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1.          Each side blamed the other for the collision, which occurred between a Chinese vessel and a Philippine supply ship near the Spratly Islands.


  • 英文用which帶出一個形容詞子句形容collision, 中文的而這個相撞


2.          A Chinese territory that long operated with a high degree of autonomy, Hong Kong has increasingly come under the tighter grip of Beijing.


英文直譯:作為中國領土, 而這個領土是一個長期高度自治的中國領土, 香港越來越受到北京的嚴密控制

  •  英文用that帶出一個形容詞子句形容territory, 中文的而這個領土


3.          They have found a city that is more welcoming than it was before the pandemic,


英文直譯:他們發現這座城市, 而這座城市比疫情發生前更加熱情好客

  •  英文用that帶出一個形容詞子句形容city, 中文的而這座城市

郭小貞的沙龍 的其他內容
之前一直在講的形容詞子句, 就是白話的這個/那個.  變形後可以用名詞 + ing方式, 今天要講的是, ing + 名詞的變形, 俗稱的現在分詞.   1.          Two-thirds of the electricity in China is generated by burn
The European Union announced last week that it was preparing to charge tariffs, which are import taxes, on all electric cars arriving from China. 中文翻
1.          These countries then ship the goods to the United States and European Union, which charge them low tariffs or even no tariffs. 英文直譯:這些國家然
1.          The European Union announced last week that it was preparing to charge tariffs, which are import taxes, on all electric cars arriving from
同上篇, 以下取材自紐約時報   The world’s appetite for its goods is welcomed by China, which is enduring a severe downturn in what had been the economy’s biggest
以下取材自紐約時報: China’s factory exports are powering ahead faster than almost anyone expected, putting jobs around the world in jeopardy and setting off a
之前一直在講的形容詞子句, 就是白話的這個/那個.  變形後可以用名詞 + ing方式, 今天要講的是, ing + 名詞的變形, 俗稱的現在分詞.   1.          Two-thirds of the electricity in China is generated by burn
The European Union announced last week that it was preparing to charge tariffs, which are import taxes, on all electric cars arriving from China. 中文翻
1.          These countries then ship the goods to the United States and European Union, which charge them low tariffs or even no tariffs. 英文直譯:這些國家然
1.          The European Union announced last week that it was preparing to charge tariffs, which are import taxes, on all electric cars arriving from
同上篇, 以下取材自紐約時報   The world’s appetite for its goods is welcomed by China, which is enduring a severe downturn in what had been the economy’s biggest
以下取材自紐約時報: China’s factory exports are powering ahead faster than almost anyone expected, putting jobs around the world in jeopardy and setting off a
Google News 追蹤
【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯 The cooperation between China and Russia in the context of the invasion of Ukraine, specifically before the invasion in full-s
20年前保安警察第7總隊警艇登檢驅離扣留大陸漁船,Deja vu,換成中國海警船驅離扣留我方船隻......
【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯 Attacking and robbing foreign military personnel and assets is considered an act of war, regardless of whether the aggressors
【客機遇亂流】 日前新加坡航空客機遭遇亂流事件,導致1人死亡,104人受傷。 如今再傳卡達航空也遇亂流,釀成人員受傷事件,引發各界關注。
The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea is an authoritative work on the historical changes and sovereignty issues in the South China Sea. I
幾年前到菲律賓跳島時,同船的旅伴們 特別的是我們這船很難得的都是亞洲人,畢竟歐美旅客居多 更難得的是我們這船集結了台灣兩位、中國四位、香港兩位,三地的旅行者,大家溝通順暢也毫無政治對立(只有一位白人男性是中國女孩的丈夫),完全可以同桌吃飯,互相分享食物和旅遊帶來的快樂,現在想起來還是覺得很幸
【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯 The cooperation between China and Russia in the context of the invasion of Ukraine, specifically before the invasion in full-s
20年前保安警察第7總隊警艇登檢驅離扣留大陸漁船,Deja vu,換成中國海警船驅離扣留我方船隻......
【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯 Attacking and robbing foreign military personnel and assets is considered an act of war, regardless of whether the aggressors
【客機遇亂流】 日前新加坡航空客機遭遇亂流事件,導致1人死亡,104人受傷。 如今再傳卡達航空也遇亂流,釀成人員受傷事件,引發各界關注。
The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea is an authoritative work on the historical changes and sovereignty issues in the South China Sea. I
幾年前到菲律賓跳島時,同船的旅伴們 特別的是我們這船很難得的都是亞洲人,畢竟歐美旅客居多 更難得的是我們這船集結了台灣兩位、中國四位、香港兩位,三地的旅行者,大家溝通順暢也毫無政治對立(只有一位白人男性是中國女孩的丈夫),完全可以同桌吃飯,互相分享食物和旅遊帶來的快樂,現在想起來還是覺得很幸