2024-05-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 23 分鐘


    毎日笑顔で、何事にも笑顔で臨むように自分に言い聞かせてください。常に笑顔でなければ、グループに溶け込むことができません。無意識のうちに、作り笑いになっています。本当は笑いたくないのに、(クラスメイトにうっかり怪我をされて)それでも笑ってしまう。笑顔がめんどくさい… 心から出た笑顔はほとんどなく、お世辞や媚びた笑顔がほとんどですが、心の底から笑顔になることを考えてきました。 . 本当に…難しい…疲れた…本当に疲れた…。

    I smile every day for every single thing, and I have to smile all the time! Certainly... I have to smile all the time, but I don't realize that the fake smile on my face has become a "necessity" for me every day. I clearly don't want to smile, and I still have that self-centered smile, but I've been hurt (by a classmate) and I don't care about smiling, it's not related, I hate smiling... Most of the smiles I've seen are genuine, but most are flattering, even though my smile isn't genuine, but I want to smile all the time!!! Really...really...it's hard...I'm sorry...I'm sorry!


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