious Stamps, each bearing a stroke of Venerable Master's calligraphy.

A memorable and glorious moment! I collect all 18 Cloud Auspicious Stamps, each bearing a stroke of Venerable Master's calligraphy.

When I finally collected all 18 Cloud Auspicious Stamps, eagerly dragging my exhausted body to exchange for the “Cloud Water Chan” puzzle keychain prize with my "last breath," only to find there were six designs: Buddha, lotus, cloud dragons, peace lantern, little novice, and firecracker cloud dragon to choose from, but only lotus flowers were left, and I wanted the "Buddha"! I grumbled again until Ven. Miaohuang comforted me, saying, "Lotus is good too! It symbolizes a pure heart." I felt satisfied then. Lotus isn't bad at all!

The adorable "Cloud Water Chan" puzzle keychain prize comes in six designs. I have the lotus, but I haven't assembled it yet, ha!

The adorable "Cloud Water Chan" puzzle keychain prize comes in six designs. I have the lotus, but I haven't assembled it yet, ha!

Ven. Miaohuang and Ven. Man Ji are twin sisters, not just in appearance but also in their ability to inspire people! 

Having walked through Fo Guang Shan step by step, I can confidently say next time I go back, "I'm returning home!" 

Looking forward to going home!

 (Photo Contributor: A Wordsmith)

文字小工 的其他內容
Hsi Fang Scratch Lottery! What prize did I scratch out?
Child, what is your name?  Although it's been two years, every time I recall this, it still brings a smile to my face.  I was volunteering at Fo Gua
雖然過了兩年,我每次想起這事情,還是會莞爾一笑。  我在佛光山西來寺當義工,某日吃午餐的時候,義工A聊起她11歲的兒子寫電郵給老師,送出後,朋友A發現兒子沒有在最後屬名,於是跟兒子說:「你要屬名您是誰啊!」  可愛的兒子立刻追加了一封電郵—  老師好!我是剛剛發電郵給您的某某某,我剛剛忘了屬名
Hsi Fang Scratch Lottery! What prize did I scratch out?
Child, what is your name?  Although it's been two years, every time I recall this, it still brings a smile to my face.  I was volunteering at Fo Gua
雖然過了兩年,我每次想起這事情,還是會莞爾一笑。  我在佛光山西來寺當義工,某日吃午餐的時候,義工A聊起她11歲的兒子寫電郵給老師,送出後,朋友A發現兒子沒有在最後屬名,於是跟兒子說:「你要屬名您是誰啊!」  可愛的兒子立刻追加了一封電郵—  老師好!我是剛剛發電郵給您的某某某,我剛剛忘了屬名
Google News 追蹤
  像要出發到義大利前一樣,伍月光也花了數日研究路線和景點,希望能做出賓主盡歡的最佳安排。   台灣小歸小,北到南、西至東,值得一走的地方還不少,避免舟車勞頓,耗損體力,影響遊興,最後還是決定留在北部,往淡水、金山、三芝一帶走。   既有海岸風光,又有群山繚繞,風光明媚;既能大啖海鮮,又能品嘗山產,
上個週末我去了一趟宜蘭,參加由佛光大學舉辦的佛教口譯工作坊。有看到我分享晨跑風景照的讀者,可以想見我這三天的心情:大致可以用 心無旁騖、心曠神怡 八個字概括。 去年11月在臉書上看到這個活動時,心想:「竟然有這種課程,也太酷了吧!」當下二話不說點開報名表,私訊了在口譯界的朋友幫忙寫推薦信,就這樣,
這次過年期間大多時間還是跟往年一樣,在家耍廢,或在雙方親戚家中穿梭來去,沒什麼在外走動。難得,家人臨時興起說要出門,卻不知道要去什麼地方,突然翻到八卦山有月影燈季這個龍年主題燈區以及大佛光雕秀,便驅車前往看看這個許久不見的大佛! 上次前往八卦山已經是二、三十年前的事情了,小時候只記得要爬長長的樓梯
正好踫到高雄客運在上下車,外地的遊客可以坐哈佛快線,由高鐵左營站(也是台鐵的新左營站)往返佛陀紀念館,非常方便。 一般開車民眾到佛陀紀念館多半由停車場進入。
(2024佛光山春節平安燈會開放時間到2024/03/02,還沒有去看過的人可以把握時間。) ~~續上~~ 藏經樓(宗祖殿)參觀。 藏經樓中收藏了星雲大師許多真跡墨寶,都是深具佛理的生活智慧格言與吉祥話。
心情不好或是休假時最適合出去走走了 我買了高雄399月票,搭捷運到左營站,再走一小段路,途中經過全家進去買關東煮跟一顆茶葉蛋(這邊建議大家遇到小七或全家先買好食物,因為佛光山的食物真的HEN~貴~) 走出捷運站你會找到哈佛快線(高鐵左營站開往佛光山的客運),這時候就會有人問你要不要拼車,我這
  像要出發到義大利前一樣,伍月光也花了數日研究路線和景點,希望能做出賓主盡歡的最佳安排。   台灣小歸小,北到南、西至東,值得一走的地方還不少,避免舟車勞頓,耗損體力,影響遊興,最後還是決定留在北部,往淡水、金山、三芝一帶走。   既有海岸風光,又有群山繚繞,風光明媚;既能大啖海鮮,又能品嘗山產,
上個週末我去了一趟宜蘭,參加由佛光大學舉辦的佛教口譯工作坊。有看到我分享晨跑風景照的讀者,可以想見我這三天的心情:大致可以用 心無旁騖、心曠神怡 八個字概括。 去年11月在臉書上看到這個活動時,心想:「竟然有這種課程,也太酷了吧!」當下二話不說點開報名表,私訊了在口譯界的朋友幫忙寫推薦信,就這樣,
這次過年期間大多時間還是跟往年一樣,在家耍廢,或在雙方親戚家中穿梭來去,沒什麼在外走動。難得,家人臨時興起說要出門,卻不知道要去什麼地方,突然翻到八卦山有月影燈季這個龍年主題燈區以及大佛光雕秀,便驅車前往看看這個許久不見的大佛! 上次前往八卦山已經是二、三十年前的事情了,小時候只記得要爬長長的樓梯
正好踫到高雄客運在上下車,外地的遊客可以坐哈佛快線,由高鐵左營站(也是台鐵的新左營站)往返佛陀紀念館,非常方便。 一般開車民眾到佛陀紀念館多半由停車場進入。
(2024佛光山春節平安燈會開放時間到2024/03/02,還沒有去看過的人可以把握時間。) ~~續上~~ 藏經樓(宗祖殿)參觀。 藏經樓中收藏了星雲大師許多真跡墨寶,都是深具佛理的生活智慧格言與吉祥話。
心情不好或是休假時最適合出去走走了 我買了高雄399月票,搭捷運到左營站,再走一小段路,途中經過全家進去買關東煮跟一顆茶葉蛋(這邊建議大家遇到小七或全家先買好食物,因為佛光山的食物真的HEN~貴~) 走出捷運站你會找到哈佛快線(高鐵左營站開往佛光山的客運),這時候就會有人問你要不要拼車,我這