斯托卡塔防禦學校,這是一個我們許久以前在竹堡還沒成立前,對我們來說相當親切又遙遠的名字,我們在許久以前(大約三年前)剛入坑HEMA時,時常在Stoccata的YouTube頻道看裡面Paul Wagner與Stephen Hand的影片進行HEMA知識的學習。
The Stoccata School of Defence,This is a name that feels both familiar and distant to us from a time long before we established Arme Fortezza di bambù. Back when we first got into HEMA (around three years ago), we often watched videos by Paul Wagner and Stephen Hand on the Stoccata YouTube channel to learn about HEMA.
This year, however, we had the opportunity to meet them!
During King’s Birthday Long Weekend every year, Baden Powell Activity Center will hold consecutive holiday events. This is the largest event in Sydney every year, the Australasian Western Martial Arts Convention!
這是一個自然環境優美的地方!This is a place with beautiful natural environment!
We completed three days of courses and free-scoring championships here. We enjoyed three days of activities full of swordsmanship training and full fencing activities. During each fencing activity, there were safety confirmations from teachers at a higher level. And tell us about suggestions for improvements.
看起來某個人被大師給注視著!It seems someone is being watched by the Master!
斯托卡塔在圈內最厲害的就是籠手劍,而非常幸運的是我們得到了這裡的老師的指導!Stoccat's best thing in the HEMA circle is the skill of the basket-hilt sword, and we are lucky to have the guidance of the teacher here!
我沒想到還有這種好東西!I didn't expect such a good thing!
最棒的莫過於這個大的室內場地!The best part is this big indoor venue!
This time they also invited Coach Louis from BSIS in Brisbane to come and conduct Destreza training courses here. Our seed instructor-Ting once studied at BSIS in Brisbane and was very lucky to be in another city in Australia. Meet old friends.
我們在第二天吃飯的時候與Peter Radvan大師還有Stephen Hand大師結交,這可以說是整趟旅途中最棒的收穫,可以與自己的偶像見面,夫欲何求呢?
We made friends with Masters Peter Radvan and Masters Stephen Hand during dinner the next day. This can be said to be the best reward of the entire trip. You can meet your idols. What more could you want?
Peter大師:這威士忌超讚的! Master Peter: This whiskey is amazing!
This journey allowed us to learn a lot, make friends with many excellent swordsmen, and learn a lot. It also subverted many of the techniques we had known in the past. This was a great journey!
If I have the opportunity in the future, I will participate in this event again, meet our friends again, play Sword happily together, happily chat about the mysteries of swordsmanship again, and maybe share some whiskey!