2024-08-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

Solingen 德國索林根隨機刺殺造成三人死亡




A 26-year-old man turned himself in, claiming to be behind the deadly Solingen knife attack that left three dead and eight wounded at a festival marking the city’s 650th anniversary, German police announced Sunday.

德國警方週日宣佈,一名 26 歲的男子自首,聲稱他是在索林根成立 650 週年慶典上發生持刀襲擊事件的幕後黑手,該襲擊事件造成 3 人死亡、8 人受傷。


The suspect is a Syrian citizen who has applied for asylum in Germany.Prosecutors named the man as Issa Al H, omitting his surname because of Germany's privacy laws. 

嫌疑人是一名在德國申請庇護的敘利亞公民。檢察官將男子命名為Issa Al H,由於德國隱私法,省略了他的姓氏。


German authorities have identified the man who confessed to a mass knife attack as a suspected member of the Islamic State group (IS).

德國當局已確認大規模持刀攻擊的男子為伊斯蘭國組織 (IS) 成員。


Those killed were two men aged 56 and 67, and a 56-year-old woman, officials said. Four of those wounded are still in a serious condition. All of the victims were stabbed in the neck, police said.

官員稱,罹難者包括兩名分別為 56 歲和 67 歲的男性以及一名 56 歲的女性。四名傷者仍處於傷勢嚴重狀態。警方表示,所有受害者的頸部都被刺傷。


Issa Al H is under investigation for murder, attempted murder and "strong suspicions of belonging to a terrorist group abroad", the prosecutor's office said in a statement.

檢察官辦公室在一份聲明中表示, Issa Al H 因謀殺、謀殺未遂和”強烈懷疑屬於國外恐怖組織”而接受調查。


The festival, which was due to have run through Sunday, was canceled as police looked for clues in the cordoned-off square. Instead, residents gathered to mourn the dead and injured, placing flowers and notes near the scene of the attack.


💡參考內容: AP,BBC

📷Photo: Reuters 

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