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文法分析 - Position of object pronouns - 6


例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill)

文法來源:Advanced French Grammr (Cambridge)

抽選練習:Give the French equivalent of the following short sentences. Remember that with singular indirect object pronouns, the gender becomes irrelevant. Note that all instances of 'you' are informal tu, unless otherwise noted.

  1. Don't give any to them. (formal)

正確答案:Ne leur en donnez pas.

錯誤示範:Ne la leur ^ donne pas.


  1. imperative mood conjugation
  2. tout - Adjective
  3. pronouns for other expressions of quantity


  1. identify the suffix of the verb (-er/-ir/-re/irregular?): regular -er (donner)

Since the sentence should be expressed in a formal manner, the verb conjugation of donner in this case would follow the subject (vous), that is:

  • vous: present tense conjugation
donner > donnez
  1. Tout could be used as an indefinite expression of quantity and mean 'any' in English.

Par exemple...

à tout moment: at any moment
pour tout renseignement: for any information
  1. For expressions of quantity other than those with de, like the above expression (tout), en would also be used for replacement.
Ne leur en donnez pas.

*Remember: negative imperative ≠ affirmative imperative. There is only a pattern of word order for imperative and the other one for the rest of the tenses (2 in total). Combinations other than that would not exist in French.

word order (with en/y + negation):

negative particle (ne) + object pronoun + en/y + verb + negative particle (pas or other adverbs)
= Ne + leur + en + donnez + pas
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