我患流感... 我需要特敏福(Tamiflu)嗎?


(Scroll down for English) 最近我(蕃薯媽媽)發現不少朋友因為流感而不得不取消晚餐約會。雖然上述問題的最終答案由醫生決定(因為這是一種處方藥),但需要考慮某些重點,這些重點可能有助於最大限度地提高您獲得特敏福的機會,或者自己決定您願不願意服用。







感覺不適的48小時內,因為抗病毒藥物只有在這個時間內起作用。也就是說,您必須在 48 小時內開始服用。


根據 CDC的說法(請參閱連結中的表 1),任何年齡的人(包括嬰兒等)都適用,儘管這會根據特定的抗病毒藥物、庫存量以及每個醫生的處方閾值而有所不同。另請參閱抗病毒藥物之間差異的連結。



- 如果您決定不需要病假並且很樂意自行買成藥服用,請查看我的部落格文章《感冒、流感和 COVID-19 非處方治療提示》 Tips for over-the-counter treatment of cold, flu and COVID-19




-          Strep throat infections in Japan…  Should you cancel your holiday?

-       Tips for prevention of cold, flu and COVID-19

-       9 suggestions for holistic treatment of colds for kids & adults

-      Tips for over-the-counter treatment of cold, flu and COVID-19

-      My kid has been coughing for ages...  To give or not to give antibiotics?

I have Influenza... Do I need Tamiflu?

 Recently I have noticed quite a few friends have had to cancel dinners due to the flu.  While the ultimate answer to the above question is decided by a doctor (as this is a prescription-only drug), there are certain points to consider which may help maximize your chances of getting Tamiflu, or alternatively decide for yourself that you’d rather not.


Note from the picture above that Tamiflu is not the only antiviral available to treat flu.  Keep on reading to find out the differences between antivirals..


Is it flu?

In the olden days, a doctor might be the best person to answer this question, but with the advent of rapid tests, it is far better in my opinion, to take one the minute you suspect flu before going to the doctor.  In our family, I tend to test if anyone has a high fever (though we have yet to test positive!  I sometimes wonder whether this is down to insufficient sample….!)


Why test at home before going to the doctor?

If you are going to a private hospital, they will likely test you & do everything for you (although expect to pay a hefty bill for the all-inclusive package).  From what I have seen, it is not standard practice to administer rapid tests at clinics.  It can be requested, but again, additional cost.  It won’t be the same price as doing it yourself.  The best thing is to do it, then tell your doctor the results.


When is the best time to take the test?

Within 48 hours of feeling unwell, because antivirals only work within this period.  i.e., you have to start taking them within the 48-hour window.


Who can take antivirals?

According to CDC (see Table 1 in link), people of any age (including babies etc.), although this will vary depending on the exact antiviral, what is in stock and each doctor’s threshold for prescribing.  Also see link for differences between antivirals.


What does it cost?

From my observations at clinics, around $500.  This is generally not covered by insurance and I doubt it is included in the standard clinic consultation fee & medicine package.  Once, a patient decided it wasn’t worth it when she discovered how much more she had to fork out.  On the other hand, another mother was perfectly happy to fork out extra for her kids.

-          If you decide that you don’t need sick leave and you’re happy to get your own drugs, check out my blog post on Tips for over-the-counter treatment of cold, flu and COVID-19



And finally…

Remember to finish the course of antivirals, even if you are feeling better, to prevent resistance (just like antibiotics!)


Other relevant posts, including flu prevention:

-          Strep throat infections in Japan…  Should you cancel your holiday?

-       Tips for prevention of cold, flu and COVID-19

-       9 suggestions for holistic treatment of colds for kids & adults

-      Tips for over-the-counter treatment of cold, flu and COVID-19

-      My kid has been coughing for ages...  To give or not to give antibiotics?   



An academic medic mother's diary. Scroll down for english! 一舊雲既爸爸, 一個靚靚既媽媽,一隻大,同埋一隻細既蕃薯,仲有一隻叫Crookshanks既傻貓。媽媽係公共衛生專科醫生,又在大學從事過學術研究,有時兩隻蕃薯仔病了就順便研究埋佢地
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