2024-07-09|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

排隊等領股東紀念品,是展開Small Talk的絕佳機會,誰說台灣缺全英環境練口說?

在OO電子公司廠區門口排隊等候領取股東紀念品的Small Talk

Wilson: "Excuse me, is this your first time collecting OO shareholder gifts?"「不好意思,請問這是你第一次來領取OO的股東紀念品嗎?」

外國人: "Yes, it is! I'm quite excited. I've heard OO gives out some pretty unique items."「是的,第一次!我很興奮。聽說OO會發放一些很特別的紀念品。」

Wilson: "You're right about that. Last year they gave out a beautiful desk calendar with chip designs. It's always a surprise. I'm Wilson, by the way."「你說得沒錯。去年他們送出了一個漂亮的桌曆,上面有晶片設計圖。每年都很令人期待。順便一提,我叫Wilson。」

外國人: "Nice to meet you, Wilson. I'm John from the US. So, you've been a shareholder for a while then?"「很高興認識你,Wilson。我是來自美國的John。看來你已經當了一段時間的股東了?」

Wilson: "Yes, for about five years now. It's been quite a journey. Are you here on business or just for the shareholder meeting?"「是的,大約五年了。這段時間真是經歷了不少。你是為了公事來台灣,還是專程來參加股東會的?」

John: "I'm here for a tech conference, but I made sure to time my visit with the shareholder meeting. OO's impact on the global tech industry is fascinating."「我是來參加一個科技會議的,不過特地安排在股東會的時候來。OO對全球科技產業的影響真的很有趣。」

Wilson: "Absolutely! Speaking of which, have you had a chance to visit the OO Museum? It's a great place to learn about semiconductor history."「確實如此!說到這個,你有機會參觀OO博物館嗎?那裡是了解半導體歷史的好地方。」

John: "No, I haven't. That sounds interesting. Where is it located?"「還沒有。聽起來很有意思。它在哪裡?」

Wilson: "It's in Hsinchu, not far from here. If you have time, it's definitely worth a visit. They even have hands-on exhibits where you can see how chips are made."「就在新竹,離這裡不遠。如果你有時間的話,絕對值得一遊。那裡甚至有互動展示,讓你親眼看到晶片是如何製造的。」

John: "That's great to know! I'll try to fit that into my schedule. By the way, do you work in the tech industry yourself?"「知道這個真好!我會試著安排時間去看看。對了,你自己是在科技業工作嗎?」

Wilson: "I'm actually in finance, but here in Taiwan, it's hard not to be interested in the tech industry. It's such a crucial part of our economy. How about you?"「我其實是在金融業工作,不過在台灣,很難不對科技產業感興趣。這對我們的經濟太重要了。你呢?」

John: "I'm in software development. That's why I'm so intrigued by OO's work. Their chips are at the heart of so much of what we do."「我是做軟體開發的。這就是為什麼我對OO的工作如此著迷。他們的晶片是我們許多工作的核心。」

Wilson: "Fascinating! I'd love to hear more about your work. Maybe we can continue our chat after we get our gifts? I know a great coffee shop nearby."「真有趣!我很想多聽聽你的工作。也許我們領完紀念品後可以繼續聊?我知道附近有一家很棒的咖啡店。」

John: "Sounds great, Wilson. I'd enjoy that. Looks like the line is moving, shall we?"「聽起來不錯,Wilson。我很樂意。看來隊伍開始移動了,我們走吧?」


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