2024-07-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 25 分鐘

[用英語聊連假] 連假做什麼?




  • 待在家 stay at home
  • 睡到自然醒 sleep in
  • 追劇 binge-watch dramas
  • 耍廢 veg out
  • 打線上遊戲 play online games
  • 滑手機 play on my phone
  • 滑臉書 scroll through facebook / instagram / tik tok
  • 看小說 / 漫畫 read novels / comics
  • 玩桌遊 play board game
  • 整理房子 tidy up the house
  • 煮飯 cook
  • 烘焙 bake


  • 跟朋友出去玩 hand out with my friends
  • 外出用餐 dine out
  • 拜訪親戚 visit my relatives or grandparents
  • 去遊樂園 go to the amusement park
  • 去賞櫻花 see the cherry blososms
  • 去野餐 have a picnic
  • 玩密室逃脫 play the escape room
  • 玩劇本殺 murder mystery game / LARP (Live Action Role Play )

[ 實用例句 ]

What do you plan to do during the long weekend? 你連假打算要做什麼呢?

I plan to stay at home and binge-watch Korean dramas. How about you?


I will hang out with my friends. We plan to see the cherry blossoms


What did you do last weekend?

My family and I played board game on Saturday.


I had a picnic with my colleagues last Saturday afternoon.



  • 連假 long weekend
  • 三天連假 a three-day holiday
  • 二二八紀念日 228 Peace Memorial Day
  • 國定假日 National holiday
  • 補班 / 課 make-up workday / school day
  • 人很多 crowded
  • 塞車 traffic jam
  • 困在路上 stuck in the traffic
  • 一整天 all day long / the whole day
  • 好幾個小時 for hours
  • 打算 plan to


What do you plan to do during the long weekend?

I plan to ______________________________________.

Did you have a good time last weekend?

Yes, I ________.

I ______________________ with my __________________.


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